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Has anybody seen the picture in my avatar before; if so, and you know what is in it, I would ask you not to give the game away, larger image of it in my pictures. Once you see it, you'll never see anything else lol
Anybody else got any or know of any other interesting subliminals?
Is this like one of those magic eye pictures, 'cos I'm crap at those too. confused
larger image of it in my pictures.

Lies. Only picture I found in your profile is of a cock wearing sunglasses and smoking a fag. Did noone ever tell you it's not good for your testicles, smoking, especially not with the fag in question that bloody close to 'em. Cringing at the possible singing. ;) Looks nothing like that picture over <<<there either.
Took me a while to see it, properly head scratching. Once seen cannot be unseen, you're right! How did I miss it before? lol
Quote by neilinleeds
larger image of it in my pictures.

Lies. Only picture I found in your profile is of a cock wearing sunglasses and smoking a fag. Did noone ever tell you it's not good for your testicles, smoking, especially not with the fag in question that bloody close to 'em. Cringing at the possible singing. ;) Looks nothing like that picture over <<<there either.
Took me a while to see it, properly head scratching. Once seen cannot be unseen, you're right! How did I miss it before? lol
Actually Meds profile picture is case in point of this thread I think, as it took my mind a few minutes to work out what it was.
I haven't worked the avatar out, do I need to squint as tried that and it didn't work either.
Quote by flower411
Has anybody seen the picture in my avatar before; if so, and you know what is in it, I would ask you not to give the game away, larger image of it in my pictures. Once you see it, you'll never see anything else lol
Anybody else got any or know of any other interesting subliminals?

Nice to see you`re making yourself comfortable in here :lol:
As you see Flower I seem to be attracted to all waifs and strays in this place. :wink:
Quote by flower411
Has anybody seen the picture in my avatar before; if so, and you know what is in it, I would ask you not to give the game away, larger image of it in my pictures. Once you see it, you'll never see anything else lol
Anybody else got any or know of any other interesting subliminals?

Nice to see you`re making yourself comfortable in here :lol:
As you see Flower I seem to be attracted to all waifs and strays in this place. :wink:
Takes one to know one minx !!
I hate having to say this to you grrrr I can't disagree with you there.
I haven't worked the avatar out, do I need to squint as tried that and it didn't work either.

Nope! lol No squinting or making yourself go all boz-eyed like what you have to do to make a shark appear suddenly out of a repeating pattern, anything like that. It's there in plain view. You'll kick yourself when you spot it, wonder how you missed it? No clues though, I'm not spoiling Medman's fun toying with you! ;)
I'm lost.........
Paddy seeks guidance lol
Yayyyyyyy I have cracked it, I was starting to think there was nothing there.
So true once you see it, you can not, not see it.
Very Good Med. x
Glad you can see it, those of you who can see it that is wink
this is a good picture, full of filthy promise until you find out it's in your mind lol :wink:

And then there's the FedEx arrow, can you spot it? Like the Flowers one, once you see it, you'll never see anything else :lol:

Maybe some more later :wink: :lol:
I suffer from an eye condition called Amblyopia. It means I have no binocular vision. Downsides include having to use relative movemtn for depth perception and never, ever, being able to see anything on a Magic Eye picture.
Upsides include, I will still have depth perception if I lose one of my eyes and being able to spot optical illusions like this in about half a second falt. That is also a downside as it makes it pretty boring.
Quote by foxylady2209
I suffer from an eye condition called Amblyopia. It means I have no binocular vision. Downsides include having to use relative movemtn for depth perception and never, ever, being able to see anything on a Magic Eye picture.
Upsides include, I will still have depth perception if I lose one of my eyes and being able to spot optical illusions like this in about half a second falt. That is also a downside as it makes it pretty boring.

you don't need to see any magic eye images in what has been posted; the one of the flowers is just hidden in plain sight, if you cant see the word that's in there (and there is a word in there) then all you will see is the flowers. When, and if, you see what the word is, then you will instantly see the word first and the flowers second. Your subconsious mind probably sees the word, even though you may not at the moment with your conscious mind. If you squint, it may reduce the colours of the picture and give it as a 'greyscale' tone that may help you to see the word more clearly.
Only just got it lol
I am far too blonde for my own good :bounce:
Yers nystagmus renders the illusion moot too.
Quote by foxylady2209
I suffer from an eye condition called Amblyopia. It means I have no binocular vision. Downsides include having to use relative movemtn for depth perception and never, ever, being able to see anything on a Magic Eye picture.
Upsides include, I will still have depth perception if I lose one of my eyes and being able to spot optical illusions like this in about half a second falt. That is also a downside as it makes it pretty boring.
Not so ' tick Paddy ' I eventually got it haven' visited my local leprechaun seeking guidance.
Quote by medman2000
Glad you can see it, those of you who can see it that is wink
this is a good picture, full of filthy promise until you find out it's in your mind lol :wink:

Whaddya mean, all in my mind? The dude is clearly giving the girl head and she's making no bones about her enjoyment of it, the brazen hussy. On a family beach too. Didn't even take themselves off to the nuddy one for a bit of al fresco fun. rolleyes
And then there's the FedEx arrow, can you spot it? Like the Flowers one, once you see it, you'll never see anything else :lol:

I looked and looked and still couldn't see it, had to Google in the end. Doh! Yeah, it's obvious now? confused
Ah... I see what you mean now - literally! :lol2:
It's like the 2012 Olympic logo. It just looked a bit naff until someone pointed out that it looks like Lisa and Bart Simpson engaged in something immoral/illegal. Now that's all I can see when I look at it! :shock:
OK, now we go from the word that people have seen (hopefully) and show how that word is used in other advertising wink
Interestingly ironic that on a site where people are supposedly looking for sex, that some people find it difficult to see when in their faces lol