Hey, nola... If I were to ask you for sex, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question? :twisted:
Lilith take me to your room!
Can you bring your wife too :giggle:
Mal, as you have still got the sexiest bottom on SH, fancy taking me for a ride on your bike sometime so I can hold on tightly as you go round all those bends, gently squeezing the cheeks of that sexy little bottom :twisted:
Suedey can I feel your body :grin:
Can you buy me some massage oils next time you are out ... just in case like ;)
Lets suedie loose with a bottle of masssaage oil...
I'll slide over to you :lol2:
I want snogs and oils, in any order!!!
How would a guy go about joining this party?
Do you fancy crawling over here for a bit? :twisted:
A hard wooden
Oops.... Wrong thread! :doh:
<< now rather dejected. :cry: