So, here in the West Midlands this week those familiar little yellow boxes at the side of the road that takes your picture when your over the speed limit are being switched off.
Supporters say they are there to reduce the risk of accidents by forcing motorists to slow down,
Those against say they are only there so the government can get more money from motorists.
The Police, as far as I am aware have always towed the "it cuts accidents and makes the roads safer" line.
Today they (the Police) are saying we no longer need them and the risks won't be any greater on the roads.
Local authorities say that they are simply to costly to run, using old technology films have to be replaced and developed the cost of upgrading them to digital is simply too much for local authority budgets.
They probably do bring in a decent sized revenue but if those funds are not then redistributed back to the authorities that instigate them then yes the cost to authorities is a one way (outward) system.
The West Midlands Police have doubled the size of their mobile camera fleet to compensate their loss, (from 2 vehicles to 4)
But what do you think folks, good thing, necessary thing, stealth tax or anything else ?
The Speed Evangelists out there will say that if just one life is saved because of a speed camera then they're worth it *shrugs*
For me they're a feckin pain but I think I'd rather a speed camera than these ridiculous speed ramps that seem to be cropping up everywhere, stop/start/crunch jeepers how annoying are they and you tend to speed up inbetween the ramps anyway. One stretch of road about 25 miles from me and where I have to trap to at least once a week has recently had in less than 1 mile 25 ramps put in (I kid you not), it's a bloomin nightmare and totally so not required.
There is no easy cure for speeding, I suspect we all do it ( I know I do and most of the times it's altogether not intentional) and now they're reduced many of the speed limits by 10mph it's even harder to keep to the limit.
How long you think it will be before they roll out nationally those point to point speed cameras where your average speed is calculated over a particular distance and if you're above the limit expect a ticket.
But regardless, they'll soon find another way to grab some revenue for speeding (maybe in car detectors etc)
Cash cows pure and simple to persecute drivers. If they save lives why are they being turned off? Because they are too expensive to run, but we were always told they were only there to prevent accidents and deaths.
yep, it was all poppycock. Another way of taxing you, same with mobile cameras (safety cars) if they really want to slow people then put more traffic cops on the road.
And I am afraid I agree with the placing of speed bumps and rumble strips in accident areas, schools, hospitals etc.
If you have trouble keeping to 20 mph you may need to look at your style of driving.
motorists are being slowed down by all the potholes on the roads anyway.
some of them are killers for motorbike riders even at slow speeds.
The problem with speed cameras is that road safety figures tend to suggest that they work .... oh bugger how inconvenient
They're being turned off because of cost ... see lives don't really count but cash now there's something important
I am all for having speed cameras, i hope those in my county arn't turned off although at the moment that's not likely to happen thank goodness !
I think anything that lowers accidents, injuries and deaths on the roads is good and important to keep
I had a very close family member die follwing a RTA and the trauma and long standing problems that that death caused all family and friends is huge and i would hate anone else having to go though that
I do remember the Serious Collisions Unit police saying that speed cameras are a good way of stopping deaths.
I am proud to admit that i never speed, even before the death in our family i didn'nt speed.
Speed does kill and that is a known fact and seen in my own eyes for many years but the positioning of 95% of fixed speed cameras and mobile cameras are not in accident black spots they are just there to take easy money off motorists.
The unfortunate truth is that speed on it's own doesn't kill. It contributes to the effects of an incident, but dangerous manoeuvring, handling and driving are the root cause of most RTI's.
Speed camera's are in principal a good idea IMHO, however their number increased dramatically a few years ago and most don't appear to be related to so called 'accident blackspots'. I remember hearing people say in the past that they didn't mind paying the fine but that it should go to the Police, not the government. Funny thing was that when the rules were changed to allow the Police to directly benefit from each and every fine the number of cameras expanded rapidly.
If a camera is situated in the right place it can have an effect on road safety, but in the wrong place it is a cash cow and a blot of the reputation of the Police.
Simple cash generators ...
A stretch of road near to me has had camera's on it since the day it opened...
How on earth it can be an accident blackspot without ever having had an accident on it beats me...
If you just happen to accidentally creep over the speed limit ,you are not in control of your vehicle and therefore a hazard to other road users ... if you do it deliberately you are an irresponsible idiot
Yeah, I really don't get the constant whinging about them from motorists. By definition they can only possibly affect you if you break the law by speeding. There's laws against destruction of property and stealing and murdering people too. You know how I avoid getting done for them? I don't destroy property, steal or kill people. Simples. What is so objectionable about that?
Been thinking about this thread again today. Hey, I was bored at work knee-deep in spreadsheets and had exhausted my usual fantasies so for some reason this popped into my head. Go figure!? Anyways, what I was wondering was . . . how many of those who so often vehemently proclaim their opposition to speed cameras on threads like this would be first in the queue to endorse CCTV cameras in our city centres for the prevention / detection of other kinds of criminal offences?
I'm guesstimating it would be a rather large proportion, which strikes me as odd. You know, that motorists seem not to view their own criminal behaviour in quite the same light as they would view the criminal behaviour of others, the risk of causing injury or death being equal in some circumstances depending on the behaviour engaged in.
Just sayin'.
The speed limit is set as the maximum legal speed you can travel along that road. If you exceed the legal speed limit you are driving illegally and therefore having broken the law you are a criminal. It's black and white.
I speed, most of us do at some point or another. We all seem to accept that there will be consequences if we are caught by the Police, but very few people will think of the other consequences, such as killing someone.
Speed cameras might slow people down for a small stretch of road, but they don't stop speeding altogether or prevent dangerous driving.
I've no objection to speed cameras (mobile or fixed) ....
I was nabbed by a mobile camera 15yrs ago and paid my fine and took my points with no quibbles as it was my own fault and I shouldn't have been so careless..
I DO object to them being described as being sited at accident blackspots in order to reduce accidents there when clearly they are not....