The thread started with the removal of an honour, then went on to support thatcher hate her with who owns the Falkland Islands (there is no such places as Las Malvinas it does not exist)
So if someone does a bad job then yes strip them of the honours they were given for when they did a good job, an army sergeant who did a crap job would be stripped of his stripes and yes the higher the rank the less likely they are to be stripped of thier rank, they just bury them in retirement (many have heard of former Brigadier Jeremy Moore now Major General but how many can name the other Brigadier present in the Falklands campaign)
The government are saying that if they don't pay such high bonuses and salaries they won't get the best people for the job, got to agree with that but if that person then proves that they are not the best for the job surely the bonuses are void.
As for Thatcher, what a great woman, made mistakes but did a lot for the people of this country.
The Falklands, who cares who got there first, who claims to own it now, why it should belong to whoever, the fact is that every single inhabitant of the Islands wants to be part of Britain, no spannish, french, argentinian or mongolians live there, nor did they live there before the 1982 War, that to me gives us our ownership answer, or do we kick all americans except the red indians out of the USA ?
Fred Goodwin was given a knighthood by the imbecile Brown for "services to banking."
There is no rational reason for anyone who bankrupted a bank and helped greatly to nearly bring down the UK banking system to be able to keep a knighthood for "services to banking".
There are others who were given honours that should also be looked at but if Goodwin is to be the scapegoat then it could not have happened to a more apt person. He still gets to keep his fat pension, massive house and all the money he "made" whilst at RBS, it would be more just if he lost them as I'm sure he cares more about that than some trinket from Her Maj!