Dawn of the Dead Poets Society
The Third Man on a Ledge
Men in Black Hawk Down
Once Upon a Time in American Beauty
Sex and the City of Angels
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Truth
How about a threesome...
Angry Men in Black Hawk Down
I reckon we can allow titles from TV programmes as well - so:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Allo Allo
Twelfth Nightmare on Elm Street
No Country For Old Men In Black
I reckon we can allow titles from TV programmes as well - so:
In that case... Coronation Streetcar Named Desire
The Men Who Stare at Goats Private Parts
The Dark Knight Rises Mary Poppins
Love's Labour's Lost in Translation
The Karate Kids Are All Right
Sex and the City of Angels
There's Something About Mary Poppins
To kill a Mockingbird on a wire
Along came a Spiderman
Robocop out
Lord of the Ring(s) of Fire
Reservoir Dog(s)ma
Hell boy in the striped pyjamas
A View From The Bridget Jones's Diary
The Other Boleyn Girl In The Dragon Tattoo
David Copperfield Of Dreams
Pretty in Pink Panther
The Fantastic Four Weddings and a Funeral
its a wonderful life of Brian
view to a kill bill
stand by me myself irene
something about mary and max
Mamma Miami Vice
Gone With The Wind In The Willows
American Beauty and the Beast