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Tariq Aziz

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Have we just replaced one awful regime with another?
There is no sense, rhyme nor reason to hang Tariq Aziz. He was clearly a moderate in the Saddam regime and imposing the death penalty on this man is clearly vexatious in my opinion.
Completely agree with you GNV, especially considering the man is seriously ill.
Quote by GnV
Have we just replaced one awful regime with another?
There is no sense, rhyme nor reason to hang Tariq Aziz. He was clearly a moderate in the Saddam regime and imposing the death penalty on this man is clearly vexatious in my opinion.

I agree 100%
Sick and tired of the whole Iraq thing to be honest GNV....
I care as much about that country as I would do about one of my toenails.
Quote by kentswingers777
Sick and tired of the whole Iraq thing to be honest GNV....
I care as much about that country as I would do about one of my toenails.

They can be a devil if you have an ingrowing one!
Not pleasant at all Blue....

I think that this has less to do with justice, and more to do with politics.
Quote by rangie6969
I think that this has less to do with justice, and more to do with politics.

This is not politics, it's revenge.
The new government are trying to get rid of all traces of the last ruling party. This has happened in the past with defeated dictatorships. Get rid of the party leader and those closely associated with them and then start again.
Is it right or wrong? Their country, their decisions.
Personally I don't think hanging is the best punishment. I would have preferred Sadam to sit in a cell for 20 years and think about his actions, same with this chap.
Quote by GnV
I think that this has less to do with justice, and more to do with politics.

This is not politics, it's revenge.
Capital punishment of any exactly that....Revenge
This person was part of an inner circle, that was responsible for many deaths, and an awful lot of corruption. However I do not, and will never agree with capital punishment.
Quote by deancannock
However I do not, and will never agree with capital punishment.

Until as such time that a criminal affects your life that would also want you to seek revenge??
Never ever say never.
Quote by kentswingers777

However I do not, and will never agree with capital punishment.

Until as such time that a criminal affects your life that would also want you to seek revenge??
Never ever say never.
I will always want justice....never revenge.
Same thing just worded differently.
Ahh, so if ian huntley wasn't caught for say 25 yrs and then he was caught but had cancer, it would be alright to let him go?
The man was involved with saddam at a high level and deserves what he gets.
Revenge? nothing wrong with that.
When does Saddam Hussein have his breakfast?
When Tariq Aziz.
*takes a bow*
tariq aziz is a christian, and an intellectual from the previous regime of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, no contacts or ties with or osama bin liner, no weapons of mass deception and will be executed by the occupation selected and controlled puppets of iraq to bury and maintain his silence on matters that would incriminate bush, wolferwitz, cheney, blair, brown and many other lying bastards, for genocide.
Quote by gulsonroad30664
tariq aziz is a christian, and an intellectual from the previous regime of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, no contacts or ties with or osama bin liner, no weapons of mass deception and will be executed by the occupation selected and controlled puppets of iraq to bury and maintain his silence on matters that would incriminate bush, wolferwitz, cheney, blair, brown and many other lying bastards, for genocide.

Genocide? Are you sure that was the aim of the Coalition?
If you care to answer then don't give this cryptic nonsense please and just explain what you are saying.
Quote by Dave__Notts
tariq aziz is a christian, and an intellectual from the previous regime of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, no contacts or ties with or osama bin liner, no weapons of mass deception and will be executed by the occupation selected and controlled puppets of iraq to bury and maintain his silence on matters that would incriminate bush, wolferwitz, cheney, blair, brown and many other lying bastards, for genocide.

Genocide? Are you sure that was the aim of the Coalition?
If you care to answer then don't give this cryptic nonsense please and just explain what you are saying.
cryptic nonesense ?
dave, with respect, please join up the dots...... weapons of mass destruction.....attack cyprus in 45 mins....terrorist training camps.......killing his own people......regime change.......chemical qaeder.....fostering terrorism.......connected to 9/11.......osama bin laden........afghanistan........war lords........poppy fields......iranians nuclear capability.......connected to.....reliable sources.....we got to invade to free the people....tyrants.....democracy.....uncivilised....they fear our freedoms....killing each other.....treating women badly......
goebbles would have been proud.
the purpose of the invasions and occupations of iraq and afghanistan, the destabilisation of pakistan and threats to iran and yemen are to control and extract the oil, gas and minerals concentrated in that part of the world (eurasia) and prevent the competing economies of china, russia and india from getting their hands on it to maintain anglo-american primacy in the world. in carrying out this foreign policy, millions have been killed and displaced, thousands of soldiers have been slaughtered.
So are you saying there are no terrorist training centres anywhere? No poppy fields? etc
Phew, I can sleep at night then
In the news today, the Iraq President is refusing to sign the death warrant for Tariq Aziz.
Common sense prevails it seems...
Quote by Dave__Notts
The new government are trying to get rid of all traces of the last ruling party. This has happened in the past with defeated dictatorships. Get rid of the party leader and those closely associated with them and then start again.
Is it right or wrong? Their country, their decisions.
Personally I don't think hanging is the best punishment. I would have preferred Sadam to sit in a cell for 20 years and think about his actions, same with this chap.

i will second that one dave but i would have said 40 years