After seeing a comment about attitudes concerning the Olympic Games being held here, and I believe an unforeseen ignorance of a wider picture other than what the press state to be facts I thought I would make a thread.
While money is spend on the Olympic games I believe there are many people not seeing what is happening on grass roots level, meaning local sports clubs and the longer term prospect of the longer term future of such clubs, funding prospects to help on grassroots level where before there have always been closed doors.
There are many people that give up their own time voluntary to sustain and try to expand a lot of community sports clubs for the benefits of local youth and adults alike.
Benefits for sports especially for youth within sport is that it includes all races sexes religions. abilities and ages.
Hospitals are reporting an increase in unhealthy youth, sports help in no matter what sport they choose it offers exerice, helps to teach and adopt healthy eating to.
So you could say what is spent on the Olympics could have a lesser impact on what will be spend on the NHS
If people want to see youth become more disciplined less crime then I have seen sport to be a focus point for these types of changes within their attitude, a lot just need a focus and sport gives a high majority just that, with strict guideline and rules of conduct.
So although some might say the Olympic games is a complete waste of money for the uk tax player think again when you complain about the youth culture of this country and to deny them a focus could escalate a bigger problem. Without some seeing the larger picture beyond the 2012 games, at grassroots level the games are helping a lot of local sports club in securing their future.
Should we have the olympic Games what are your views?
The Olympic Games isn't there to improve grass roots sport. Any improvement is being pushed as a happy side-effect.
I don't think there is really any purpose to having the Olympics - apart from the idea that the Olympics 'should' happen and countries should take it in turns to have it.
If we want the young of this country to have the opportunity and incentive to get involved with sport, having the Olympics here isn't the way to do it. The same money should have gone directly into developing local organisations, local and national competions, training of sports leaders - maybe even a small allowance for them to make it easier to spend their time supporting the young sportsmen/women.
As for the Olympics inspiring the yoof of today - nonsense. Well, yes it does inspire. But what I mean is, there are national and international competitions happening in the UK and around the world on a pretty-well constant basis. But how many of those do we see on TV? Maybe one of each type for a handful of the sports - did anyone see the recent International Judo competition in Singapore? Of course not - it wasn't shown - along with about 99% of the events covering 80% of the sport subjects. If it isn't football it has to be cricket (in certain circumstances) or tennis (but only Wimbledon) of Rugby (sometimes) otherwise you simply won't see it on TV. If kids never see it - why would they get interested in it?
Now, I'm not a sporty person, but I do believe that
a) schools should promote membership of local sports groups on a far wider basis than they curreently do - they could make sports day into a day to try out sports and sighn up instead of 90% of the kids sitting around bored and getting sunstroke while the elite 10% do the limited range of sports available and
b) there should be a positive drive to promote a far more realistic range of sports on UK TV on a daily basis - it's not like we are short of channels ffs.
I think people did more sports and exercise when there were less facilities for spectating. so more participation culture needs to be reinstated.
the olympics will inspire and showcase what we can do. but continuous sports, needs to be local to those wishing to we need facilities which can adapt to changing trends.
who knows, shooting or pole vault may make a massive leap in popularity. we would need to be able to provide for this, to keep people's interest.
Just don't hand the lit torch to any of the youth in the some parts of London...
to be fair......two new swimming pools being built in Birmingham......a new cycle track in Liecester...and i do believe all the rowing is in Nottingham. Yes the actual stadium is in London..and all the athletics will be there, but other parts of the country are involved, and I welcome the chance to host the games. the visitors and the money they bring will be gladly recieved by local business in these difficult times.
I tend to agree that London is the main beneficiary, and if we are thinking only about benefit to our young people the money could have given a hugely better return if spent in other ways
there has to be a central showcase venue. in most countries its usually the capital city. what would happen if we moved wembley to the falklands?
keeping sports local is what people are happy with. smallish sports centres within local areas. usually these are quite busy. so more investments in the deprived areas?
So which will be better for the country, the visit from the pope or the Olympic games, only one way to find out