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The Budget

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Quote by noladreams
jobs a goodun
scroungers and bad back brigade are getting a wake up call
farewell to the quangos
and corporation tax to fall
rise in vat is great its only 2.5% and i can still claim it all back on petrol receipts etc

Seconded :thumbup:
*coughs and splutters*
Note to self: Talk to Bloke about what all the cuts in my sector mean for the future of civilisation.
*slaps Nola and tells her to pay attention to detail* ;)
I mean't the specific comments Rob posted - he doesn't mention the Public Sector and the things he mentioned have a direct impact on me as I run my own business .. posted after having sat in the dentist's earlier listening to some bloke who was waiting whine about 'the government' and then have his fillings done FOC when I had to fork out flipa
Quote by croydoncouple38

when the poll tax was around me and my (then) husband paid almost as much as the whole household pays now
when the poll tax was around only my husband was working fulltime, i possibly was working part time, both on a low wage but we were both still having to pay poll tax, we were both billed individually for it rather than the household, it doubled what we were paying in rates before the poll tax was introduced
now there are four working adults in the house and the monthly payments are only slighly more than they were all those years ago and we live in a bigger better house than we did then !
therefore nowadays i and the household are far better off because the payments are only slightly more than the poll tax but they are split between 4 of us smile
i no longer have to rely on my mum and dad helping to pay the bills and feed the kids !
VAT up - ah well igt won;t affect me - since I hardly buy anything that has VAT on it anyway. The problem is - shops WILL put 2.5 % on everything. Because VAT will be going up on fuel.
That means that for things that have VAT on, shops will double the increase - once for the VAT and once for the VAT on the fuel.
I didn't see much else on the budget, apart from in increase in the tax threshold. Does that affect people being paid mofre than the lower limit? If so, it might offset the VAT increase slightly.
As far as I can tell, we are paying for the government's cock ups. Again. I thought we voted them in (each time) to do right by us. Silly me.
Quote by neilinleeds
Firstly the rise in not good for business.

How so?
Firstly, VAT is a discretionary tax.
Secondly, VAT registered business will not pay the extra VAT; they claim it back in their VAT return inputs.
Come on GnV, this is economics 101.
Most businesses who supply the general public are absolutely dependent upon discretionary spending, and their suppliers are dependent upon it in their turn. Given that the bottom line figure on their quotes has just gone up, chances are some of those businesses will see fewer customers exercising their discretionary buying power, unless they reduce margins that are already squeezed still further to offset it.
There are a surprising number of small businesses out there in manufacturing for example, who are not VAT registered, and yet collectively they manage to contribute massively to the turnover of businesses higher up the food chain, and those businesses in their turn support bigger businesses still further up.
Even a small increase in VAT on end-users, or on small manufacturers who can't claim it back and so have to factor the increased cost of the goods and services they pay for into their bottom lines potentially has a massive knock on effect throughout entire industry sectors.
N x x x ;)
Again, not quite right if you'll allow me to explain.
The VAT element is effectively an allowable expense against profits for a non VAT registered trader because the gross buying price - which they net down against the selling price to establish margin (or profit) - includes it. The only difference here is cash flow where the unregistered trader has to wait until completion of the their tax cycle before being able to recover it by reducing their tax bill according to their profitability. If they are not profitable of course, they cannot recover a loss from HMG but in certain circumstances can carry some or all of it to future tax years.
Quote by danne-gary

when the poll tax was around me and my (then) husband paid almost as much as the whole household pays now
when the poll tax was around only my husband was working fulltime, i possibly was working part time, both on a low wage but we were both still having to pay poll tax, we were both billed individually for it rather than the household, it doubled what we were paying in rates before the poll tax was introduced
now there are four working adults in the house and the monthly payments are only slighly more than they were all those years ago and we live in a bigger better house than we did then !
therefore nowadays i and the household are far better off because the payments are only slightly more than the poll tax but they are split between 4 of us smile
i no longer have to rely on my mum and dad helping to pay the bills and feed the kids!
says everything that make`s you feel independent a truly a worthy budget for you in just this i hope :thumbup:
we need a military coup and send all these mp's,council chiefs to hell.
get them digging the ditch, shoot them in the head and get the next lot to cover them over.
he will do .

