In light of the current BA strikes currently taking place, is it a good idea for that union ( UNITE ) to be able to " donate " so much money to the current serving Government?
Surely in a dispute such as this, it is not possibly in the Governments financial interests, to intervene too much as they do not want to be seen to upset their paymasters?
I am fully aware that this is usual practice for unions to give to the Labour party, but should this practice be stopped?
No wonder Brown took an age to say anything about this strike, either of a positive or a negative opinion. He no doubt was well aware how much money this union donates to it's parties funds.
The ammount of money is huge and I believe that money paid into a political party, should be capped at a certain level by either individuals or in this case unions.
How can a Government be in an impartial situation in a strike when that very union donates I think 11 million quid to it's party funds? Surely they will not want to be seen to be siding with the employer in case they upset the union and have their funds stopped?
I thought this was supposed to be " New Labour " a party who gained it's election victory on a party that was not in bed with the unions as much as "Old Labour" was? Seems they are as much in bed now as they were 20 years ago.
How can they possibly be open and fair and completely impartial in this dispute?
Have a read, its thoroughly enlightening.
If you follow that line of thinking, should the Conservatives be funded by big business/corporate donors, because wouldn't they then feel obliged to act in the interest of their 'paymasters'?
The problem of impartiality and funding is not partisan.
There was some talk about political parties being State funded. There is a House of Commons Research Paper
It's done elsewhere such as in France
France is a fine Republican State and one the UK can most closely associate with (even though the UK is not a Republic), so why not have State funding?
I suppose the only downside might be the distaste shown by some factions of society in state funding an organisation such as the NF - but then, they would have to play by State rules to get the funding or be regarded as a bona fide political party so there may be benefits there perhaps?
State funding has to be the way forward with this, but to decide how much goes to each party would be the difficult part, the Libdems would love to have an equal amount of funding to the Labour and Conservatives. Maybe proportional to percentage of vote is the answer, but then that means the most successful party of the previous election would always have the most funds for the next.
It's quite simple.
Each party has the same funding.
Irrespective of size.
Strict rules governing use of state funds should apply, and unused money returned to the exchequer.
Leave the system as it is and let the unions ruin labours chance of getting in again.......
What a bit like this ya mean?
Pity Maggie was not around, she would put a stop to greedy manipulating unions.
She tried.
They are now larger than before...many have now amalgamated into large unions from small ones.
You have to bear in mind that ALL the strikes now have to be after a ballot of the membership.
And that the newspapers are not impartial since they themselves are now run by big business.
Perhaps it is time that the 3 major parties were given a budget out of public spending to run election campaigns.
As for general day to day running costs, each member could pay a % of thier income into the party funds, a bit like the mormon church. For that matter most churches are funded by voluntary annonymous contributions, perhaps all parties should be made to only accept annonymous contributions, that way the Unions can give as much as they want to whatever party they want, the Business and private sector can do the same, this way there could be no question of financing a party for personal gain.
Personally I think nothing will change as long as we have party politics, what we need is a few more independants in the government. OK so one man cannot change policy, or can he, in a hung parliment, one independant vote would be valued by all parties, you find that parties will negotiate with independants, they will agree to support a bill offered up by the independant, in return for his support with a bill of thier own, sometimes the independant will be on the side of ruling party other times his/her conscios will have them vote with the other parties.
Independants can vote for and against a bill based on thier own views not party policy forced by the whips to vote for something they are against, very important in situations like fox hunting, the gulf war, the afghan war etc.