Quote by flower411
Seems there's a name and a cure !!
haha brilliant!
Quote by starlightcouple
Can I ask you though, why do you use the middle lane, why not the outside lane if that is empty and the middle lane has a bit of traffic in it ? why only hogg the middle lane ?I mean nobody should want to overtake you there if your doing 70mph should they !
Quote by MidsCouple24
OK, now can I ask you how you feel when your doing 70mph in the middle lane with a clear inside lane (for half a mile or less or more) and you catch up with another moron, sorry I mean middle lane hogger who is doing 60mph, the outside lane is busy and overtaking the hogger is difficult, do you sit patiently at a safe distance behind them thinking, it's cool they are doing nothing wrong, or do you think "dickhead shift" (write what you want here but answer yourself in your own mind honestly please)
Quote by flower
It's interesting that somebody who admits to breaking the law and boasts about his intention to continue breaking the law is allowed to hurl insults at people who don't.
Quote by Max777
I am a patient driver, unless on the motorway behind a middle lane hogger then I just sit behind them flashing my lights and sounding my horn until they move over
Quote by MidsCouple24
On speeding I understand the law, I understand why we have it, but it does work both ways for me, I drive for the speed of the road at the time, I dont speed often, I try not to speed but at 2am on a dual carriageway speeding is less dangerous than driving past a school at 3pm with the kids coming out at the legal 30mph. Some people though believe they are above the law and break it simply because they want to
Quote by flower411
It's interesting that somebody who admits to breaking the law and boasts about his intention to continue breaking the law is allowed to hurl insults at people who don't.
Quote by flower411
I use the lanes on motorways as they are intended and as the law states they should be used. I don't find it difficult or complicated, it's just a safe and aware way of driving and causes little problem to myself or other road users .
Quote by MidsCouple24
and other factors INCLUDING hogging the middle lane at any speed in any conditions and people who think the law doesnt apply to them because they know better
Quote by MidsCouple24
I am a patient driver, unless on the motorway behind a middle lane hogger then I just sit behind them flashing my lights and sounding my horn until they move over
Quote by MidsCouple24
On speeding I understand the law, I understand why we have it, but it does work both ways for me, I drive for the speed of the road at the time, I dont speed often, I try not to speed but at 2am on a dual carriageway speeding is less dangerous than driving past a school at 3pm with the kids coming out at the legal 30mph. Some people though believe they are above the law and break it simply because they want to
Quote by Max777
Also including idiots who think it's acceptable to drive at 30 mph above the speed limit and by morons driving aggressively trying to force other motorists to move over rather than just overtake as any sensible driver would.
Quote by flower411
And yet again you post a link that you either haven't watched or have failed to understand.
The instructor explained clearly each time why he advised the pupil to stay in the second lane. The fact that he gave reasons for not pulling over to the inside lane and that they were clearly overtaking lorries most of the time just proves the the point !
Quote by MidsCouple24
Your a lazy, selfish, insecure driver and that is an end to it but at least I know taht sooner or later you will be paying the penalty for that
Quote by MidsCouple24
I broke the law and accepted the consequences with an appology not a moan, accepting that the penalty was justified and belieiving I "got off lightly"
Quote by MidsCouple24
On speeding I understand the law, I understand why we have it, but it does work both ways for me, I drive for the speed of the road at the time, I dont speed often,
Quote by MidsCouple24
To answer the person who asks why I will not simply overtake a car hogging in the middle lane, that is not always possible, if the nearside lane is empty and I catch up with a vehicle using the middle lane doing let's say 50mph I have to move to the middle lane to overtake them, to move to the outside lane which may be busy is not so easy, so yes I sound my horn, flash my lights and let the idiot in the middle lane with no reason not to move to the nearside lane that I would like them to do so, some ignore you but not for long, they start to get embarrassed at the attention your bringing to them. after all they are insecure drivers so are easily unerved and you don't even have to get close to them.
Quote by MidsCouple24
To answer the person who asks why I will not simply overtake a car hogging in the middle lane, that is not always possible, if the nearside lane is empty and I catch up with a vehicle using the middle lane doing let's say 50mph I have to move to the middle lane to overtake them, to move to the outside lane which may be busy is not so easy, so yes I sound my horn, flash my lights and let the idiot in the middle lane with no reason not to move to the nearside lane that I would like them to do so, some ignore you but not for long, they start to get embarrassed at the attention your bringing to them. after all they are insecure drivers so are easily unerved and you don't even have to get close to them.
Quote by Too Hot
The reason that you are wrong Star is that speedometers can be up to 10% out and the Police allow for this. This is why there are little to no speeding convictions below 80 mph on a motorway. Let's say you are toodling along at 70mph but your speedo is over-reading by 10% - in fact you are only doing 63 mph. The person coming up behind you is also doing 70mph and their speedo is under reading by 10% meaning they are actually doing 77 mph. OF course I accept that these are extremes and a 17mph difference on two speedo's showing 70 mph is going to be unlikely but a difference of 10 mph is entirely possible. Taking into account the real world scenario where cars will routinely accelerate to 80 mph and more to over-take and all that you are doing is being inconsiderate to other road users. Staying in the middle lane causes a funnelling effect in the outside lane and an effective reduction of a three lane motorway into a two lane motorway - which simply need not happen.
Quote by Too Hot
Courtesy and manners to other road users does not even cost you any time and is simply good driving.
Quote by MidsCouple24
You can break the law of driving, we all can, I choose to do so on occasions, but I know why the laws are there, I don't claim to know more than those that make them and I accept the consequences of when I do. What I know I cannot do is justify myself for breaking them because there is no excuse for breaking the law.
Quote by starlightcouple
Also including idiots who think it's acceptable to drive at 30 mph above the speed limit and by morons driving aggressively trying to force other motorists to move over rather than just overtake as any sensible driver would.
Quote by Part of Section 163
* move quickly past the vehicle you are overtaking, once you have started to overtake. Allow plenty of room. Move back to the left as soon as you can but do not cut in
Quote by Rogue_Trader
But flashing your lights and beeping your horn are acceptable forms of telling other drivers you are there. Middle lane joggers are usually oblivious to what is around them, therefore as the highway code states it is perfectly acceptable to let other road users know you are there.
Quote by Max777
But flashing your lights and beeping your horn are acceptable forms of telling other drivers you are there. Middle lane joggers are usually oblivious to what is around them, therefore as the highway code states it is perfectly acceptable to let other road users know you are there.
Quote by Rogue_Trader
But flashing your lights and beeping your horn are acceptable forms of telling other drivers you are there. Middle lane joggers are usually oblivious to what is around them, therefore as the highway code states it is perfectly acceptable to let other road users know you are there.