Quote by fluff_n_stuff
I'm with Minxy, .
You would be
I don't quite know how to take that unnecessary comment. I'm sorry I offend you by agreeing with somebody.
I was brought up by a father who cared about me but was uncompromisingly arrogant, and a mother who was, and still is, a doormat to him. I didn't think I was as much like her as you evidently do, but I try not to behave like he would. I feel that in saying sorry whenever there is conflict defuses the situation and prevents the friction I regularly experienced growing up with a man who would never apologise. I guess I have the balance wrong. Sorry :undecided:
You haven't offended me, you've nothing to apologise for, please don't apologise as this thread suggests for nothing.
You don't have to explain about your upbringing Fluff.... for the record mine's EXACTLY the same but that doesn't make me apologise for things I've not done.
Fluff, do yourself a favour.. please? Either you and Minx are winding the whole forum up with this 'apology' business or you're being serious, I don't know as I don't know you, but what I do know is... just be yourself, you don't need to agree with other people to keep them happy, you don't need to apologise for things you haven't done, just be yourself and if you disagree say so, you'll be your own person, not your father's daughter and I can guarantee you'll be happier.