Quote by awayman
Davey the two most valid points here are IF the authorities were so bothered, why did it take so long for her to get any visit? Surely IF there had been real concern they would have turned up at her house the same day?
Also she is now going to be kept on file, for years....why? Now they have carried out their investigations and found nothing, why does she have to be kept on file?
That is like having your DNA kept on file when you have been proved to have done nothing wrong, it must surely go against her human rights....now I am using that one like others do.
The baby P case as you well know, is completly different, for reasons we all know about and am not going to go around in circles.
Of course the authorities were right in looking into this case. Of course if you see a parent threatening a child with " what they got earlier " they have to act on that. But the problem that I see is IF they thought there was a genuine threat, why did it take what a month for them to turn up? The child could have been dead by then. Had they of turned up on the day and done their investigations there and then, they would have found no evidence of abuse, other than an irate Mother.
But oh no....they leave it for yonks then turn up, and even when there is no evidence whatsoever, they deem her enough of a risk to put her on their files. I do not think that should be allowed IF nothing was found that put those kids in danger.
If a child is being abused and is reported then for sure act, but not so much later that the child could be dead, and yet they " thought " something was wrong.
I always thought that when someone is reported the Social workers acted straight away? So WHY the delay?
So, the info from the shop incident and the police goes into the system. It throws up that nothing is known. A multi agency risk assessment meeting or similar will have been held. At the multi agency risk assessment meeting the police, the social work team, the school and the NHS people will have compared notes. They'll have come up that there's nothing known, and no cause to put the children on the at risk register. But how to close the file off, and double check the MARA conclusions? Why not send plod round to see them, point out what's been seen and what it can mean, and get a look at the family in the process?
As for record keeping, well, frankly, parents who lack effective ways of managing child behaviour and who have poor temper control are a higher risk factor for abuse. Knowing if there's an emerging pattern requires record keeping.
As a quick question though, why, when the exact time scale is in the the Daily Mail story, do you describe it as 'yonks'? Why do you assume there was a delay?
I presume you actually read the artical?
Most people..well there are some exceptions to every rule, would say that six weeks is a tad too long to go round and check this kind of story. In my world that IS yonks.