The wishes of the inhabitants of the Falkland Islands must be respected by the rest of the world.
Of 1,517 votes cast in the two-day referendum, just three votes were against the referendum. There was a turnout of more than 90% from 1,672 British citizens eligible to vote in a population of about 2,900.
The United Nations should now set a mandate to protect the citizens of the Falkland Islands from any and all invasions by foreign powers under their own rulings.
And more importantly the current and future British Governments must respect this vote or resign their own voted status
The situation in Sinapore supports what I say, it was under British Sovereignty control until taken over by Japan, we got it back then later 63 I think decided they wanted to be semi independant and part of Malaya, we granted this to them and they later became independant of Malaya now being recognised at the Republic of Singapore.
A perfect example of what I believe, if the people want to be British then so be it, if they want to belong to another Nation or be independant we grant that wish, just as we have with many other former colonies or where we had sovereingty (Zimbabwe)
The India Pakistand argument is irrelevant when you are talking about one Nation having right to ownership of another simply because of how close they are, it was said that the proximaty should be the deciding factor over and above who inhabits the place, who got there first, who made the initial claim to the area and so on.
With that argument India can claim Pakistan and Pakistan can claim India.
There is really too much drivel to comment.
Well, sorry to do this chaps, but re the French / English debaters;
A little known fact, but easily verified by reading Churchills "History of the Second World War"
In May 1940 when the Germans were speeding into France and the British were falling back towards Dunkirk, the French Gov was totally in disarray, trying to organise defance as best it could, in temporary HQ, wondering if they could stop the Germans.
Churchill could see that it was unlikely the French could prevail and at that point offered the French Gov any "Act of Union with the UK". In other words for the two Countries to become one. France and Great Britain as one Country, don't know what the flag would have looked like tho !!
It would have allowed the French overseas colonies to fight on, would have put the French Fleet into Allied Control (we all know what happened to that later on) and prevented the Vichey Gov running most of France for the Germans.
The French Gov was in too much disarray to agree to the deal even if they had wanted to, but IF they had.................History might have been very different !!
Regarding the Falklands referendum tho. How could the Islanders voted for anything else? They were not given a viable alternative.
It was like asking a Newcastle United supporter;
"Would you like to keep supporting Newcastle or would you prefer to support Sunderland?" None would vote to change support !
But if the question was;
"Would you like to keep supporting Newcastle or would you be prepared to support Sunderland if we give you £10,000,000 to change?"
Then maybe you'd see how strong the support for the Toon was.
Thankyou for clarifying that GnV spot on, I was asking what the difference was with Malta, Gibralter and the Falkland Islands and for that matter some of the Channel Islands and Shetland Islands all claimed by Countries closer to them than Britain is though none of which the claiming countries think it right to invade.
The picture in my previous message is btw folks taken from a page in the book The Falklands War and shows another aspect not yet mentioned here, what about those that gave their lives in the War and their families ?
Many of those who fought there bought land in the Falkland Islands there are not just 1800ish people who own land there thousands more.
true we cannot give away something that is not ours and the people of Malta I am sure whilst enjoying their reltationship with the United Kingdom demonstrated admirally during WWII when they endured so much for us rather than allying themselves with their Italian neighbours would I am sure never want to be under UK control, they are happy and proud to be Maltese, it was a bad example.