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Strike 2

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Quote by neilinleeds
Nice going Steve. And I. Fucking. Made It! Eat that three months! :happy: :smug: :thrilled:

worship Go you!
Quote by Dawnie
Neil I am genuinely impressed you have managed three months passionkiss

I think you've every right to be Dawn based on past performance, eh? lol Stunned might be a better word? ;) Ta! kiss
Quote by noladreams
worship Go you!

Onwards and upwards Nola, onwards and upwards. Just the beginning . . . . smile
Quote by Steve
3 months.....Well done fella

Cheers Steve! :)
Quote by Steve
Next available appointment.......Thursday November 8th

Bollox. Don't be too disheartened mate, though I know only too well how galling it is when you find the motivation to make a positive stride forward only to have the rug pulled from under you with a setback like this. It's hard to sustain things with will power alone cos it soon fades sometimes but mustn't let a simple thing like a delay sap that willpower in the meantime, before you're even able to apply. Keep up the motivation, find something else productive that might help alongside what the doc's gonna be giving you. Easier often to have a number of different streams running in parallel each reinforcing the other IME.
Saw nursey today and got a prescription for Champix which I will collect first thing in the morning...
So.....Here we go again :lol2:
How's things going with you Neil ?
Quote by Steve
Saw nursey today and got a prescription for Champix which I will collect first thing in the morning...
So.....Here we go again :lol2:
How's things going with you Neil ?

non smoker by xmas then fella wink
No further on the smoking front Steve but otherwise good. Insomnia is becoming a bit of a pain in the arse, gone on a bit too long now, may need to get something to help with that to try and reestablish a better pattern. Thought it would have settled down by now, possibly some kind of Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome type thing though given I didn't have an acute withdrawal phase to begin with I'm not sure how much could be said to be PAWS? GP reluctant to prescribe sleepers when I've asked before, may need to press them or drag myself to the addiction unit. Wearing thin now, four hours of sleep a night if I'm lucky forcing myself through work, which is suffering somewhat because of it, then a massive crash at weekends. Otherwise mood is very, very good and generally chuffed to bits with myself! Another little victory passing 100 days last week, four months sober in about a fortnight. smile
Good luck on the Champix. Will watch how you get on with interest Steve.
Quote by Lizaleanrob
Saw nursey today and got a prescription for Champix which I will collect first thing in the morning...
So.....Here we go again :lol2:
How's things going with you Neil ?

non smoker by xmas then fella wink
I certainly bloody hope so :-)
Quote by neilinleeds
No further on the smoking front Steve but otherwise good. Insomnia is becoming a bit of a pain in the arse, gone on a bit too long now, may need to get something to help with that to try and reestablish a better pattern. Thought it would have settled down by now, possibly some kind of Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome type thing though given I didn't have an acute withdrawal phase to begin with I'm not sure how much could be said to be PAWS? GP reluctant to prescribe sleepers when I've asked before, may need to press them or drag myself to the addiction unit. Wearing thin now, four hours of sleep a night if I'm lucky forcing myself through work, which is suffering somewhat because of it, then a massive crash at weekends. Otherwise mood is very, very good and generally chuffed to bits with myself! Another little victory passing 100 days last week, four months sober in about a fortnight. smile
Good luck on the Champix. Will watch how you get on with interest Steve.

I feel where your coming from with regards no sleep...
Being a night worker I found it difficult to get used to sleeping at night while I was off work until almost right at the end..
Now I'm back at work I'm finding it nigh on impossible to sleep in the day rolleyes
If I have managed 3 hours a day this week it's as much as I've done...
Come the weekend I'll just crash which then becomes a waste of a weekend..
Just can't win huh lol
Massive congrats on your progress to date regarding the drink(or should I say lack of)...
I'm well chuffed for ya fella :thumbup:
Four months down today. Woop woop! biggrin
How's everyone else getting on?
Quote by neilinleeds
Four months down today. Woop woop! biggrin

Bang on fella....Well done mate :thumbup:
Quote by neilinleeds
How's everyone else getting on?

Well.....Second week of the Champix....
First week you carry on smoking as usual then set a quit date for the 8th day (start of week 2)
My quit day was Monday 19th November ......Did you see I said wasrolleyes
Monday didn't go well for a variety of reasons...
Tuesday was better with I would say 10-12 cigarettes..
Today......So far I've had 2.....Which I'm taking as a positive step as usually I'd have had at least 10 by now so it all seems to be going in the right direction....
How is everyone getting along??
Quote by anais
How is everyone getting along??