that will make people fight! we are a bunch of weak kneed nannies that put up with it!.
an increase in taxation, reduces cash in circulation
a reduction in public spending, reduces cash in circulation
a reduction in lending by banks and financial institutions while interest servicing of previously loaned capital, reduces cash in circulation
and that does'nt mean imported goods, energy and foodstuffs will fall in price. their inflationary costs are far more related to the debasement of the currency by quantatative easing, but asset prices will fall. unemployment and bankruptcies will rise and TAX REVENUE will FALL !
there is and was no prospect of a recovery. fragile or otherwise. the public debt was created by the fictitous creation of credit, at interest, lent to governments around the world that cannot ever repay the interest, never mind the principal by international fraudsters who control the international bankster cartel.
by the transfere of their own private debt to public debt (government injecting capital into banks) they have been able to remain solvent and pay themselves obscene bonuses while the muppets, erm, i mean puppets on the gravy train in parliament pass the debt onto us and tell us the future is austerity.
having created a bubble of credit, at interest, causing inflated values of assets that can never be repaid, their only solution is to destroy value by deflation and war.
while we are consumed by debt and are fixated by football, celebrity, x factor, home and away, eastenders, coronation st, friends, best mobile phone, computer games and blaming foreigners and claimants, rome is burning.
if labour had been elected, they would have done exactly the same in that theatre, the palace of westminster.
Quote by Staggerlee_BB
Does that mean I was right earlier ??
no staggers, not if people wake up soon enuf
Quote by BIoke
posted after having sat in the dentist's earlier listening to some bloke who was waiting whine about 'the government' and then have his fillings done FOC when I had to fork out flipa

Should have come and touched me on the arse, I'd have taken care of the fillings for nothing.
Quote by gulsonroad30664
Does that mean I was right earlier ??
no staggers, not if people wake up soon enuf
so I was right.....let the people sleep
For this Budget to work effectively, there will need to be more private sector jobs and the hours for some of them to be pretty flexible. This can only happen if industry can borrow money for legitimate expansion at reasonable rates - we're back to the bankers again. :twisted:
That would be interesting.
Not the banks lending again, but industry being industrious.
Quote by Dave__Notts

It's what happens when you let people get away with saying that kind of stuff about people who're possibly members of this site - they think they can go further and further.
The fact that it's keyboard warrior bollocks is reassuring, but you still wonder at the kind of person who wants to advertise that kind of vileness.
Quote by awayman

It's what happens when you let people get away with saying that kind of stuff about people who're possibly members of this site - they think they can go further and further.
The fact that it's keyboard warrior bollocks is reassuring, but you still wonder at the kind of person who wants to advertise that kind of vileness.
The AUP is quite clear on abuse. If you have been directly abused then please put in a support ticket to admin who will look at it and get back directly to you. Please identify the thread, PM or chat-log where the abuse happened and this will help.
My shock is just that. Shock that someone could want to hurt another human being because of a disagreement over an issue.
Quote by gulsonroad30664
Does that mean I was right earlier ??
no staggers, not if people wake up soon enuf
do we take the "blue pill neo"
and wait for the Neberkenezer to turn up and open our minds :giggle:
Quote by JTS
That would be interesting.
Not the banks lending again, but industry being industrious.

Well perhaps there is some hope. Lots will be laid off and some might start up something new with their severence package - then again most will not!
Plim wink
Quote by Dave__Notts
My shock is just that. Shock that someone could want to hurt another human being because of a disagreement over an issue.

Yeah especially if they do not support Chelsea. wink
Quote by Plimboy
Well perhaps there is some hope. Lots will be laid off and some might start up something new with their severance package - then again most will not!
Plim wink

