This Christmas break I had a right mood on and get very cross about my house. I was fed up with all the 'stuff' in my house. To tidy - really tidy - one room I have to move things out to another room. To tidy THAT room, I end up moving stuff back into the first room. The garage is full and the loft is non-existant.
I got so cross about it all that I dropped a very useful mixing bowl while empting the dishwasher and it broke - I was furious with myself. (I get clumsy when distracted)
I have had a good couple of sort-outs through cupboards and developed about 3 bin-liners worth of stuff that has no use and that I was just storing for storing's sake.
Missing bin-day before Xmas and then the extra collection today didn't help the process though. :giggle:
So I now have loads of ex-'stuff' in the hall and spare-room waiting for the bin-men and a few extra spaces in my cupboards. The place is still too cluttered and I'm longing to get the decs down and surfaces cleared.
OK it counts as nothing compared to critical illness or starving children but I'm happy that I got it off my chest.
Thank you for reading - as you were.