Where does that view come from rob?
Prior to last US Presidential Elections the same was talked about the USD amd how the new Presindent (whoever it was going to be) would default on debt and change from the USD back to cutting notches in sticks.
It didn't happen of course - nor will it.
The same can be said of the Euro. Lots of scaremongering going on and when Merkel and Sarkozy 'save' the currency from collapse everyone will think they are the good guys.
Politicians need the populace (aka the electorate) to live in fear. There are no significant world wars going on, Gadaffi is dead as is Saddam and other than making people walk through security at airports stark bollock naked there is no other way to induce fear other than that they will loose all their money.
Hence the Euro crisis.
I'm waiting for the day when the £/€ re-attains the heady heights of 3€ for every £ sterling.
Maybe George Osborne should give an autumn statement every day... look how the markets jumped.
I honestly feel that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the Euro.
What is wrong with Europe centres mainly on the Commission rather than individual Member States necessarily.
At a time when Europe is seeking regime change through the Arab Spring to remove unelected dictatorships, it should remind itself that the European Commission too exercises unelected and unaccountable Governance and is a massive drain on the whole European economy. They are just out of control, spending money like it is going out of fashion (it has a very real danger of doing that!) and in many cases duplicates what Member States already provide - Baroness Ashton's Foreign Policy Department is a clear example - Euros for 2011, and that is just for her European External Action Service! She earns 265k Euros basic salary plus expenses. In comparison, the UK PM receives the equivalent of 100k Euros less.
And that is just one (small) part of the whole Commission.
The money saved by binning the Commission would go a long way to resolving some of the financial problems in the Eurozone.
Looks like it's the Merkozy solution then...
But, who will win this contest.. will it be a different ending to
Welcome to the United States of Europe. One Government, one Nation and the UK on the outside. This is the only way that the Euro can survive intact and really why the French and Germans would want such an alliance including somne of the lesser countries - God only knows.
Still losing national governance should make the recent strikes and demos in Greece seem like a tea party in the park.
Personally I think the option will be to join the United States of Europe and completely lose national Government or go it alone.............
The Eurozone Countries need to stop dicking around and sort their act out. I got a pension fund statement the other day - the analysis of the poor fund performance over the last 6 months tracks all the scare stories out of Euro Zone countries. If anyone with a pension plan thinks that this isn't hurting them, think again. If your pot has less money in it right now, it'll earn less long term.
I'm thinking of suspending my pension contributions and putting the same monthly amount into a mortgage with which I'd buy a property to rent out. If the property market crashes to the same extent as the stock market, we're all buggered - but perhaps I'd have something to sell and reinvest when it's time to retire.
i heard this morning that a huge amount of french peeple want to go back to the franc?
also i read this morning that the architech who founded the euro stated it was a non runner from the start?
is there any truth in this at all?
well it seams that david cameron has some balls. he stood up to the f's and the k's and did not back down. early days yes but he showed the same determination that another tory leeder showed all those yeers ago.
good on you cameron :thumbup:
Do we want europe to regulate our City?
I am no expert, But I think not
I look at our parliament and those in it, and I see a group of people with whom the only thing I have in common is language.I look at our neighbours in Europe (mainly northern Europe) and I see more equal societies,I see societies where the common man appears to have a voice that is heard,where government appears to be for the benefit of all in that country ... bring on a federal Europe I say,the sooner the better