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Troubleshooters scheme to tackle 'troubled families'

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Never mind the troubled family's, help the ones with real needs
OK, not well worded I know, but,
This kind of thing often makes me angry, I have seen similar things in schools where the trouble makers get help hand over fist while those who keep there heads down just get ignored.
A school near us has a reward scheme. what you end up seeing is those who misbehave most of the time end up with lots of rewards for the few times they do behave, while those that are good all the time get over looked.
I had a frank discussion with a teacher a few years back. My daughter was caught writing on a toilet wall, she was given a detention, and instructed to clean of the mess, with my full support. She came home with a Merritt because she made a good job of cleaning it off.... Bloody madness!
I fear similar things for this idea, wondered what you guys thought?
David Cameron says he is determined to "get to grips" with tackling England's most troubled families by pledging a network of troubleshooters.
nice idea....but can't really see it working.
The report there says it must be 60% funded from local council !! They are currently haveing their budget cut by on average 30% , so where are they supposed to find this money from ?
Well meaning....but in reality is just words. I would rather find jobs for people...thats what gives the people that really want assistance a sence of purpose !!
have to agree with you dean. the councils have no spare cash unless the government are going to
susidize this?
yes it does seem on many occasions that the problem families/children get the help over the well behaved. but in the long run will it make things better for us all?
I thnk the idea is to replace existing agencies rather than supplement them. So instead of family A having half a dozen workers doing little bits one worker will do it all. However, every social worker I know is worked ragged so lord knows how it will work.
Complete waste of time.......................
unless the new agencie are issued 9mm and are allowed to use them! lol
Quote by browning
Complete waste of time.......................
unless the new agencie are issued 9mm and are allowed to use them! lol

Quote by browning
Complete waste of time.......................
unless the new agencie are issued 9mm and are allowed to use them! lol

aah yes the Jeremy clarkson approach i like :thumbup:
Quote by Lizaleanrob
Complete waste of time.......................
unless the new agencie are issued 9mm and are allowed to use them! lol

aah yes the Jeremy clarkson approach i like :thumbup:
how many will find it offensive insted of funny rob dunno
you know what happened to clarkson, peeple would have had him sacked and his balls cut off :twisted:
alot of people will consider this a waste of money and have the opinion that why is it the bad get all the help.
well the families they are hopefully looking at placing this support in place for will be the ones who would be costing society alot more without the intervention.
sadely parenting has been lost in alot of communities. or should i say an appropriate way of parenting.
alot of people who have never experienced good parenting are becoming parents.
i know alot of people will have bad backgrounds and not follow that road, but sadely more people do than dont.
Its all well and good putting these trouble shooters in place but it would i suspect only be once a child protection issue has already been identified. and the family are forced into allowing the intervantion.
more needs to be done at school, sadely they need to be a place where more than the 3 r's are taught and a few trouble shooters could be placed in schools.
the local councils in our area took 52% of the allocated money form central government for support services and spent it on refurbing their offices and buying silk ties. so the money is there it just depends on what the people in ivory towers decide to spend it on.
x fem x
This sort of thing?
Five young criminals enjoyed a day trip to Alton Towers at taxpayers' expense as part of an 'intensive supervision programme'.
I bet there is a lot of parents who would love to be able to afford to take there children to Alton Towers, but can not!
Read more:
I want to diss this idea, I want to say help those that help themsevles, let the families who don't care if thier children play truant, commit acts of disruption to the community, families who have drug or drink related problems sort themselves out, I want to say use the money to build more prisons and lock them away instead of the continuous "you have been naughty go to Alton Towers" policies.
I want to, but have to hope that this will work in the long term, locking away drug addicts or alcohol abusers isn't going to help. I don't think rewarding bad behaviour with trips to Alton Towers helps either, maybe finance a boot camp approach might be an idea.
But as for the actual funding, from what I can gather a problem family could be dealing with as many as 14 different people, from different agencies, housing department, health department, education department, truancy officers, Community Officers, Social Services, Solicitors and many more. So the Councils contribution of 60% will come from those budgets that already exist within the council and go into 1 kitty therefore saving councils money, that I understand the theory, propped up by 40% of government funding which again is already allocated to work of this kind.
It could save a lot of money, less anti-social behaviour would save Police funds, Court Funds, Probation funds, Social Workers funds etc.
I agree wholeheartedly with comments about bad parenting skills, 99% of children are born without being good or bad, they are born needing education, teaching respect, teaching values, those that don't learn such skills can easily become bad, no bad kids just bad parents. Perhaps a little money should be spent on making bad parents attend night school classes on parenting ? after all we make bad drivers attend driving skill courses, we make violent people attend anger management courses !