Not every person coming to this country contributes more than they take out .... some adults come here to study, some pay for it but others get finacial help from the UK to pay for their studies, if they have children they then get subsidised child care too, they basically pay less than the full price for child care and its the UK that pays the rest, the fincial help they get comes from the same pot of money that all UK residents get help from ... they then go back to their home country ... they havnt contributed anything at all fincially here other than living costs but they have had cheap education and almost free child care .... personally i'm not happy about that as it means there is less money for UK residents to get help with their studies and child care fees !
That maybe the case on some places but not where i work, it is strictly checked on and if they don't turn up for college they dont get funding for themselves or their children.
Bloody hell how scared are this Government~?
73p an hour in wages as opposed to over six quid here. I mean you would have to be an idiot not to come here surely?
I read in the Times yesterday that this so called advertising campaign had been dismissed some time ago.
The right thing to do is to assess family solvency at the time of applying for an NI number, issuing a temporary NI number for say three months and declining support if the family is insolvent.
We in Britain are very complacent and unless you have a real intimate knowledge of the Eastern European mentality you really can't understand their motives. The parents of the recent and next migrants were crushed under a communist system that rewarded no one and gave opportunity to no one. These people have opportunity and as a consequence they are "driven" people looking to maximise their opportunities. Be under no illusions, the majority will.
(Apologies for my absence for a couple of days, I was in Moscow)
"Sorry was there a point to that?"
Yes star, I found it very interesting. Thanks for your take on that minx.
When you visited Peckham star, you weren't visiting Delboy and Rodney by any chance were you?
I think that this debate is done to death. Star is clearly in a minority of one and there is not much point in bashing him into submission - he will just keep making things up and trying to find tenuous links to support his view that Johnny Foreigner is a complete twat.
Star I have never driven, I use public services, I use schools within the borough and surrounds I have used more than one local hospital. You talk about infrastructure now as an argument. These being Public services. Which has no relevance on the vote into euro or not.
I was countering your argument about immigrating and integration as being a reason to not elect to join the Europe.
Blaming immigrates for everything is clearly wrong saying they are the cause for everything and don't intergrate. That isn't my findings is what I am saying from where I live work and went to school based on my living amongst it.
You said early to someone do you live amongst it? I clearly have shown I have and do. You have even said you know where I live. I don't think I have to prove my whereabouts you have already stated I live amongst it.
Hot I am pleased Star stands up and people can see what he stands for. Many keep quiet I wonder how far in the minority he really is.
I would like to hear why others would or wouldn't join Europe I can see why you wouldn't star.