The government and media are starting to talk about the green shoots of economic growth.
Job figures show more people in work, although I'm not sure that overall the figures make good reading especially to those taking these jobs as I suspect most jobs being created are low paid and part time.
From our side the level of work and enquiries in our business is increasing to the extent we are taking on new staff (full time and proper wages).
But are we moving into a boom and bust cycle. The finance sections are itching for interest rates to increase and there is talk on a cap on house price rises (5% which would still far outstrip inflation and wage rises).
interest rate hike scares the crap out of us, we still struggling, although things are not as bad as two years ago.
we still stuck on interest only mortgage and at mo intrest hike would be very bad.
job wise I have just changed jobs and had to take a 2000 pa pay cut.
so for the normal working guy no things not on the up.
We are experiencing an economic correction from the recession. Salaries and lending are going to be less than they were before otherwise we would be in the same position again. It is no comfort to ordinary working people who had stability and comfort when the economy was over inflated to find that overall salaries are now squeezed and they are expected to do more, for less. We are in in a global market and so in competition with other countries who may not have the same costs as here in the UK.
The Gov. has carefully calculated how to make it appear that the economy is on the up, it will continue to improve right until the next election, May 2015, letting the Tory Party claim to have handled the economy well. If they get elected again (hopefully not) then they will clamp back down on wages rises etc.
ok don't worry folks, no offence taken. let me explain and shed somelight.
took new job that has far more prospects than old one. previous job was a dead end.
looking at the bigger picture with new job that if I work hard the outcome will be better than working my nuts off elsewhere for a bunch of mo fo's who treated me like shit.
sometimes there is more to a job than money.
Interesting that Vince Cable is today warning of boom and bust driven by house price inflation and the bankers.
Many people take pay cuts at some point in their lives.
so the co-op bank is o.k. and rbs is on the up. banks did'nt really close in cyprus for 3 weeks and they did'nt really steal depositors money/savings. must be down to goldman-sachs carney from canada, he's put the economy straight in 3 months and king was fibbing.
must be a disconnect of the british economy from the world economic crisis and other world economies and the eurozone (our largest market) are really on the up.
sounds like weapons of mass deception to me otherwise known as bullshit !