I just can't believe it.
Did I hear this correctly?
Rotherham Council Social Workers have removed 3 (black) kids from foster parents because they are members of UKIP (having previously been members of the Labour Party) later telling the parents that they can foster again, but only white kids :shock::shock::shock:
This surely is illegal.
It's surely the closest you can get to apartheid, and in a Labour controlled Council to boot!
Heads must roll.
I'm sorry but sack the fucking lot of them.
If true then it is criminal, perhaps not legally though possibly legally speaking too, and is an example of racism, I would like to think that the issues involving all foster children are
Are they being cared for
Are they being brought up correctly
Are they being fed properly (not underfed not overfed)
Are they being given freedom to develop as individuals
basically too many aspects to list but any caring parent will understand what I mean, what colour they are, what colour the parents are and even parents sexual orientation is merely a factor to be considered but not necessarily a reason why they shouldn't foster/be fostered.
And to elaborate on that, if the children are happy with the colour or sexual orientation of their foster parents then that is all that matters but if it makes a child feel uncomfortable then the childs feelings has to be taken into consideration.
I would like to see the matter investigated properly by people who understand the real priorities when it comes to fostering and being fostered.
Let us hope the investigation reveals what happened. Most importantly let us hope the children find another loving caring home.
Aye, I am sure many more people would volunteer if they didn't fear rejection.
You have to wonder what is the acceptable political outlook that the fostering organisations will accept from potential carers.
But waht about when that changes (according to whatever political party is in power at the time) are children going to be dragged from their homes every time there is an election?
Putting the welfare of the children to one side, and who knows, we may learn that the reasoning was sound, I have other concerns.
How did this matter become public knowledge? Presumably the foster parents went to the press or another agency that did. What would motivate such an action? The welfare of the children? The loss of £2000 a month in maintenance payments? Political capital?
I am mindful that the foster carers would have had the facility to raise any concerns with the council or fostering agency.
Ben, why would it matter so much how this matter came to be placed the public domain?
The fact that it has highlights the need for such bigotry to be aired publically. Brushing uncomfortable things under the carpet is what has recently caused the BBC so much trouble.
the mind boggles to how some get a reply in this forum
shakes head in dis belief
I'm amazed that the lure of £2000 a month is enough to ruin and put ones life on hold for the sake of someone Else's offspring really G
no in fact I'm amazed its been suggested :giveup:
People do foster children just for the money, i know that is true as it happened within my family many times.
Rotherham Social Services do seem to be getting a bit of bad coverage for sensitivity to the best interests of their ethnic minorities. It would seem that this isn't the first case where the anti multicultural press have given them a going over.
Even if they called it right and being a member of the UKIP is a factor in this arrangement, they are openly admitting that they didn't know the foster parents were members of the party when they placed the children in their care, makes me wonder what else they don't know about families they are fostering children too ? if it is a serious factor then they should have made sure they know before the children were handed over.
This is what the left Labour controlled councils have been allowed to produce.
This is the kind of craziness that Tony Bliar was allowed to produce. Councils that banned perfectly good foster parents from fostering because they did not fit in with the Labour controlled social experiment.
Parents denied the right to adopt for being ' too fat ' or ' too old ' or ' they smoke ' and now because of the wrong ethnicity, all about being born in the wrong country etc.
No wonder it takes on average three years to adopt a child and why so many find themselves in the care system. Is this what we want? A kind of two tier system that the council and Social workers control, that leave children alone in a system that they grow up believing cares not about them, but only about the political correctness that Labour cruelly created?
No wonder there are so many damaged kids when they leave the care system.
'Does Rotherham’s child services really think that nobody who questions the exceptionally questionable doctrine of multiculturalism should be allowed to foster?
Perhaps that is the plan; indoctrinate the children young, bring them up in Left-leaning households on a diet of statist ideology so they never question the system that controls their futures.'
Seems the truth is there to see, as the children have been removed. This isd the kind of things that the ' racist shouters ' love to see happen.
Mids we have a situation happening now where it would seem children were taken away from a loving and caring environment, simply on the basis of the foster parents political preferences. A family that met all the criteria laid out by the local council for many years, but it now seems that belonging to UKIP is enough of a political reason, to snatch the children from that loving home.
If a Council and the Social workers it employs, have the power to make such dreadful decisions, then surely we must question those people's own motives? We know what councils are like nowadays having seen many times to be of the kind of political persuasions themselves. Funny though how this madness nearly always seems to come from Labour controlled councils.
And I agreed with you that the situation is desperate, that we need to sort it out and very quickly with people trained to look at each situation individually, having the resouces, facilities and finances to deal with every single case as an individual case, I have no doubt that sometimes a foster parents political views would be a relevent reason for not letting them foster a specific child, but not always, for example, taking a protestant child in Northern Ireland and allowing a staunchly Catholic family to foster them could be a big mistake and be detrimental to the childs well being and even safety in the area that he/she would be expected to live.
Every factor has to be taken into accound and that can only be done with the above mentioed facilities available.
You cannot say that political views are not important in every case but you can decide if they are or not in an individual case, from what I have read, in this instance it does not seem important that the family are members of the UKIP but that will not always be the situation is all I am saying.