That, of course, depends upon other factors such as the general level of dept the individual purchaser holds.
If the choice is between a new car and ensuring the roof remains over your head then the new car will be deferred.
Interest rates are likely to rise soon and the rise may be quite steep.
Reduction in government spending, especially on capital projects, will reduce economic activity and lead to higher unemployment (as said) which reduces revenue.
Reducing spending reduces economic activity which, in turn, reduces revenue. Leading to the need for more reduction in spending.
It is getting interesting though. The need to reduce gov spending, plus the need to increase economic activity: two courses with an inevitable collision.
Of course, if the two "horses" were unshackled then their course may be altered slightly to avoid said collision....but the largest spenders are to be allowed to spend and are not to be shackled. So..........<BANG>
cuts in government spending along with an increase in taxation reduces the amount of money in circulation.
banks and other lenders restricting lending while the public pays more tax and services existing loans (interest) reduces the amount of money in circulation.
the aggregate of the above means that as a generalisation but not necessarily in your specific circumstances, you will have less and less at the end of the month until you dont have enough.
this immediate period that we are all facing, will be one of deflation unless, which looks more unlikely by the day, the governments embark on some new stimlus (q.e.)like money printing, inflationary, but this time ensuring that it does'nt go to bank shareholders and big bonuses, but into cash in circulation via infrastucture projects.
this would only temporarily postpone a depression that would be created by hyperinflation.
so i say again. repudiate the debt. it was created by fraud, a ponzi scheme of collaterised debt obligations, credit default swaps, securitised investment vehicles and all manner of fictional crap that has absolutely no value and the baks and politicians know it.