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Sarahs law

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All joking aside about the newspaper, this has to be a fantastic idea....yes?
I do not know too much about this new law but if it helps in any way it must be a good thing.
The worry is the ammount of people who are on the register, who were enquired about. Is it really that bad out there?
What are others views on the Sarahs law. Is it tough enough, or should it have even more far reaching things attatched to it?
Will it possibly increase public unrest if they know there is a child molester near to them, or even next door.
I am curious as to how others feels about this as I know there are people on here who work closely with children.
A tough subject I know but it seems a new law that makes a lot of sense....or does it?
I must confess to being a little concerned: nobody could object to the principle, but there have been cases of wrong financial and other data about folk out there and if there was a mistake, or even someone with a similar name an innocent man's life could be completely ruined.
I knew Peter Sutcliffe the racing driver (Ferrari Le Mans best achievment) and look what he has had to suffer without any blame whatsoever, just because he had the misfortune to have the same name as one of the most notorious criminals of all time!
Plim :sad:
The hospitals are emptying as the paediatricians run for the hills.
If you have nothing to hide: You have nothing to fear.
if your name is similar to any notorious criminal; change it.
If your neighbours are so thick that they think that a paediatrician is a : Move. Fast.
Quote by Kaznkev
From what ive read the law seems like a gd idea,but the concerns about it meaning some sex offenders drop out of sight all togeather,as has happened with megans law in the states, have to be addressed
The real problem is the number of inquiries being made by former partners who for some inexplicable reason don't see their ex's new partner in the best possible light. There's a risk it'll just become another way for disgruntled ex's to have a dig at their ex's new partner.
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
A new license for vigilantism splendid

Nowt to do with me.
so how does it work then, as its not clear from the article....can anyone just ring up and say 'Im worried about Mr Suchandsuch next door...his eyes are to close together, he has a monobrow and just looks shifty... is he a '
or do you have to give strong reasons/evidence as to why you are worried?
Is it done by phone or personal police visit, and does the person who is being enquired about get told that someone has enquired about them being a ?
could be quite horrible if you were an innocent person (I wont say man as women can be paedos too) and the police rang one day to say....'oh BTW someone wanted to know if you were a '.....I think you would be very shocked, hurt and suspicious of everyone wondering who could have been the one/s who thought that.
I do think its a good idea, just would like some more knowledge on the mechanics of it if anyone can enlighten me.
Sex God
Quote by kentswingers777

All joking aside about the newspaper, this has to be a fantastic idea....yes?
I do not know too much about this new law but if it helps in any way it must be a good thing.
The worry is the ammount of people who are on the register, who were enquired about. Is it really that bad out there?
What are others views on the Sarahs law. Is it tough enough, or should it have even more far reaching things attatched to it?
Will it possibly increase public unrest if they know there is a child molester near to them, or even next door.
I am curious as to how others feels about this as I know there are people on here who work closely with children.
A tough subject I know but it seems a new law that makes a lot of sense....or does it?

there are some interesting side effects to sarahs law that for example you may not be aware off..... especially in some of the travel industry...
We will no longer be able to help mothers with children... because in effect because everyone in the rail industry will have to be CRB checked... not allowed to hold children in any way, shape or form...... same i am assuming will have to happen to coach and bus drivers.....
in fact... it will actually go further.... any child under the age of 11 will not be allowed to travel on a train on there own, and if they do they can be taken off the train by the british transport police.... we can't now book assistance for any under 16s and they now travel at there own risk....... we will not be allowed to "look after" any children travelling unaccompanied......
It really is a sad state of affairs Fabs for sure.
It is all well and good having a Sarah's law, as that obviously can help others to protect their kids must Mrs Payne be feeling today to find out her childs killer, had pictures of her in his cell?
|uk|dl1|link3|http%3A%2F% %2Fsarah-payne-photos-in-killers-cell%2Farticle%2F 467965798
I cannot for the life of me understand how this filthy person managed to acquire these in the first place? He is in a prison environment and the very child he murdered, the authorities obviously were not monitoring him enough.
Spare a thought today for Mrs Payne and try for one second to think how she must have felt.
This animal really should have saved us all a lot of money, and been put to death when he was found guilty! Human rights only apply to humans, and this animal does not fall into that category!
There is a sweeping statement. :twisted:
Sex God
Quote by kentswingers777
It is all well and good having a Sarah's law, as that obviously can help others to protect their kids must Mrs Payne be feeling today to find out her childs killer, had pictures of her in his cell?
|uk|dl1|link3|http%3A%2F% %2Fsarah-payne-photos-in-killers-cell%2Farticle%2F 467965798
I cannot for the life of me understand how this filthy person managed to acquire these in the first place? He is in a prison environment and the very child he murdered, the authorities obviously were not monitoring him enough.
Spare a thought today for Mrs Payne and try for one second to think how she must have felt.
This animal really should have saved us all a lot of money, and been put to death when he was found guilty! Human rights only apply to humans, and this animal does not fall into that category!
There is a sweeping statement. :twisted:

Well, once again, it just goes to prove - if prison is meant to be a correctional institution - it isn't working.
Quote by Kaznkev
It is all well and good having a Sarah's law, as that obviously can help others to protect their kids must Mrs Payne be feeling today to find out her childs killer, had pictures of her in his cell?
|uk|dl1|link3|http%3A%2F% %2Fsarah-payne-photos-in-killers-cell%2Farticle%2F 467965798
I cannot for the life of me understand how this filthy person managed to acquire these in the first place? He is in a prison environment and the very child he murdered, the authorities obviously were not monitoring him enough.
Spare a thought today for Mrs Payne and try for one second to think how she must have felt.
This animal really should have saved us all a lot of money, and been put to death when he was found guilty! Human rights only apply to humans, and this animal does not fall into that category!
There is a sweeping statement. :twisted:

unfortonatly trial documents are often a commodity in prisons, im sure i dont need to explain why paedophiles would find them attractive,its nothing to do with lack of monitoring
You cannot possibly be serious?
A man that kills a child and then is found to have pictures of that child in his cell, and you say it is not down to monitoring?
Quote by kentswingers777
It is all well and good having a Sarah's law, as that obviously can help others to protect their kids must Mrs Payne be feeling today to find out her childs killer, had pictures of her in his cell?
|uk|dl1|link3|http%3A%2F% %2Fsarah-payne-photos-in-killers-cell%2Farticle%2F 467965798
I cannot for the life of me understand how this filthy person managed to acquire these in the first place? He is in a prison environment and the very child he murdered, the authorities obviously were not monitoring him enough.
Spare a thought today for Mrs Payne and try for one second to think how she must have felt.
This animal really should have saved us all a lot of money, and been put to death when he was found guilty! Human rights only apply to humans, and this animal does not fall into that category!
There is a sweeping statement. :twisted:

Actually they are being monitored,if he wasn't, then these newspaper and magazine clippings wouldn't have been discovered, prisoners are allowed to have newspapers and magazines delivered and Wakefield has over 600 prisoners,now if this man did have his papers censored there is nothing stopping other prisoners from passing stuff on,thats why routine checks are made on cells to look for inappropriate material from specific prisoners like this we take his right away and the right of all other prisoners to have newspapers and magazines,yeah we could but guess what,some con would sue the prison service on the grounds of their human rights being violated and probably win...less expensive just to let them have the papers...besides we wouldn't want the poor newspaper companies losing all that revenue.
To get back to the original theme: Have a , which is commented upon on website.
It is all well and good having this law, but what happens when they are caught?

The chances of this animal ever being released is remote to say the least but....why reduce his sentence?
The ten years less he has to serve is two years longer than the child he killed actaully lived for....she was eight.
For me it is clear cut, life in prison with no chance of parole.
What judge in his right mind reduces the original sentence, when in reality it will make no difference at all?
Imagine how Sarah Payne must now feel....the justice system beggars belief sometimes.
Crikey, you were a bit slow on the uptake with this one Kenty.
As you said, it'll make no difference. He won't even live that long, hopefully.
Quote by kentswingers777
The chances of this animal ever being released is remote to say the least but....why reduce his sentence?
For me it is clear cut, life in prison with no chance of parole.
What judge in his right mind reduces the original sentence, when in reality it will make no difference at all?

Kent, if he was to be sentenced now, he would almost certainly be handed a whole life tariff, with no chance of parole. You're right that in Roy Whiting's case, the lowering of the minimum tariff from 50 to 40 years is a bit of legalistic argument that won't change the fact that he will more than likely die in prison. smile
Thing is, David Blunkett, on the very last day when he could still wield this sort of power, chose to overstep his powers, rode roughshod over the judiciary without following due process, and imposed a minimum tariff before consideration for parole far in excess of the 28 years proposed by the Lord Chief Justice that even at the time was deemed to be draconian, because he was in part motivated by purely political, and purely personal considerations.
The context would be an ongoing dispute over abuse of his powers with the then Lord Chief Justice and the judiciary as a whole about the role of the Home Secretary in the legal process, political pressure to be seen to be 'tough on crime, and the cause of crime' yadda, yadda, ya, and pressure from the tabloids re: Sarah's Law, who were occasionally running front-page stories outing paedophiles. The argument is that Blunkett was personalising a purely legal argument over powers he would lose the very next day in a last-chance-saloon 'ya, boo, sucks. I'm outta here' kinda way. He left the door wide open for the appeal when he did that.
Interestingly, the law firm responsible, Irwin Mitchell, is based in Sheffield. I do wonder if that's in any way relevant at all? confused
N x x x ;)
Quote by Freckledbird
Crikey, you were a bit slow on the uptake with this one Kenty. As you said, it'll make no difference. He won't even live that long, hopefully.

No not really FB I forgot about it.
But I will " try harder ". wink