Suspects yes
Terrorists no, but if this is their home country there is nowhere to deport them to.
A legal decision has been made ...that is a decision based on our in nothing to do with opinion but more a kind of legal thing you know like the law and stuff
what with the amount of security equipment, monitoring of the internet, general suspicion and paranoia afloat amongst the population; aren't we already a nation of suspected terrorists?
It seems that Pakistan want them on alledged terrorist charges, and I do not know if we have an extradition deal with them?
If we do then we have to send them to Pakistan, if we have not got one with Pakistan, do we then refuse to deport them on Human rights rubbish, as seems the case here?
It seems that they were plotting an outrage in the UK, and IF that is the case then I would send them to Pakistan and let them deal with them on the charges they alledge they both have done.
The trouble is though with cases like this, how much money is it going to cost the British taxpayer to keep tabs on these two men?
Also I presume they will now be on benefits if they are not already?
IF we can send a British guy to the USA to face spying charges against the USA, then I am sure those same rules should apply with extraditing these guys to Pakistan....also gets them out of our face.
To keep people here though who even the court stated were a danger to the UK, does seem like madness. Which is why Cameron has to look at Labours Human rights act, and stop some of the loopholes people are using to either escape punishment, or possible extradition.
I say deport them back to Pakistan where they are unfortunately these two would probably be tortured there so we cannot send them back..
But if you come here to escape so called persecution and then plot to blow us up ,then I for one have no problem with them being tortured as if you cannot live by our rules and hate us so much then why should I protect you and then have to protect myself from you.
Yes I know its not right but just maybe if we did it once then it might stop the next one..
13 posts and no mention of Pinochet? I'm disappointed...
It does need to be remembered that non of the men arrested faced any charges relating to terrorist activity and where re-arrested on release on immigration issues
We were talking about this case at work today.
This is a terrible thing to say, but i'm going to say it.
I hope these 2 men plan and carry out a terrorist bombing, at least then the security services can say "we told you so".