I remain optipessimistic, and in several minds, about The Recovery :doh:
The financial market is loathe to lend money to buy housing, to the extent that 20% plus is being demanded as a deposit. The extent of this ridiculous attitude is that two people, with a combined income of nearly 35K, cannot get a loan of £110K to purchase a house with a valuation of £150k.
We can safely ignore the recent international scandal of banks purchasing dept with no value and no asset, since they purchased foreign dept to try to sell it and make a killing (instead they (well, we) got killed instead).
Banks in THIS country operating in THIS market lost nothing.
Now they are all gravy-training it.
The economy was grounded by this rampant economic idiocy, and the Recovery will be as well.
The Coalition are all-too-obviously NOT expecting a recovery any time soon and are battening-down the hatches by reducing expenditure as low as is necessary, so that dept can be serviced in a sluggish economy that has little prospect of showing meaningful growth.
VAT should have gone to 25% for consumer goods....nothing can be done for the fuel VAT rate of 5%, although in an ideal world it should have been reduced to zero.
Unfortunately, the pain of recovering from The Crisis is going to be chronic.
Forecast growth of 2.3% is meaningless unless the growth is in a market that generates revenue.
Just my thoughts.
Quote by JTS

Well perhaps there is some hope. Lots will be laid off and some might start up something new with their severance package - then again most will not!
Plim wink

I remain optipessimistic, and in several minds, about The Recovery :doh:
The financial market is loathe to lend money to buy housing, to the extent that 20% plus is being demanded as a deposit. The extent of this ridiculous attitude is that two people, with a combined income of nearly 35K, cannot get a loan of £110K to purchase a house with a valuation of £150k.
We can safely ignore the recent international scandal of banks purchasing dept with no value and no asset, since they purchased foreign dept to try to sell it and make a killing (instead they (well, we) got killed instead).
Banks in THIS country operating in THIS market lost nothing.
Now they are all gravy-training it.
The economy was grounded by this rampant economic idiocy, and the Recovery will be as well.
The Coalition are all-too-obviously NOT expecting a recovery any time soon and are battening-down the hatches by reducing expenditure as low as is necessary, so that dept can be serviced in a sluggish economy that has little prospect of showing meaningful growth.
VAT should have gone to 25% for consumer goods....nothing can be done for the fuel VAT rate of 5%, although in an ideal world it should have been reduced to zero.
Unfortunately, the pain of recovering from The Crisis is going to be chronic.
Forecast growth of 2.3% is meaningless unless the growth is in a market that generates revenue.
Just my , ireland, italy, greece, spain (piigs) and blighty have absolutely no possibility of repaying the fictitous debt that has been imposed upon us by a gigantic international fraud. no amount of austerity imposed upon us can possibly satisfy the greed and control required by the city of london and wall street in servicing their ponzi (financial instruments) scheme.
the amount of credit created, at fractional reserve in some instances of up to 40 to 1 has created a mountain of debt quantified by some analysts quoted in the washington post and wall street journal to be as much as 600 dollars. ten times greater than gdp planet earth.
it is irresolvable this side of deflation many time greater than that of the 1930's and outright asset value destruction mant times greater than that of world war 11.
the only way forward for the continuety of mankind is the total repudiation of debt. it was created by fraud. banks lent money (credit) the did not have, have not got and can never get back, but they and their puppets will kill us all trying to. please, i beg people who can think, wake up.
Quote by gulsonroad30664


snipportugal, ireland, italy, greece, spain (piigs) and blighty have absolutely no possibility of repaying the fictitous debt that has been imposed upon us by a gigantic international fraud. no amount of austerity imposed upon us can possibly satisfy the greed and control required by the city of london and wall street in servicing their ponzi (financial instruments) scheme.
the amount of credit created, at fractional reserve in some instances of up to 40 to 1 has created a mountain of debt quantified by some analysts quoted in the washington post and wall street journal to be as much as 600 dollars. ten times greater than gdp planet earth.
it is irresolvable this side of deflation many time greater than that of the 1930's and outright asset value destruction mant times greater than that of world war 11.
the only way forward for the continuety of mankind is the total repudiation of debt. it was created by fraud. banks lent money (credit) the did not have, have not got and can never get back, but they and their puppets will kill us all trying to.please, i beg people who can think, wake up.
and do what ??? dunno
I've currently got an application running through the bank, for a loan of £165 billion to purchase dept-with-no-asset-backing.
When I've got the cash I intend to pay myself several hundred thousand ($)a year, along with an annual bonus of another several million ($) a year.
I'll invest loads of money in purchasing more valueless dept, and when it all goes tits-up and the scam (sorry, scheme) falls down I'll pay myself a severance entitlement of another several millions (£).
When the .gov comes along with a rescue package I'll agree to leave the company totally for another few million (€).
Then I'll sell my share option.
Which will be worth Zilch, but some fool will buy it hoping to make a killing (£$€)
Quote by JTS
I've currently got an application running through the bank, for a loan of £165 billion to purchase dept-with-no-asset-backing.
When I've got the cash I intend to pay myself several hundred thousand ($)a year, along with an annual bonus of another several million ($) a year.
I'll invest loads of money in purchasing more valueless dept, and when it all goes tits-up and the scam (sorry, scheme) falls down I'll pay myself a severance entitlement of another several millions (£).
When the .gov comes along with a rescue package I'll agree to leave the company totally for another few million (€).
Then I'll sell my share option.
Which will be worth Zilch, but some fool will buy it hoping to make a killing (£$€)