Im off the cigs, using the electronic cig, but not using the 'real' ones and really dont miss them.
How bizarre. I was only thinking about this thread today thinking I'd not seen an update from anyone for a while, thinking it might be due one from me, see how everyone else is getting along.
I'm just dandy Anais, thanks for asking. I'm good as six months sober, barring just one very minor slip that I'm not really even counting all that much Xmas Eve. I'd been stressing so much coming up to Xmas about how I was gonna cope with the big family dinner with fifteen of us all crammed in at my Mam's, the place just awash with booze and everyone else drinking from about 11am and on I just caved and bought beer and vodka to have done with the bloody thing, get it out of the way. That's how an addict's mind works, it's completely fucking irrational. I was craving so bad, what with constantly thinking about it and stressing for weeks and weeks on end I couldn't switch it off, made worse by literally months and months of chronic insomnia getting about three - four hours sleep a night, every night, if I was lucky. Never more than that really, sometimes less. My resistance was gone, my resolve just completely broken, but even so drank less than half of what I'd bought, less than two beers and a double vodka I'd barely had a sip from before throwing it all down the toilet. I didn't even drink enough to feel it really, let alone get drunk.
I'm counting that as a win, despite the slip, because I was able to exert some control. I'd never have been able to dump the stuff a few months back, come what may. I'd have downed the lot and probably gone back out to buy still more. The annoying thing is Xmas dinner was great, didn't bloody bother me at all, stressing about nothing. Was perfectly happy drinking soft drinks and glad I was sober later when everyone else was getting well messy. Oh well.
Anyways, since the twelve days off at Xmas playing catch up my sleeping pattern seems to be returning to some kind of normality at long last, and my mood has just gone through the roof because of that. I keep catching myself, surprised at just how bouncy and smiley I am at the moment. No cravings whatsoever again now too so the resolve is back in full effect, and I'm finally making strides as far as the next stage goes applying myself to things I want to do with the rest of my life that the booze had put on hold. That's where the rewards really start to kick in. Realised there are no rewards as such just from stopping drinking, it's what stopping drinking enables, so that's something else I'm counting as a win at last too. I feel really positive going forward for the first time in years. It's a good feeling. I want more of it. A lot more of it, and I'm going to bloody well make sure that I get it! smile
Quote by anais
How is everyone getting along??

Don't ask :-(
Glad to see your doing waaaaaaay better then I am Neil :thumbup:
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
How is everyone getting along??

Im off the cigs, using the electronic cig, but not using the 'real' ones and really dont miss them.
Well done, that's brilliant kiss
Quote by Steve

How is everyone getting along??

Don't ask
Steve don't give up, I know is difficult and you certainly have to be in a good frame of mind to do it (well, I think so). Many people with addictions take a good 4 to 6 times of trying to give up before succeeding, so don't feel a failure. Look on it as a learning tool about how you cope with things and make relevant changes to suit your needs if you can. Are you still using the E-ciggie? Have you tried the herbal baccie??? I dont mind it and smoked only that for about a month. Then couldn't find anywhere to buy it when I ran out (maybe that is an excuse I use to justify it to myself).
I had cut down drastically last year because I kept getting acute tonsillitis and ending up in hospital. Last time I was in they found a large swelling and couldn't see my tonsils properly. They wanted to see if the swelling went away after treatment so three months later went back for further investigations and number of lumps where found. Just before xmas I had pan-endoscopy and took biopsies. All came back clear - ish! The lumps are benign (seems one in five women have lumps in their neck and throats and don't even know it as they cause no problems and are benign) but the swelling at the back of my throat may turn cancerous at some point in the future. It doesn't seem to be going away confused :?
No treatment for it - just a case of wait and see. Since then I've been so stressed out (my Mum has just been diagnosed with lung cancer and has refused treatment) my smoking is back to where it was...which is probably irritating the swelling even more :? I need to get back into a positive frame of mind to cut back or give up again.
We will get there tho Steve :kiss: :thumbup:
Neil - glad to hear your doing well :kiss: Bugga me! You don't do things by halves do ya? lol Keep it up - its remembering all the positive things that come out of this for you. I feel a more positive about my issues by just reading your post! I need some motivation from somewhere - and before anyone says staying alive is a good one - its not as simple as that. Its all the head stuff that I need to sort out....
As an aside - I was having a gossip to another patient and nurse while in hospital, the patient had mouth cancer and had had surgery to remove the growth. Her face was a mess - it was so swollen you couldn't see her eyes and mouth properly. Anyway - our chat - she was telling me that her consultant had said that there was a rise in mouth cancer (majority women) due to oral sex.... and they say smoking is bad for ya :? :? Strangely - I can quite easily give up oral sex... :lol2: