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Who was your cringeworthy 'celeb' crush back in the day?

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I'm gonna set myself up for a ridiculing I reckon but here's mine lol
Quite a few ...
This is going back to late 1980s and 90s...
In no particular order -
Pat Sharp (when he had the mullet) from Fun House
Noel Edmonds (cringe)
Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 1 and 2
Edward Furlong - 'John O'connor' in first Terminator
Brad out of neighbours - the floppy haired surf dude
Todd out of neighbours no theme going on here
A few guys that were in Home and away - I kept my options open back then :lol:
I also had a bit of a crush on the guy who did the Crystal Maze.
Right said Fred (can't remember which ones)
I think Pat Sharp's gotta be my most tragic cringeworthy crush! Noel Edmonds as a runner up :giggle:
When I was a kid, I remember having such a crush on Matmalade Atkins. I must have been 13 years of age or something!!
Quote by the_magik_s
When I was a kid, I remember having such a crush on Matmalade Atkins. I must have been 13 years of age or something!!

I just had to Google her because I'd no idea who you were on about lol
I can't think of any dodgy ones- guess I've always had excellent taste :mrgreen:
Quote by meat2pleaseu
I can't think of any dodgy ones- guess I've always had excellent taste :mrgreen:

Not even pop singers? I knew someone from school who idolised Chesney Hawkes (eurgh).
So I gather you never went through a Kylie phase then lol
Jon Bon Jovi - drool. Defo a man eater rotflmao
John Craven and then later on I worked with him for 3 years, my crush was well and truly crushed but I have to say he was an absolute pleasure to work with, a consummate professional when at work and a right nice guy when off set, a genuinely nice all round guy.
But, nah, no longer my crush.
Quote by flirty_4
I can't think of any dodgy ones- guess I've always had excellent taste :mrgreen:

Not even pop singers? I knew someone from school who idolised Chesney Hawkes (eurgh).
So I gather you never went through a Kylie phase then lol
Jon Bon Jovi - drool. Defo a man eater rotflmao
When Kylie first appeared i was more interested in Siouxsie Sioux, Wendy James, Tracy Tracy (The Primatives) etc.
Older Kylie is much better (once Michael Hutchence had corrupted her :twisted: ) and i'm rather looking forward to maybe working with her in the not too distant :rascal: - not that i'll be stood at the side of the stage with my tongue hanging out innocent
I always found Lorraine Kelly a bit of a hottie, but she looks like she has a proper naughty streak in her so i don't class that as embarrassing
Meaty, my hubby says the same about Lorraine Kelly.
My crush? David Cassidy. Had pictures of him from 'Jackie' magazine, on my bedroom walls.
Quote by Freckledbird
Meaty, my hubby says the same about Lorraine Kelly.
My crush? David Cassidy. Had pictures of him from 'Jackie' magazine, on my bedroom walls.

I have a cracking picture somewhere in my extensive email vault that someone sent of her aged about 19 and butt naked (and it does look rather genuine) fucking lovely it is :twisted:
David Essex lol :lol:
Quote by pebble
The Hooooooff!

Actually he was alright looking in Knightrider.
Quote by meat2pleaseu
I have a cracking picture somewhere in my extensive email vault that someone sent of her aged about 19 and butt naked (and it does look rather genuine) fucking lovely it is :twisted:

I should NOT have just Googled "Lorraine Kelly naked"! :scared:
David Essex and most cringeworthy....
Prince Edward
Quote by Cubes
I have a cracking picture somewhere in my extensive email vault that someone sent of her aged about 19 and butt naked (and it does look rather genuine) fucking lovely it is :twisted:

I should NOT have just Googled "Lorraine Kelly naked"! :scared:
What the hell did you find that i just didn't? :eeek:
I was tempted to Google it but after Cubes post I thought it best to hold off, if it frightened him then I'd probably shit myself.
Quote by st3v3
I was tempted to Google it but after Cubes post I thought it best to hold off, if it frightened him then I'd probably shit myself.

Unless he didn't pay attention and googled Matthew Kelly naked :lol2:
That would be enough to loosen anyone's bowels lol
i only had one crush and it was John Taylor from duran duran redface
i had posters of him covering every inch on my bedroom walls, the wardrobe doors inside and out, i wrote his name on my school bag Kat heart J.T. lol
i had a john Taylor duvet cover and pillow case and I kissed it every night, i had a framed pic of him next to my bed and I swore i was going to marry him and have his babies :lol:
to be fair i dont think ive ever ever got over him marrying that Amanda de Cadenet burd sad
Now my only crush is on Cubes but shhhhhhhhhhhh dont tell him, he has been following me to Canada and everywhere bolt
:rascal: :rascal:
Quote by Katniss
Now my only crush is on Cubes

Have you considered therapy for that?
You two are soooooo bad! rotflmao
I only really ever crushed on one famous person in my yoof but I don't think it counts as cringeworthy.....

Cubes you are so gonna have to give me some lessons on how to post pics in the forum, i still cant get the hang of it redface
But :clap: on your crush, i fancied that burd a bit as well :rascal:
Has your 'fancying' carried on through the years with Blondie then Cubes..
Quote by Toots
Has your 'fancying' carried on through the years with Blondie then Cubes..

at the age of 69 i have seen a lot worse but then stevie nicks is still looking really good @ 66
Quote by Katniss
Cubes you are so gonna have to give me some lessons on how to post pics in the forum, i still cant get the hang of it redface
But :clap: on your crush, i fancied that burd a bit as well :rascal:

You need meaty's guide...
Quote by Freckledbird
Meaty, my hubby says the same about Lorraine Kelly.
My crush? David Cassidy. Had pictures of him from 'Jackie' magazine, on my bedroom walls.

Im with you on that one lol
I've never had any cringeworthy crush. I always fancied really attractive women, not necessarily downright beautiful, even as a boy, and having a crush was something from way back. I saw the Debbie Harry pic, so they all get older. They were good looking gals in their day. I did have a crush, as a 22 y.o., on a married woman whom I'd never actually met, but she did become the 1st mrs. skinny.
Very often a crush is only really going to exist when we don't actually know the other party, so celebs generally fit that bill.
These days it's just lusting after, keeping it simple. Pick a celeb to lust after, ok I'll go with Megan Fox as the first to spring to mind, but I'm not fussed, there's plenty to choose from.
Quote by Lizaleanrob
Has your 'fancying' carried on through the years with Blondie then Cubes..

at the age of 69 i have seen a lot worse but then stevie nicks is still looking really good @ 66

They are both gorgeous, ages is irrelevant! On the less noble end of the women pop icons scale... Sammy Foooooox! (Also still gorgeous).
Not exactly cringeworthy, Sharon Davies...I still stare slack jawed and dribbling when Shazza commentates blink