Which dept would that be?
I live in Dept 16 in France, but I don't think it's for sale...
Quote by Lizaleanrob


snipportugal, ireland, italy, greece, spain (piigs) and blighty have absolutely no possibility of repaying the fictitous debt that has been imposed upon us by a gigantic international fraud. no amount of austerity imposed upon us can possibly satisfy the greed and control required by the city of london and wall street in servicing their ponzi (financial instruments) scheme.
the amount of credit created, at fractional reserve in some instances of up to 40 to 1 has created a mountain of debt quantified by some analysts quoted in the washington post and wall street journal to be as much as 600 dollars. ten times greater than gdp planet earth.
it is irresolvable this side of deflation many time greater than that of the 1930's and outright asset value destruction mant times greater than that of world war 11.
the only way forward for the continuety of mankind is the total repudiation of debt. it was created by fraud. banks lent money (credit) the did not have, have not got and can never get back, but they and their puppets will kill us all trying to.please, i beg people who can think, wake up.
and do what ??? dunnonuturing an understanding of the processes taking place is the biggest step towards "and do what ???"
those who misguidedly think the solutions lie with cutting benefits and most public spending in order for the public purse to be able to service a public debt that was transfered to it by private bankers "too big to fails" via government bailouts are sleep walking into the greatest depression in history.
the debt of iceland, ireland, spain, portugal, greece, italy, hungary, latvia and the u.k. as the people of iceland recognised, cannot be repaid. WE NEVER HAD IT SO WHY DO WE HAVE TO PAY IT ? and the knock on is, as those nation states default on their sovereign debt, which they will(the debt taken on by governments and corporations to line their pockets with kick backs and bonuses), so banks who bought their bonds (percieved as assets for balance sheet purposes) knowing full well they could never be repaid, but did'nt care as they were too big to fail and could turn to their respective governments (tax payers) for bailout.
this is a simplification but basically, these international fraudsters have created a pyramid scheme that has collapsed and in order to save themselves (too big to fail), they are going to try to make us (the too small to save) pay to them, a fictitous debt that was created by fraud.
this is not a left, right, red, green, blue or yellow issue because wall street and the city of london own them all. no matter who is selected (word selected chosen carefully) they all do the same.
why do politicians enjoy perks and fiddles and bankers enjoy record bonuses but the rest of us have to experience austerity ? and austerity includes you and me no matter how we think by taking away from some and working harder ourselves can we avoid it.
if you cut spending and benefits in an already fragile economy (media spin) while credit availability is restricted, you will reduce aggregate demand and go headlong into a deflationary spiral and depression. no matter how relatively well off you think you are, this process will bankrupt you.
the solution is the rejection, repudiation, moretorium of the debt, it was created by fraud anyway. let those who made bad bets in the casino's of the city and wall st take the consequences of their fraud and not pass it on to us. the elected politicians have decided to betray us and our well being for their seats on the gravy train and do everything the fat contollers ask of them. recall them and tell them, "reject the debt or we will eject you"
Quote by gulsonroad30664


