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public sector pensions

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This could lead to the end of the pulic sector pension windfalls
Do you think its right that the public sector should come into line with the private sector, or should the tax payer contribute towards the public sectors retirement
Quote by Lizaleanrob
This could lead to the end of the pulic sector pension windfalls
Do you think its right that the public sector should come into line with the private sector, or should the tax payer contribute towards the public sectors retirement

No more gravy train pensions?
Just hope it gets applied to the MPs as well. (wont hold my breath though)
Of course this particular measure will hit the nurses and soldiers dinner ladies and cleaners much harder than the "fat cats" eh?
always does and those brought in to 'advise' get their big money contract and bonuses
And of course HnS, wages in the public sector will now come into line with equivalent roles in the private sector, assuming there is such a thing as an equivalent role in the first place, obviously, even where private sector wages are generally higher.
Won't they? I mean, it's gotta cut both ways, surely? confused
Being naive again, aren't I? :doh: lol ;)
N x x x ;)
Quote by Ben_welshminx
Of course this particular measure will hit the nurses and soldiers dinner ladies and cleaners much harder than the "fat cats" eh?

Oh well dunno
Maybe if my taxes were not waisted on such things I could afford a pension of my own
Blue, at the risk of stating the bleedin' obvious, you seem to have less of a problem with tax-payers subsidising you?
Leaving fuel duties to the appropriate thread, can I ask, as a dairy farmer do you receive any subsidies from the British govt or the EU paid for by British tax-payers not involved in raising cows? dunno
I ask only for information. ;)
N x x x ;)
its long been stated that the public sector pensions were so over subscribed and generous, we just couldn't fulfill the obligation dunno
Quote by neilinleeds
Blue, at the risk of stating the bleedin' obvious, you seem to have less of a problem with tax-payers subsidising you?
Leaving fuel duties to the appropriate thread, can I ask, as a dairy farmer do you receive any subsidies from the British govt or the EU paid for by British tax-payers not involved in raising cows? dunno
I ask only for information. ;)
N x x x ;)

You ask and I shall provide
I am not a farmer, and I live in a small town where I shall not gain from any reduction in fuel duty....
Hope that helps lol
Quote by Bluefish2009
Blue, at the risk of stating the bleedin' obvious, you seem to have less of a problem with tax-payers subsidising you?
Leaving fuel duties to the appropriate thread, can I ask, as a dairy farmer do you receive any subsidies from the British govt or the EU paid for by British tax-payers not involved in raising cows? dunno
I ask only for information. ;)
N x x x ;)

You ask and I shall provide
I am not a farmer, and I live in a small town where I shall not gain from any reduction in fuel duty....
Hope that helps lol
..............goes off to look for a flat footed size 9 image bolt
I do not wish to high jack this thread, but here goes any way lol
There are reasons I champion the countryside, I was born in a very rural community where, during recent research I have managed to trace back my ancestry for over 300 years. Sadly I had to move away from the village, the homes my parents and grandparents lived in were tied with there jobs, sadly those sort of jobs no longer exist. I spent many an happy hour as a child with my grandfather as he was a farrier.
Sadly due to the lack of jobs, affordable house, I, and most of my generation had to move away. One major problem we faced was city folk buying second homes and holiday homes in the area pushed the price of houses through the roof.
But of coarse I still have strong ties the the countryside and its wonderful way of life and traditions. Most of our spare time is spent there.
Woah! GTFOOH! :shock: Blue, I have just read back through 30 odd pages of your posts. Nowhere can I find anything that says you're a farmer? Dunno where I got it from? I may have been misled by a pic of a Massey Ferguson, a preference for cows over badgers, and a general willingness to speak on farmers' behalves? You telling me you're not actually a farmer at all, when all this time you've been letting me call you a farmer, and never once pulled me up on it before now? confused My bad! :doh:
Any road up, my previous post re: taxpayer subsidies to those you're in favour of receiving subsidies versus those you're not still stands. :?
N x x x ;)
p.s. I would like to have met your grandfather. I work in what's left of the steel industry in this country, distributing stuff that's mostly made abroad. The other 'alf rolls her eyes at me cooing over proper black-smithing, but I would like to have that sort of craftmanship available at my fingertips. ;)
Quote by neilinleeds
Woah! GTFOOH! :shock: Blue, I have just read back through 30 odd pages of your posts. Nowhere can I find anything that says you're a farmer? Dunno where I got it from? I may have been misled by a pic of a Massey Ferguson, a preference for cows over badgers, and a general willingness to speak on farmers' behalves? You telling me you're not actually a farmer at all, when all this time you've been letting me call you a farmer, and never once pulled me up on it before now? confused My bad! :doh:
Any road up, my previous post re: taxpayer subsidies to those you're in favour of receiving subsidies versus those you're not still stands. :?
N x x x ;)
p.s. I would like to have met your grandfather. I work in what's left of the steel industry in this country, distributing stuff that's mostly made abroad. The other 'alf rolls her eyes at me cooing over proper black-smithing, but I would like to have that sort of craftmanship available at my fingertips. ;)

i don`t think anyone would argue the likes of soldiers , nurses ,firemen etc etc etc are fully deserving of a decent pension
but its the likes of the fat local government types who all ready overburden the local tax payer with well paid made up jobs for mates and family with added pension misery
for every gravy train fat cat there will be a couple of hundred ordinary working folk shafted by this change.
Thing is...I am all for removing this special pension rate from all new recruits into the public sector. In that way, you know the situation when you join, and have the option to accept or not.
However all the people currently working there, went into the position, with the understanding that their pension would be based on their final salary. This encouraged them to stay, and give stability to the job, instead of going into private sector that maybe, would have paid them more.
Lets remember at one time, a job in the public sector, was seen as stable, and a job for life. Not anymore !!
Looks to me like this lot just want to finish what "MAGGIE" started.
She sold the family silver and now they are selling off everything else.
No more jobs for life, and no more top class pensions and early retirements.
The price we have to pay to be TORY.
Quote by Ben_welshminx
for every gravy train fat cat there will be a couple of hundred ordinary working folk shafted by this change.

shame that ben if only the fat cats had the honour to stand aside aye ben but their greed will get the better of em wink
According to this Questions and Answers article on the BBC website, it will be middle and senior management that will be most affected and the lowest paid, least affected.

If nothing was done, it is forecast that the funding gap between contributions received and paments made would double over the next 4 years to £9 billion a year which would have to be funded by the taxpayer.
Quote by Max777
According to this Questions and Answers article on the BBC website, it will be middle and senior management that will be most affected and the lowest paid, least affected.

If nothing was done, it is forecast that the funding gap between contributions received and paments made would double over the next 4 years to £9 billion a year which would have to be funded by the taxpayer.

Quote by Max777
According to this Questions and Answers article on the BBC website, it will be middle and senior management that will be most affected and the lowest paid, least affected.

If nothing was done, it is forecast that the funding gap between contributions received and paments made would double over the next 4 years to £9 billion a year which would have to be funded by the taxpayer.

that being the case max the poor overburdened tax payer has been saved
and bens fears have been quashed bit of a win win situation really wink
Read the BBC article again, what do you think the statement by the KPMG actuary means?
Me sir Me sir Me ...... does he really mean "we don't want to tell you the truth as this would cost us votes"???
Quote by Ben_welshminx
Read the BBC article again, what do you think the statement by the KPMG actuary means?

yes it does seem that we had a lucky escape by bringing in a new government
god could you imagine the state of affairs if we`d left the other baffons incharge
rather sporting not pointing the finger don`t ya think wink
Staggerlee minimus you will never make the most of your obvious talents whilst you continue with this cynical outlook on life and obsession with a juvenile left wing political dogma. See me in my study after prep for a traditional beating with a toasting fork.
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
Me sir Me sir Me ...... does he really mean "we don't want to tell you the truth as this would cost us votes"???

good to see you finaly grasped politics stagger bolt
Quote by Ben_welshminx
Read the BBC article again, what do you think the statement by the KPMG actuary means?

What do you think it means?
I think its designed to misinform, what I am wonedeirng is the extent to which the strategy has worked.
Quote by Ben_welshminx
I think its designed to misinform, what I am wonedeirng is the extent to which the strategy has worked.

Why? dunno
The statement is a meaningless soundbite. Yet you and other contributors seem to think its justification for this outrageous attack on the pensions of ordinary working folk. SO I wondered what you inferred from it.
well....firstly as I have stated I am all in favour of this, but as of from now on !! Do think its unfair on those already working there, that accepted the jobs in the understanding that pension would be based on leaving salary.
However lets also throw a couple more things into the mix. Yes..there will be a shortfall in pensions being paid in, and those being paid out...because they just about to cut the bloody workforce by over 25% !! Also I wonder how much of the money saved will now be spent on redundancy money and unemployment benifit !!
Secondly when it says middle and top management will suffer more than lower levels. What they actually mean is...they are earning more and so will lose more money. However maybe they have been earning good money and stashed some away for a rainy day, so should actually be able to cope. However the small salaried nurse or beat policeman, will not have earned that much, to have been able to save a great amount. Maybe in actual pound notes their loss may be less.....but maybe their hardship may well be greater !!!