Seems like UKIP is on the rise after all.
A record 13% and rising. Well if the Lib Dems have shared power with the Tories on less of a percentage than UKIP currently has, that could mean more power sharing in the future but with UKIP being the one in joint power.
I used that article as it was the first one to hand, there are plenty of other sources that back it up if you look.
Can't believe this thread is still going on.................
Let's look at history.
Successive governments for 40 years have wanted us to stay in Europe. Within these Governments have been some pretty seasoned politicians and very intelligent advisors. Why have neither Labour or Conservatives recommended that we get out of Europe - ever?
Roll on to 2011 / 2012 and the recession continues to bite whilst the complacent Brits simply expect that the two car family, TV in every room and foreign holiday lifestyle is a right and not a privilige/reward for hard work. As times get tougher history tells us that Nationalist policies always become more popular and today we have the common enemies of:
Europe - stealing all our money and enforcing laws that we don't want
Eastern Europeans - stealing all our jobs (sic)
Refugees (now called asylum seekers) - stealing all our welfare benefit.
Arise UKIP and a promise to deal with Europe and the immigration problem. Quel surprise!!
I imagine that the more intelligent of the population will see this one trick pony for exactly what it is - All hype and no substance.
PS - Why on earth would LIB/DEMS go to the Tories?? Crazy thought. The reality is that disaffected liberals have gone to labour and UKIP has attracted the more hard core conservatives who have historically been anti European. No liberal or socialist minded person would go anywhere near either the Conservatives or UKIP.
PPS - I find myself in the peculiar predicament of knowing that by nature I am very right wing conservative, bordering on Republican but finding the immigration stance of the Conservative right wing and UKIP quite ridiculous.
Well surely ANYTHING has to be better than voting for these smug bastards?
What with everything so many people are going through just before Xmas, and this Autumn statement capping the poorest on benefits for three years, does it look like they are part of the austerity package?
This has got to be one of the worst pictures I have seen. Three Tory privately educated Eaton toffs, finding something to laugh about whilst dishing out austerity measures to the poor. Maybe they have all just had a glimpse at their bank account balances. :twisted:
To be honest dean, Clegg has lost the plot big time and is panicking about where his party is going.
I think he can see the writing on the wall and is doing everything in his power to encourage Cameron to dump him and move him to his preferred place in the European Commission before the LibDems totally implode.
I think we can safely say the honeymoon is over and he is scrabbling for the hand rail to the gravy train which will take him away from having to answer for his actions.
Unless you fancy a revolution - nothing is going to change in this country any time soon.
I think that arguing about which political party is going to make life better is a touch delusional because our lives are in our own hands. We have been mollycoddled and pandered for so long that the population is paralysed by complacency and an all encompassing feel bad factor.
If you want more of how your life is now, keep doing what you are doing now. If you want some changes - make your own changes and don't expect any government to do you any favours - because they won't.
If you are unfortunate enough to live in a "safe" seat area as I do, it is pretty pointless voting really. I would never have voted labour but round these parts they would vote in a chimpanzee if it was wearing a red rosette so I gave up long ago. In fact, I think I only ever voted once in my life and because of this voting nonsense in a safe seat I am a conscientious objector to even being on the electoral register so never will pass my pointless vote ever again.
Voting reform to include PR "may" see me back on the electoral register, but I can't see it happening.
Perhaps the most accurate assessment of UKIP I've heard ...... starts at approx. 14 minutes
P.S. get in quick there's a new one replacing it on Friday
Yes, good to have seen you too in chat neil.
To be fair to Labour, those of us old enough to remember Bliar's meteoric rise to political fortune will recall that he did so too without ever disclosing what their policies would be but simply on the basis of 'trust me, I've got a gap in my teeth and hey, I'm a nice sort of guy'. And it worked.
Now, did it work because the Tories then were imploding or because of Bliar's natural charm? Who is to say.
I think I might be right in saying that Cameron took a similar stance in the lead up to the last election. This now seems to be the way.
And who can blame them? The LibDems are finding this to their cost in regard to the Student Loan Fees debacle. Had they been more circumspect about declaring the detail in their policies, they may have avoided the problems they suffered but a lesson too late, me thinks.
Good point about the charm offensives gnv.