snipportugal, ireland, italy, greece, spain (piigs) and blighty have absolutely no possibility of repaying the fictitous debt that has been imposed upon us by a gigantic international fraud. no amount of austerity imposed upon us can possibly satisfy the greed and control required by the city of london and wall street in servicing their ponzi (financial instruments) scheme.
the amount of credit created, at fractional reserve in some instances of up to 40 to 1 has created a mountain of debt quantified by some analysts quoted in the washington post and wall street journal to be as much as 600 dollars. ten times greater than gdp planet earth.
it is irresolvable this side of deflation many time greater than that of the 1930's and outright asset value destruction mant times greater than that of world war 11.
the only way forward for the continuety of mankind is the total repudiation of debt. it was created by fraud. banks lent money (credit) the did not have, have not got and can never get back, but they and their puppets will kill us all trying to.please, i beg people who can think, wake up.
and do what ??? dunnonuturing an understanding of the processes taking place is the biggest step towards "and do what ???"
those who misguidedly think the solutions lie with cutting benefits and most public spending in order for the public purse to be able to service a public debt that was transfered to it by private bankers "too big to fails" via government bailouts are sleep walking into the greatest depression in history.
the debt of iceland, ireland, spain, portugal, greece, italy, hungary, latvia and the u.k. as the people of iceland recognised, cannot be repaid. WE NEVER HAD IT SO WHY DO WE HAVE TO PAY IT ? and the knock on is, as those nation states default on their sovereign debt, which they will(the debt taken on by governments and corporations to line their pockets with kick backs and bonuses), so banks who bought their bonds (percieved as assets for balance sheet purposes) knowing full well they could never be repaid, but did'nt care as they were too big to fail and could turn to their respective governments (tax payers) for bailout.
this is a simplification but basically, these international fraudsters have created a pyramid scheme that has collapsed and in order to save themselves (too big to fail), they are going to try to make us (the too small to save) pay to them, a fictitous debt that was created by fraud.
this is not a left, right, red, green, blue or yellow issue because wall street and the city of london own them all. no matter who is selected (word selected chosen carefully) they all do the same.
why do politicians enjoy perks and fiddles and bankers enjoy record bonuses but the rest of us have to experience austerity ? and austerity includes you and me no matter how we think by taking away from some and working harder ourselves can we avoid it.
if you cut spending and benefits in an already fragile economy (media spin) while credit availability is restricted, you will reduce aggregate demand and go headlong into a deflationary spiral and depression. no matter how relatively well off you think you are, this process will bankrupt you.
the solution is the rejection, repudiation, moretorium of the debt, it was created by fraud anyway. let those who made bad bets in the casino's of the city and wall st take the consequences of their fraud and not pass it on to us. the elected politicians have decided to betray us and our well being for their seats on the gravy train and do everything the fat contollers ask of them. recall them and tell them, "reject the debt or we will eject you"
My grasp of economics is very basic at the most.
Are you saying we should just refuse to pay the debt?
Would other countries just seize our assets abroad to pay for it?
i don't pretend to understand it all and i won't pretend i read all of this but i do get this much
we are in a mess and surely the faster we pay off the debt the smaller said debt will be as in less interest overall so a big tighten of all our belts surely isn't a bad thing?
we should be more pissed of than most as we were not of the borrow more than we can pay brigade we do not have a mortgage or credit cards or loans or even an overdraft so we are not part of what caused the problem in the first place with all the willy nilly borrowing that the banks encouraged yet we are still quite happy to buckle up and sit through the bumpy ride whilst the country gets back on an even keel after the labour fuck ups messed it all up
and wat a load of bollux over the vat when it was lowered 2.5% everyone said it was pointless wouldn't even notice a difference but then when it goes up 2.5% all the same peeps start crying over it ffs make ya minds up either 2.5% is a big deal or it isn't ya can't have it both ways
Quote by Dave__Notts


