Have we just replaced one awful regime with another?
There is no sense, rhyme nor reason to hang Tariq Aziz. He was clearly a moderate in the Saddam regime and imposing the death penalty on this man is clearly vexatious in my opinion.
Quote by GnV
I think that this has less to do with justice, and more to do with politics.
Quote by gulsonroad30664
tariq aziz is a christian, and an intellectual from the previous regime of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, no contacts or ties with or osama bin liner, no weapons of mass deception and will be executed by the occupation selected and controlled puppets of iraq to bury and maintain his silence on matters that would incriminate bush, wolferwitz, cheney, blair, brown and many other lying bastards, for genocide.
Quote by Dave__Notts
tariq aziz is a christian, and an intellectual from the previous regime of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, no contacts or ties with or osama bin liner, no weapons of mass deception and will be executed by the occupation selected and controlled puppets of iraq to bury and maintain his silence on matters that would incriminate bush, wolferwitz, cheney, blair, brown and many other lying bastards, for genocide.
Quote by Dave__Notts
The new government are trying to get rid of all traces of the last ruling party. This has happened in the past with defeated dictatorships. Get rid of the party leader and those closely associated with them and then start again.
Is it right or wrong? Their country, their decisions.
Personally I don't think hanging is the best punishment. I would have preferred Sadam to sit in a cell for 20 years and think about his actions, same with this chap.