Quote by Staggerlee_BB
But Ken are you happy to have an unelected foreigner deciding government policy ??
Quote by kentswingers777
But Ken are you happy to have an unelected foreigner deciding government policy ??
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
But Ken are you happy to have an unelected foreigner deciding government policy ??
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
I think you'll find union leaders are elected
I think you'll find you haven't answered my question
I think you'll find the key word was unelected
Quote by kentswingers777
I think you'll find union leaders are elected
I think you'll find you haven't answered my question
I think you'll find the key word was unelected
Quote by Bluefish2009
The sun is fooling their selves
They can, lie, cheat, and manipulate, but can they fool us..... only a small percentage of us I would guess
Quote by Bluefish2009
And the papers in support of labour in 1992 would have been doing what at the time?
similar things I suggest
Quote by kentswingers777
No point trying to discuss anything with you, as your judgments are clouded and your mind made up....another Murdoch hater for exactly the same reason as I have already given to another member.
A hater of anyone with any privilege, it is not good to hold such grudges ya know.it can eat away at ya.:idea:
Quote by awayman
No point trying to discuss anything with you, as your judgments are clouded and your mind made up....another Murdoch hater for exactly the same reason as I have already given to another member.
A hater of anyone with any privilege, it is not good to hold such grudges ya know.it can eat away at ya.:idea:
Quote by noladreams
Kent, as far as I can see you are being asked to debate - there is no need to be defensive or aggressive.
People have asked you to respond to the points they have made or answer questions they have asked - that is how a debate happens - there are two sides discussed and acknowledged.
If you persist in spouting your own opinion and forcing your own agenda on people whatever the topic, that is not debate. If however you do what people are asking you to do, and engage with the subject in a meaningful and mature way then I am pretty sure a decent debate would follow.
So don't be childish and debate the issues properly and in a mature way. The fact that you don't want to and have to "take things to PM" suggests to me that you cannot answer their questions or argue your case adequately.![]()
I keep using the debate word though - for reference:
1. To consider something; deliberate.
2. To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.
3. To engage in a formal discussion or argument.
1. To deliberate on; consider.
2. To dispute or argue about.
3. To discuss or argue (a question, for example) formally.
1. A discussion involving opposing points; an argument.
2. Deliberation; consideration: passed the motion with little debate.
3. A formal contest of argumentation in which two opposing teams defend and attack a given proposition.
It involves seeing two sides of an issue and discussing them - if you only see your side or persist in derailing a debate and taking it off topic you'll never win. Ah the joys of having been in the school debating team - I learned very quickly that those who shouted loudest, lost and those who thought they knew it all without considering the other team's point of view or conceding a point now and again also lost.
I wish some folk on here (and not just you, Kent) had also learned that lesson. This forum would genuinely be a much better source of debate then.
Quote by Kaznkev
And the papers in support of labour in 1992 would have been doing what at the time?
similar things I suggest
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
And the papers in support of labour in 1992 would have been doing what at the time?
similar things I suggest
Quote by noladreams
The fact that you don't want to and have to "take things to PM" suggests to me that you cannot answer their questions or argue your case adequately.
Quote by kentswingers777
I have answered the questions and have argued my case more than adequately..
It is obvious that my answers are not good enough, so to stop the bickering I was doing what I have been told to do before, and that is to take it to pm....now that is not acceptable either
It seems I answer one members questions and then get bombarded with questions from the others.
Quote by Bluefish2009
And the papers in support of labour in 1992 would have been doing what at the time?
similar things I suggest
Quote by noladreams
This makes for illuminating reading:
But then it's not just the British press:
I worry about media bias because no, people don't read between the lines.
Quote by noladreams
I don't know.
But it's not just the written word. Consider a story about an increase in criminal activity. It's accompanied by a photo. If it suits the ruling elite and/or the media owner then it may well be that they choose to make the photo one of a black guy looking through bars. Thus it reinforces the stereotype that criminals are more likely to be black. Ditto for single mothers: teenagers in a tracksuit with a mixed race baby in a pushchair.
We are surrounded by media messages. It's not just in print and it's not just the written word. And I spend a lot of my life working with young people to debunk those myths. It's hard bloody work.