snipportugal, ireland, italy, greece, spain (piigs) and blighty have absolutely no possibility of repaying the fictitous debt that has been imposed upon us by a gigantic international fraud. no amount of austerity imposed upon us can possibly satisfy the greed and control required by the city of london and wall street in servicing their ponzi (financial instruments) scheme.
the amount of credit created, at fractional reserve in some instances of up to 40 to 1 has created a mountain of debt quantified by some analysts quoted in the washington post and wall street journal to be as much as 600 dollars. ten times greater than gdp planet earth.
it is irresolvable this side of deflation many time greater than that of the 1930's and outright asset value destruction mant times greater than that of world war 11.
the only way forward for the continuety of mankind is the total repudiation of debt. it was created by fraud. banks lent money (credit) the did not have, have not got and can never get back, but they and their puppets will kill us all trying to.please, i beg people who can think, wake up.
and do what ??? dunnonuturing an understanding of the processes taking place is the biggest step towards "and do what ???"
those who misguidedly think the solutions lie with cutting benefits and most public spending in order for the public purse to be able to service a public debt that was transfered to it by private bankers "too big to fails" via government bailouts are sleep walking into the greatest depression in history.
the debt of iceland, ireland, spain, portugal, greece, italy, hungary, latvia and the u.k. as the people of iceland recognised, cannot be repaid. WE NEVER HAD IT SO WHY DO WE HAVE TO PAY IT ? and the knock on is, as those nation states default on their sovereign debt, which they will(the debt taken on by governments and corporations to line their pockets with kick backs and bonuses), so banks who bought their bonds (percieved as assets for balance sheet purposes) knowing full well they could never be repaid, but did'nt care as they were too big to fail and could turn to their respective governments (tax payers) for bailout.
this is a simplification but basically, these international fraudsters have created a pyramid scheme that has collapsed and in order to save themselves (too big to fail), they are going to try to make us (the too small to save) pay to them, a fictitous debt that was created by fraud.
this is not a left, right, red, green, blue or yellow issue because wall street and the city of london own them all. no matter who is selected (word selected chosen carefully) they all do the same.
why do politicians enjoy perks and fiddles and bankers enjoy record bonuses but the rest of us have to experience austerity ? and austerity includes you and me no matter how we think by taking away from some and working harder ourselves can we avoid it.
if you cut spending and benefits in an already fragile economy (media spin) while credit availability is restricted, you will reduce aggregate demand and go headlong into a deflationary spiral and depression. no matter how relatively well off you think you are, this process will bankrupt you.
the solution is the rejection, repudiation, moretorium of the debt, it was created by fraud anyway. let those who made bad bets in the casino's of the city and wall st take the consequences of their fraud and not pass it on to us. the elected politicians have decided to betray us and our well being for their seats on the gravy train and do everything the fat contollers ask of them. recall them and tell them, "reject the debt or we will eject you"
My grasp of economics is very basic at the most.
Are you saying we should just refuse to pay the debt?
Would other countries just seize our assets abroad to pay for it?
Dave_Nottswhat other countries ? what countries do we owe to ? what assets abroad "our" do "we" own ? thats us the taxpayer that is being forced to pay the debt to ? must be the same countries that every other country owes it to.
The lowering of vat to 2.5% didn't cost the gov much at all, since many spent a bit more.
Not so the increase that is coming.
The increase will hit those on low incomes a bit harder than those on middle/high incomes. Such is life.
I have thought for some time that working tax credit should be restricted to those on less than 20k household income, fortunately that is highly likely in the coming months.
The price of a barrel of oil has fallen again slightly, but is forecast to be at $
soon, and with the vat going to 20% (which is levied against the fuel price and fuel tax combined) it looks like fuel will rise by between 3-7p/litre. Interestingly, the tax on road fuel is about 300% + !
It's all very well saying that cutting costs will reduce dept, but cutting costs will also cut jobs. Of course, if benefit to those unemployed is also cut, or removed, then the only apparent cost would be loss of tax/saving on pension contribution.
And the costs they are cutting are not only on labour, but on you and the services you have. No new road building, or major repairs/alterations.
I could understand the blind adherence to stopping spending, if I could see a way for that to generate jobs or stimulate the economy. In the long term that may occur, but trends suggest that the manufacturing rot has gone too far to halt without drastic intervention, such as the complete removal of taxation on business. which is obviously not going to happen.
In the short term there seems to be a consensus that unemployment will rise, perhaps by another 300-500 thousand.
While there seem to be a large amount of jobs out there, there seems to be a considerable gap between the employment opportunities offered, and the employment skills of those seeking the work. With spending on training also being drastically cut back.
It seems that not only is the gov cutting cost, but is doing so in a way that seems to indicate that it recognises the recovery is either not going to happen, or is going to be slow, or even that it is going to be slow and then halt.
Either way, the rise in vat will generate little income but may halt the import of goods and slow the difference between imports and exports.
Quote by JTS
I have thought for some time that working tax credit should be restricted to those on less than 20k household
