I hate to tell you this, ladies, but we used up all the parchutes during the LAST hijacking!! :twisted:
NO! Don't mention the bloody airbags for goodness sake - we only just escaped the return of Madame Airbags during the time that this thread was first hijacked....!
Strewth, Calista - that was too bloody close! Please don't do that again!
...Look - there's a button here marked "Please do not press this button"...
..... turns and runs .... Gryphon ...... GRYPHON ....... our only chance is Neil's truncheon ..
LMAOOOOOOOOO Alex how could you??????????? :twisted:
You can take your chances with Neil's truncheon if you wish luvvie - I'm going for the ham sandwich shurikens!
I'm a gonna pop me some airbags!!! :twisted:
Warwick, warwick and warwick, Davej, Easy and Nellie at their finest!