... owners of Apple products that requires them to impress upon you their device of choice? We all (well, most of us) have mobile devices of some sort that either makes calls, browses the internet or allows us to carry out some kind of feat of social connectivity, but what is it about the owners of Apple products that forces them to tell us that their device is manufactured by Apple?
"I'm on my iPhone/iPad/iLollipop blah blah blah."
It's a f*cking phone ffs. (or tablet, or lollipop) Every other member of the population can get by in life by calling it a phone, or mobile, or tablet... Have you ever heard someone using the specific model name of their device if it's not an Apple product?
Sorry, but that gets my iGoat.
p.s. What's with the damn arse about face capitalisations too!?!?! :fuckinghell:
aaaaaand relax...