Quote by flower411
Anybody else taken in the goings on in the Big Brother house ?
Those two Americans are coming across as complete sociopaths while Rylan looks to be on the verge of a breakdown !!
Entertainment ??
Quote by flower411
Anybody else taken in the goings on in the Big Brother house ?
Those two Americans are coming across as complete sociopaths while Rylan looks to be on the verge of a breakdown !!
Entertainment ??
Quote by Steve
Anybody else taken in the goings on in the Big Brother house ?
Those two Americans are coming across as complete sociopaths while Rylan looks to be on the verge of a breakdown !!
Entertainment ??
Quote by Steve
Anybody else taken in the goings on in the Big Brother house ?
Those two Americans are coming across as complete sociopaths while Rylan looks to be on the verge of a breakdown !!
Entertainment ??
Quote by Lizaleanrob
Anybody else taken in the goings on in the Big Brother house ?
Those two Americans are coming across as complete sociopaths while Rylan looks to be on the verge of a breakdown !!
Entertainment ??
Quote by whiplash
Anybody else taken in the goings on in the Big Brother house ?
Those two Americans are coming across as complete sociopaths while Rylan looks to be on the verge of a breakdown !!
Entertainment ??
Quote by Bluefish2009
No idea who or what Speidi is :?
I used to watch BB when it first started - purely as it was a social experiment which was a great idea at the time - I feel it ran its course many years ago now. Gave up watching it when it hit the 4th year.