I often look at user names and wonder what made you choose the name you use.
When I joined I thought for a second when registering and thought what reflects me. Although we registered as a couple hubby said he wouldn't really use the site, so I never gave much thought that he would be called Mr Minx or worse Mr Lady.
Was there much thought that went into your user name?
Did you want it to reflect something about you?
Well Minxy . . . .
Oh, never mind, it's really complicated and probably wouldn't make any sense, I wouldn't want to bore the forum with it . . .
well we initially had 2 x single accounts..but kitty wasnt allowed to type on my account and similarly me on her's so we changed to a single couple and then kitty couldnt get on the server, so we had two couple accounts...and then we let one account run out when you could use multiple log ins with one...
but that wasnt the question..we've had 6 usernames in 8 years..
and this last one..oh its our names and we hate it...lol
We are named after a place where we spent a lot of time when we first met, ah good times.
I'm G and she's V
Minimal conscious thought went into it...need to choose a name...first thing that pops into head in less than 3 seconds.....then i've always been kinda slightly built with it, so even coincidentally it didn't seem out of place.
I looked for a short name meeko could spell when he was pissed and that had a fit avatar :giggle: :giggle:
We had a serious case of originality failure!