Yes, maybe I am looking for something you are not, Max.
After all, I no longer rely on the BBC to obtain my daily intake of newsworthy items which perhaps broadens my scope somewhat on world affairs and I'm less able (or willing) to sample the scaremongering stories from the red-top comics.
But, you have to agree, (which was basically the tenor of my post) the allocation of tickets to the Sovereign Libyan Authorities is somewhat bizarre (no matter who allocated them) when the ordinary man in the street in the UK can't be allocated what he wants for himself or his family (nor even be told in a timely fashion what he has been allocated - just that his Credit card account has been raided) and £millions of tax payers money is being spent on high level security for the protection of some dubious foreign dignitaries (whether or not they may be allowed to travel) when London cabbies are being treated as if every fare is a potential Al-Qaeda suicide bomber and excluded from significant parts of the Metropolis effectively disenfranchising them from the income opportunity for London business HMG and Mayor Barney Rubble keep on wittering about!