I'm not going to quote you Max, as I totally agree.
The first section you highlighted in my post was not aimed at anyone on here, as no-one has made any comments along those lines BUT that is the sentiments exclaimed by far right groups hence the use of the Royal "WE" as they think they speak for the whole of Britain which is clearly not the case.
The second section you highlighted and replied to is the most important. the open door policy we appear to have got ourselves into with the current problems is not helping and something along the likes of Australia's immigration model would be preferable.
This model has a similar points system that is being rolled out, but dependent on what that country requires in the way of increasing/decreasing its population changes on a year by year basis.
This makes Australia's immigration policy flexible and workable therefore benefiting the whole of the country. This doesn't make it racism as it applies to all migrants.
History has shown us that the "give 'em 5 bob and pack 'em off home" mentality doesn't work.
It was considered in France in 1973, following in the steps of other European Countries, after the (then) oil crisis provoked a recession and unemployment rose as a consequence.
En France, President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing of the centre right political persuasion placed severe restrictions on immigration while in office offering immigrants money to return to their country of origin. The measures were largely ineffective but it was this that gave Jean-Marie Le Pen (The then little regarded French Front National) an unwelcome popularity surge extending over 30 years later to the point of the second stage "run-off" for the Presidency against Jacques Chirac in 2002 following tactical voting to oust Lionel Jospin, the left wing candidate.
He nearly won :shock:
And, of course, we know the history and effect in the UK following Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech.
This is dangerous territory.
Don't wish for something in politics you might later regret!
And before we all forget here is a picture of what makes us British.... ......nothing else just the possession or legal right to bear one of these
I'm an Englishman in France....
But I'm also European, whether I like it not - so why not exploit it?
You can't get a ENGLISH passport so I'm afraid you're British like it or not.....it's nation not tribe that counts in these things
The Passport does not MAKE anyone British. It does IDENTIFY them as such.
What makes them British is birth (usually) or acceptance under Government rules.
And, like others, I identify more with the idea of being English (or historically Viking if you like) but not really British. I could take US citizenship and no longer be a British citizen, but I would always consider myself English regardless of which Government I pay taxes to.
max777, i deeply regret and i am very sorry for giving you the impression that i was patronising you or anyone else. i must also apologise for coming across as superior to you or anyone else, as i certainly am not ! my only mitigation that i ask you to accept in the spirit of cordiality, is that it was and is not my intention.
coming back to my question and because i have no wish to argue about the sources of either of our figures or research. do you think that yours or anyone else's quality of life, material condition, would improve now or in the future if imigration was slowed down, reduced, stopped or reversed ?
oh, i forgot. could someone please tell me which of my theories are "conspiracy" theories ? i would like to know if i am a conspiracist and who i am conspiring with to do what ? dont want to end up in prison like the "shrewsbury two" or "the toll puddle martyrs" or book into the guantanamo hilton and i certainly wont go hiking up ben stack or walk near harrowdown hill, and dallas, never gona go there, just in case.
Quote,quote etc. all religious opinion/belief is as far as I'm concerned dross be it muslim christian or zoroastrian....my point was/is that the muslim media like any other has an agenda and as such should be treated with the same degree of scepticism
max777m i do not THINK i am superior to anyone and i am sorry that you will not accept my apology as sincere but i repeat, it is not my intention to patronise you or anyone else, i do not consider myself to be superior to you or anyone else and i apologise in advance if anything i write is interpreted in that way and have no wish to lecture you or anyone else in economic's on this site. thank you for addressing my question although it was tongue in cheek as your answer was already implicit in your previous threads.
the purpose of this part of the site, hopefully (current affairs) is to stimulate debate, voice opinions and generate interest in what is possibly, the most liberated unprejudiced section of society. long may it continue.