In both cases the established governments were imploding and things were going wrong for the country. Is it any wonder that there was a large swing in the opposite direction when a charismatic leader says 'trust me, I'll sort it out' ?
Although I am an armchair fan of politics I don't know the ins and outs enough to argue the whys what's and maybes, but I do understand human nature. People wanted change, and that's exactly what we got.
In a selling context, people buy from people.
Bliar could sell coal to Newcastle but Brown was the sort of salesman you definitely wouldn't buy a used car from which is why Labour resisted all calls to hold a GE after Bliar fell on his sword.
I have never supported the two main parties but I would like to mention what I saw during the last labour government within the area I live.
There are three main Secondary school within a three mile radius of where I live which I looked at back in 2001 for my eldest son. All schools were Build between 1917 – 1956 when I saw them on their open days I looked around and the decor was awful plaster paint falling away from ceiling and walls, cracked windows etc. They just felt old and unloved and uncared for.
In 2007 when I looked at them again for my next children all were being totally rebuild to make state-of-the-art learning environments. They looked modern loads of natural light and completely reformed.
Hospitals within a 5 mile radars some of the best teaching hospitals around built in the 1800’s looked the same. Money has been spent and it shows.
In the past these places have had bits of money spent on them to put plasters on the wounds but it wasn’t until the last 10 years ago that it showed that anyone really cared about these places and whom used them.
While I can’t support either of the main parties as I believe politics within them is more about appoint blame I will say it is ok for a conservative to say we left the books in good order. When there isn’t any sign of investment in looking after the structure of what we need. Labour did however spend some of it in places of need.
Now we are fighting to save one of those hospitals that have just had that money spent because of cut back it has been ring marked to close.
Where is the sense in that?
If that isn't a waste of tax payers money what is?
That hospital has been open since the 1800's falling down and now revamped to close.
Politics gone barmy in my view.
Can anyone come up with a common sense reason why this might be?
As I am really struggling to understand it.
Conservatives would blame Labour and labour would blame the conservatives, no doubt but what would common sense say?
While politics seems to be the appoint blame culture it is I can’t see a way forward with the two main parties, you only have to watch the parliament channel to watch the bickering that goes on there between adults is laughable.
I personally believe most people are mid way thinkers more or less. Generally we are humane towards those that really need some support also most of us know we have to make a contribution within society to be part of it. I think the whole system could work together if the focus is the country and what is the best way forward together. I would scrap different parties and put all the heads together listening together and learning together to move forward only then I believe we would find the center ground.
How we achieve this I haven’t yet completely thought out, what I do believe is the person we elect to represent us in government should not be made to toe a party line but to be transparent and open about his views and let the voters make the choice if that is who we want to represent us in government.
How we would decide how we manage the cabinet posts I am still thinking about. But there must be an answer somewhere. I just think then we might have a better choice about who really governs us.
I would also like to see more national referendums
I know the hospital you are talking about Minx but will not mention it as that would give your location away I believe.
But yes I saw that it had all the staff singing at some point when it opened and now after a very short space of time it looks like closing. There have been many hospitals that have closed over the last twenty years and plenty of A and E departments closing in certain hospitals as well. Currently my elderly Father has been put into Queen Elizabeth in Woolwich, and whilst a nice hospital, it is hugely overcrowded and the A and E department has apparently taken on two other local hospitals A and E patients as the likes of Queen Mary's in Sidcup's A and E has closed.
No sense at all Minx and yes Tories will blame Labour for the financial mess we are in, and the past Labour Government will blame the previous Tory party. But the last Labour Government with Bliar and Brown at the helm were in power for 12 years I think, and failed to recognise the biggest financial disaster in British history, with the banks going bust, and the debt accumulated by people themselves which have now put this country into serious financial trouble with over a pounds worth of debt, and rising daily.
They are all the same but the Tory toffs are worse I think as the top people in that party have not done a days proper work in their lives, after leaving Eton straight into politics with the Tory party.
It is a disgrace that with an ever increasing population ( for whatever that reason may be ),the local amenities are shrinking. How can this country cope with 70 million people in it, and probably closer to 100 million people in 50 years time. Of course Minx money has been invested in schools and hospitals, but to the detriment of some that have had to close as well remember.