Another bit of proof about what she knew has been released. Dispite all attempts not to release. More to follow !!!
clearly states it all Max....International Business Times..or the Mail article from 2005 !!!...which would you choose to believe !!
Did I say you were talking claptrap...NO...did I say I was laughing, sneering, snorting, at your comments..NO...did I at any time say that what you wrote was not what you really meant...NO.
As stated, as much as I disagree with what you may write, I will always respect your right to state it.
I will promise not to link to the Mail this case the facts are clear and reported widely...maybe you would like to condemn the actions taken.
A couple of flaws in the debate...
Cyril Smith was not made a Peer but was Knighted. That award died with him.
Baroness Thatcher is dead. She cannot be tried for allegations about her alleged complicity nor can she exercise the right, enshrined in English Law since the Magna Carta, to defend herself and her honour - because she is DEAD.
The award of a Knighthood is not solely in the gift of a Prime Minister but a committee who makes recommendations to the Sovereign. It is therefore, IMHO (for what does a pensionable ex-pat old codger like me know) quite improper to blame the venerable Lady when it was not her gift alone and at the time there would have been no supporting evidence (yes, I believe it was still a requirement 30 years ago!) otherwise the Flicks would have prosecuted, wouldn't they?
Give it up dean. You'll be accusing Mother Teresa and the Pope of abuse before too long and calling for a public apology for witches who were drowned by ducking stool.
Calm yourself man. I'm sure your health will improve accordingly. (with all acknowledged rights to Speaker Bercow)
Rogue....Exactly why I didn't use the word Guilty as technically in law they can't be tried ....but I don't hear anyone saying they are innocent !!!
It is interesting to note that the victims of Jimmy Savilles abuse, are suing some of the organisations where the abuse, took place, for compensation. This is due to the fact they say, they knew, of the abuse but turned a blind eye. If they can't find the perpetrator, guilty, even thou everyone knows he is, will they actually win compensation ?
well...what is being that some victims, (mostly at Stoke Mandville hospital where he had his own room) , complained to nurses , who indeed did bring it to the attention of management, who it seems choose to do nothing.... call that neglect or turning a blind eye because of who he was and the money he chose !!
You show me your broomstick and I'll show you mine...
Margaret Thatcher - 13 October 1925 – 8 April 2013
Almost 2years since she died and there was a funeral.
Good icon_ or bad icon_ , depends on your views of her.
As all polls shows...the most unpopular prime minster ever in British politics. So much so that her own party kicked her out, as a liability to the party !!
please bother to read your Wikipedia link again: No where does it show the un-popularirity ratings !!
Mrs thatcher was just before the Falklands war the most unpopular prime minster in history. Once the conflict started her popularity soared..and she indeed won the next election, on that wave of popularity.
She soon then became massively unpopular again, and presided of massive race riots, and then quickly followed by mass rioting in the streets at the introduction of the Poll tax. Her own party, saw her as a liability, and a successful challenge lead by Michael Hesiltine forced her out of office.
Name me another Prime Minister where parties were held upon her death...and even the song The wicked Witch is Dead....made it number 1 in the charts !! ( I would add I did not condone those actions, as I stated at the time ) ..but what it does show is the deep seated dislike in the country for her.
Please note I have not added a condescending * smiling * anywhere...
unlike some others...yes I will always have respect for other peoples views. However I can assure you, and if had read my past comments you would know, that I dislike of Mrs Thatcher comes not from the massive race riots in our streets : not from the massive poll tax riots in our streets : not from the lies she told about Hillisbough : but from the lies she told about pit closures. Documented evidence has now been released showing she indeed had a list of 53 pits she wanted closed !! On that list and was indeed closed was Littleton Colliery in Cannock. This pit was the most productive man for man pit in the whole of Europe !! This decimated a community...a community that will never forget....and yes maybe more personal to me as my brother worked down that pit, as he had done since he was 17...he now found himself on the scrapheap and unable to put food on his families table. He had never taken benefits in his life....but he knew of no other life other than working down the pit. He had no other skills to offer. In is desperation, he took his own life. So no...I will never forget what she did to my family and the community at large.
so no...I can assure you, I don't * smile * when referring to her. about condescending...I don't need your patronising advice on when to low do you want to stoop. I'll post what I want, when I want .. as long as its with in the rules of this forum. the fact it may be not what you agree with makes no difference. The difference here is I have respect for others and their views. Maybe you would like to consider your own stance sometime.