A thread for all things zombie, are you Team Negan or Team Rick?
Lucille, my kinda gurl , straight to the point, ya know where you stand (or lie) with her, no messing and takes zero prisoners...
‘So, back to work’
Anyway, methinks the priest and his ‘shi££ing pants are him being chucked out of whatever container he and Negan are in to create a food fest diversion for the walkers while Negan makes his getaway.
yep, inclined to agree with you that the priest is going to be the sacrificial lamb - although i think mybe they will drag a walker into the container and use the gore as a means of camoflage - then chuck the priest into the fray Gregory would be a better candidate though, would be a shame to lose the priest this early on in the season, but someone deffo has to go
Utter tripe, 4 episodes in and I’m bored, same ol same ol since ep1, machine gun fights, different time zones, no negan since ep1, rick n darryl off on some jolly, carol being carol and an utterly ridiculous scene re the sfx tiger.
If it doesn’t improve next week i’m going back to Vikings (currently at Season 3 Ep1 or Bates Motel (Season 1 ep 5) or or .... well anything just anything that stops the boredom setting in from TWD
Quote by limousinguy2012
Turned out to be a bit of a let down in the end.
yup indeedy. Im not going to bother watching it tonight, will do on catchup when i have a break from studying, the whole series is a let down so far With the majority of the other seasons i was riveted to the screen, unable to move, and discussing it with H (we watched together when he had meningitis and was still off school) ; whereas now i wander off to make a cuppa, its just not holding my attention
i'm quite enjoying it meself..i know where the story's going, so happy to sit out the drama.. my only problem is with the "up up's".. so cheesey and totally unnecessary.. who ever decided that people would lose the ability to use long sentences after about 4 years of a zombie apocalypse is beyond me but hey. it's fantasy!.. and i did chuckle at her doing naked cat sculptures.. so all's not that bad...still lamenting the death of shiva tho! pfffft... shoulda been the king!