ok u lot with the brains...
fish died. birds died. the goverment will never tell the people whats is going on.
they dont want to start a panic.... so the last lot of birds that fell out of the sky, was not the snow.
so what is killing the wild life???????
I dont have an answer, but can say it is not that new
June 2009;
January 2009;
January 2007;
There are various articles on the BBC website on the matter.
As Blue mentioned above, it doesn't seem to be anything new.
I have read that the countryside alliance has perfected its Sparrow Hound and recently started test flights. Watch out for scarlet clad hunters pursuing the pack on broomsticks being harried by protesters travelling on home woven rag rugs.
These developments have been necessary to prevent the spread of avian crop rot and to cull the ever growing population of super sparrows, one of which stole a baby from a crib in the summer of 2008.
This is one possibility, and our electromagnetic Field is not as strong is it has been and some feel we could be in for a pole switch, some thing which has happened pre history, several time before, we could be in the early stages of a pole switch which could take thousands of years to happen
How often do reversals occur?
As a matter of geological record, the Earth's magnetic field has undergone numerous reversals of polarity. We can see this in the magnetic patterns found in volcanic rocks, especially those recovered from the ocean floors. In the last 10 million years, there have been, on average, 4 or 5 reversals per million years. At other times in Earth's history, for example during the Cretaceous era, there have been much longer periods when no reversals occurred. Reversals are not predictable and are certainly not periodic in nature. Hence we can only speak about the average reversal interval.
From here;
Try watching a film called "The Core" :bounce:
Article today on BBC website about birds in Romania drinking themselves to death
Maybe it's bird flu that's killing them all? Please remember to put some Beechams powder in your garden bird-baths (not forgetting some Night Nurse for the owls).
the military have a disruptor weapon which is currently being tested in the air and under the sea.
when fired it causes the so called tsunami. the idea is to cause a freak of nature type of accident which cannot be blamed on any foreign power. the shockwave sent out is like a controlled earthquake and when detonated under the sea you get the tsunami effect which is calculated to the target to devastate it
in the air the weapon can knock out anything electrical and even by used to affect the weather over the targetted area.
weather manipulation was designed to try and control hurricanes and tornadoes so limiting the damage in land but when it was discovered that it had a part to play in warfare the powers that be got very interested.
dry ice or silver iodide may be injected into a cloud by aircraft or fired from the land.
lasers are used to discharge lightning in storms and liquid nitrogen is poured onto the sea to take away a hurricanes power.
so by controlling the weather you can make a sudden drop in temps killing enemy personnel on the ground threw cold or by flooding areas so people drown.
and of course with most things the public do not believe anything like this would be tested on them first to see if it would be reasonable to use in war.
maybe the birds all dying in one area fell victim to a sudden shockwave blasted from a plane in the air to test and gather results.
who knows?
Don't be so daft Cubes. Why on earth would it be down to the incredibly cold winter, when there's more plausible answers like top secret weapons and the earth reversing it's polarity?
thanks all least no one has said its a poison drifting on the winds...
know the goverment would never tell us the truth if it is some thing realy bad.