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what have you got on your computer table???

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15 watchers
tonysb........what about a naked picture of little old me biggrin :D :D
pens paper condoms pics of wife lots of fags
Quote by dan_dan
pens paper condoms pics of wife lots of fags

you wern't round gooner1's house this morning and had to leave quickly was ya.
I dont have a computer, and if I did I would'nt know how to use the internet, I just press auto-defrost on the microwave and you lot come on. And your all messy, but very funny
Quote by essexlady
da69ve do not get upset, one tidy lady here
I have:
I Screen
I lamp
and a ittle subwolfer box and a webcam on top of that
a mousemat and a mouse
Is that tidy or what!

you've made my day!!.......i was beginning to think i was the only one!! lol
Mines a disgrace!
2 empty glasses
2 empty bottles of coke
2 bottles of deodarant
2 speakers
2 cufflinks
mobile phone
spare change
pack of cigs
can of coke
Was getting worried there - though I had OCD for a minute - everything in 2's!!
A cup of coffee
a blue lighter(hands off tonysb!!)
packet of cigs
air freshner
one pot of nail treatment(haha!)
The life cycle of a butterfly(my sons!)
A picture of me when I was much bigger(a reminder!)
imitation D&G sunglasses lol
I did have a 9 inch rubber dildo(had to remove it for obvious reasons!!)
lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
i have :
a hair bobble
2 free admission tickets for mc cluskies
some lilac nail varnish
a red lighter
a pink lighter
a ashtray
my backy
my filters
cotton buds
some extra strong mints
at this moment in time,,
digi camera.
a big stupid looking candle in the shape of a pyramid,
pile of discs,
an "i love you" card from me to h`red redface ,
coffee cup,
20 marlboro lights
A special offer for Insurance
My passport & tickets (yipee!)
Some business cards I've collected
Receipts on an old fashioned metal spike (very thereputic to use on credit card statements)
Visitors pass for a trade show...damn, three weeks ago redface
Couple of pens & a pad of Post-it notes
More dust than there should be
Logged onto Laptop so it's Calista not Morbius :shock:
pc monitor sat on a load of cassettes :shock:
Filing trays
fax machine
pen holder
couple of the kids toys
I'm a neat desk person
:shock: biggrin
C x
Cd cases
Quite a lot of change
A takeaway menu
A Shotglass
A Bottle of Schnaaps
Lottery Ticket
And scrap bits of paper with odd ramblings on them
Half drunken cup of tea, two phones, a watch, till receipt.
It would of been a hell a lot more untidy but I cleaned it up yesterday :happy:
My desk is a dump site......discs everywhere.......paperwork.....mp3 funny mousemat and for some strang reason a toothbrush...
don't ask me why!!!
biggrin :D
Lady Chatterly
The Perfumed Garden
Kama Sutra
Tropic of Cancer
Tropic of Capricorn
Shoddy Noddy
and the best one of all, known to most but not all :=
the AUP of Swinging Heaven (first edition). lol
Bit of an uncharacteristic mess at the moment ...
DVLA vehicle registration doc I need to send back for an address change
Legal & General ISA statement I need to send letter to about address change
FedEx invoice
Email about web hosting
Notepad and post-it notes
House particulars from estate agents
Jaffa cakes mug with pens in it
Palm Pilot case
Boxed USB light
Boxed 4 port USB hub
Boxed pen that lights up different colours at the other end
Darth Vader lollipop head thing (not entirely sure why I'm keeping it!)
6.5" mini-bust of Hobgoblin
Teddy bear holding a blue check pillow (originally came with get well card)
1 glass of wine!
ash tray
3 fags me limit!
i speaker
web cam :twisted:
pen and note paper!
Mobil phone! :twisted:
now if you ask what i have underneath my cp table well redface
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Theres tables for puter???
**wonders what to do with his lap now**
I not got computer table sad On my lap right now is a cat...which is where the computer normally is. Can't decide which is warmer....
oo i forgot :doh:
one baby milk bottel rotflmao
Quote by Debbiewebs
oo i forgot :doh:
one baby milk bottel rotflmao

Feeling thirsty are we Debs? lol
Quote by smokerjim
oo i forgot :doh:
one baby milk bottel rotflmao

Feeling thirsty are we Debs? lol
naaaa babes ............saving it for you when we meet at the notts munch :P
Quote by Debbiewebs
oo i forgot :doh:
one baby milk bottel rotflmao

Feeling thirsty are we Debs? lol
naaaa babes ............saving it for you when we meet at the notts munch :P
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :lol2:
ash tray ,camera, camera lense ,rally badge ,mot certificate ,silver charm ,cheque book,ruler ,antique bottle
My computer table is a mess. I've barely room for my mouse never mind anything else.
Two speakers
One sub woofer
Three recently emptied beer bottles
15 DVD movies (not telling you if they are legit or not)
1 pile of music CDs that need burning onto PC
1 Pile of burnt CDs
1 Pile of CDs (unknown what they are)
5 Blank DVD-RW
5 non-blank DVD-RW
Bottle Opener
3 cold bottles of beer that are just looking at me
Bluetooth connector
Sky Box
Cables running from the speakers, Sky Box, Sub Woofer and Monitor to the PC.
I usually have my tea perched on top of things when I'm hungry.
Does this make me a slob or just somebody who doesn't mind having useful things close to hand?
Reading left to right I have -
Marilyn Manson cd case ( disc is playing at the mo)
green ' ' pen laid @45 degrees (approx)
mouse mat and mouse
empty beer glass (gimme two mins lol )
and thats the lot
right, let me sort out that beer glass :lol: :lol:
My computer table is part of the dining room table! So at the computer end there is:
1 x mobile phone
1 x packet B&H
1 x lighter
1 X glass white wine
1 x half bottle of white wine
1 x calculator
2 x discs
1 x Raffle Hotel Singapore mug full off pens. staplre etc.
1 x corkscrew
1 x pile of print outs about Amsterdam hotels to pass on to Blonde!!
My PC is in the "dining room" which we don't actually use to dine in.....
1 Colour Television
1 Playstation 2 complete with 2 controllers
1 Telephone
1 Printer
1 Monitor
3 speakers
1 PS2 EyeToy - doubles as a webcam
1 Girlguiding letter (my sister's)
1 empty packet of French Fries crisps (not mine!)
1 packet of cigs
1 yellow lighter
1 neon blue ashtray
10 pieces of paper with various important bits of information
6 pens
1 oil burner
Lots and lots of paperwork
A pile of plain A4 paper
Bottle of water
A pile of clothes I was supposed to take upstairs ages ago
Some art to post tomorrow
My wallet, containing
Errrr....thats it!
Well printer is on the wall unit but I wish I had as mich room on the table as Onlyme seemingly has!
Amp, digital camera, nail clippers, bank statement, course enrolment forms, redundant modem, printer, external hard drive, drum machine, sunglasses case, assorted cables, biro, diary (2004), 2 'distressed' rizla packets (1 king size, 1 small), fag packet, lighter, tobacco tin, bag of grass, empty glass, multi-effects unit, and somewhat controversially a computer.
There's also a few hairs and several species of crumb which I now feel compelled to brush into the ashtray.