2 different takes on the same story......seems Labour may not have been above a little "social engineering"
Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser
Former Labour adviser denies immigration plot to undermine right
Dead link now sorted!
I always wondered why this Government just let the door open to all and sundry. It seemed as though Blair and Brown were deliberately trying to get rid of Britains culture and it's ways.
I just could not understand why they were so for multiculturalism to the detriment of Brits.
Now I know.
I hope they can be proud of what they have achieved, not just now but in a very bleak future.
It is Blair and Brown to thank for the BNP's rise...period.
AS has been previously stated the British/European birthrate is falling.......we have an ageing population people live longer fewer children are born....when I reach retirement age and as has been suggested elsewhere stop paying tax...I want there to be a tax payer to replace me ....I want to be able to visit a doctor without checking to see if I can afford it....I want my replacement hip if I need it...I want my state pension and heating allowance...I don't care if the tax is payed by someone of Pakistani ,Iranian,African,Polish or Venusian descent.....I care that the means to do all of this are still in place,the birthrate of the indigenous population of this country cannot and will not support it.
See what I mean Max....because you dare to say anything someone does not like or agree with, that old cookie of " racist " or " bigot " gets banded about.
It is just a ploy to try and shut people up.
It may have worked in the past few years but things are a changing, as people are getting tired of the same old tired things.
I think talk of whats happened in the past is neither useful or helpful!! Whta needs to be done is plan and prepare for the future!! I personally think that the Australian system seems to work better than most and a form of it would be the best solution. Regulate who comes in to the country and what they can give to the country in a skills context!!
Maybe its over simplistic but we have to start somewhere!!
regulation of imigration pales into insignificance to the need for banking and finance regulation, the REAL cause of the dramatic fall in living standards in this country, in fact the issue of imigration/asylum seekers is irrelevent and a DIVERSION by the ruling elite and political elite to divide and distract the people from the main causes of unemployment.
i thought i was the last one left. The exact same issue is hihglighted in part of the Ragged Trousered Philanthropist, first published in the 19th Century.
Thanks for that Neil, your well informed well written and pertinent posts are a constant delight.
Oh dear Neil.....whilst your arguements seem valid, I suppose it is what side of the fence you look over..
Now even a Government official said this figure.
Now IF so many people are leaving ( which they may well be )the numbers coming in are much more than those that are leaving.
Seeing Neil as you like a Google, can you tell me how a country with 61 million people in it, can increase to 70 million in so short a space of time please?
That is 9 million more than now, yet people are leaving by the bucket load according to the clips you have linked me too.
Where are all these extras coming from. and if there is this mass exodus ( Government stats no doubt involved )it makes you wonder how many are coming into the UK, against those that are leaving.
Remember 71 million the experts predict!
I have no doubt your figures of people who have left is correct, but could it be possible that 2 million plus have come in? If not how do the figures of 71 million become attainable?
One of the reasons for the increase is the rate at which people die is reducing.