See now the undeniable fact about me Starlight is that I have always owned up when I get it wrong, I own up and apologise where most of you proved wrong slink away and leave the thread or switch the subject or attack the other person.
You yourself are always very quick to get personal with your insults to posters on this forum, me I am not insecure, I don't think I am perfect and always right I don't need to do that, I just put my hands up and admit I got it wrong.
I don't think I got this wrong, perhaps some details but I am looking into it and if I fnd I was wrong I will be the first to apoogise.
I am still laughing, because what I said about the SS being made up of many Nationalities is still true and some Irishmen were members of it if as might be found just one or two, the possibility is not comical it is understandable.
Just as understandable as to why people unhappy with communism or stalin rule, would change sides, why the Cossacks changed side, why the British POWs changed side, we certainly gave the Irish reason to support Hitler over the years, that 99.9% did not is a credit to them, I guess they believed better Britain as a neighbour than Hitler as a ruler, especially with his stance on Gypsies and thier anialation.
and what you say about the Irish SS Battalion appears to be true and I freely admit that, I just find it a shame on here that people dont read the forums to learn or give their knowledge for free, they use them to find mistakes then go on and on about one fact ignoring the threads aim, this thread is no longer about WWII and therefore does not interest me anymore, I hoped when I came back that the forums had changed, that they were no longer the witch hunt place they had turned into, I was wrong.
The forums started to die, the only new topics were the fun topics, 3 word stories and what you think of the person above, serious debate was dying here and I know why. I was wrong to come back another error you can make the weeks discussion topic.
I admitted I could be wrong I can't do more than that.
Star, I didn't tell you to fuck off, I told you to go fuck yourself.
There's a difference :lol2:
I have yet to be convinced I got it so totally wrong, my memory is not what it used to be but I know that I watched something about an Irish involvement on the side of the German army, I will not get to the bottom of it, I am convinced they were not members of the many SS Battalions recruited from foreign nations that I thought they were but there was something.
It is not the personal attacks, the scorn and laughter that upset me, it is the way the forum threads degenerate into personal jibes and point scoring, because the forums should be a place where errors can occur, where we can all learn and give our personal opinions, that is what makes debate such a good thing.
So many people who would like to contribute to the forums are put off doing so by the minority that do this.
I love the forums for what I learn from them, on some things I am passionate, I hope we all are about some subjects, it is a human trait and what that steps us apart from the animal kingdom.
Until I started this topic I thought only a few foreign nationals served in the SS and only those with what some would argue a good reason to support the opposition, I learned it was hundreds of thousands, I learnt that it wasn't the Irish I thought it was.
I used to believe the French capitulated too quickly but after discussion in here I realised that it was the best option for them at that time.
I still believe that without the stance of Britain the Germans would have undoubtedly achieved all of Adolf Hitlers goals and that we could not have beaten Germany alone but gave the rest of the world the time and the base to stop them, that all of Europe and the East would be under German control to this day had it not been for our stance.
As for the reason given that we could do it being because AH did not invade England immediately after taking Dunkirk, they couldn't, not because we could stop them but because they did not have air superiority, because the equipment and supplies needed were not available at the french ports and because AH thought we were finished anyway and had the Russian resources so paramount in his mind with the campaign needing a quick start to avoid the Russian winter and lastly because the English Channel has been throughout our history our greatest defence, timing has to be right.
We will never know however if German control of most of the world (europe, asia, africa, would have been a good thing for many, not the jews, old, mentally disabled, gypsies, homosexuals for sure but for others, it could have been an improvement to what life is now.
Give me peace and I will be a happy man, I never said I support war or want war, I abhore it, but believe it is man and his greed and thirst for more that makes it exist, I am not naive I am a realist, I have never started a war and never would, there is a huge difference between wanting war and recognising why we have it.
Give me a button that would wipe man from the face of the earth and leave it to nature, to the animals and the trees and I would be first in the queue to press it, we are a despicable race unworthy of what we have.
Was this thread a party political broadcast on behalf of Mids and company, or an assessment of WW2's history?
Seems Mids you are not sure what it actually is based on some of your rather silly remarks.
And I was wrong but not totally, I confused two documentaries with one, having watched the documentary about mixed nationality SS Battalions, I also watched a documentary about Irish plans to invade Northern Ireland with German assistance or more of a German invasion of Northern Ireland, the perfect base for an further invasion of the UK mainland with neutral neighbours (EIRE).
This was the plan of the IRA without the consent or knowledge of the Irish Government.
From Wiki
The IRA fostered links with German intelligence (the Abwehr) and Foreign Ministry, with men such as Francis Stuart travelling to Germany to talk, though these attempts were largely ineffectual due to a combination of Abwehr and Foreign Ministry incompetence and IRA weakness. Germans also came to Ireland, the most notable of whom was Hermann Görtz, who was captured in possession of "Plan Kathleen"- an IRA plan that detailed a German supported invasion of Northern Ireland. (See also: Irish Republican Army – Abwehr collaboration in World War II).
Two IRA men were executed for the murder of two policemen in September 1940, and the IRA became increasingly ineffective in the face of the resolute use of internment, the breaking of hunger strikes, and the application of hanging for capital offences. During 1941, the hope of a German invasion had faded and funding from the United States had been cut off. The IRA leadership were mostly interned within the Curragh Camp, where they were treated increasingly harshly, or on the run. Most internees accepted release on parole. The IRA remained barely active in Northern Ireland, but they were not a threat to the stability of Ireland.
I apologise for my mistake and accept that it was wrong to state that there was an Irish Battalion in the SS orbat.
Jed, you were wrong. There is no point dressing it up, or muddying the water, you were wrong. There is also no point in saying you were half right, or even close, you were wrong.
It happens, move on.
I'm the same sometimes, especially on business and tax affairs, but I tend to take a different path. Rather than stating a fact and defending it to the last, I openly state I may be talking crap in the first line and wait to be corrected or re-advised by someone that knows more than I.
I accept without reservation that I was wrong about the Irish SS Battalion I was simply trying to show how I got confused, had there been no documentary about Irish involvement at all there would be no reason for my mistake and confusion so I wanted to explain about the other documentary.
I dont think anyone could have thought I was trying to defend being wrong when I so obviously was wrong.
Perhaps now we can all get back to the topic of WWII
This one has to take us back to the "if's n but's" situation.
Morally speaking we have to believe the right side won.
The plan to murder every Jew, Gypsy, Mentaly disabled, Old person, Homosexual in the world is a very good argument for the moral stance. Who would have been next on the list ?
IF, AH had won, he would have been on the list above, his mental state was deteriorating quickly, he had many enemies within the German Nation, without him his henchman would have been on very shaky ground and probably deposed very easily.
His possible replacements were a little bit nicer, Dernitz who did suceed him for a very short time, Rommel was immensely popular especially with the Wermacht and it's Generals.
So, with a more caring leader, control of Europe, the Soviet Union, Scandanavia, support from South America and the United Kingdom (because to win we did prove he needed us to agree peace terms at the start) allies in Japan who would probably of controlled the far east, USA, Australia, India, Burma etc then it is possible the world could be a better place for many and hell for some.
The question is what would have happened if the USA had been forced to face Japan alone whilst Japan got massive German support instead of the small amount they did get and without having a base in Europe to take on Germany who would have been able to put their full military might against them instead of fighting on 4 fronts.
From living near to Konigslutter, where many "homes" were set up for German Nationals that did not fit his "plan" mostly for the mental insane as he labelled the mentally disabled but also for aged citizens that had nobody to look after them, these homes are still there to this day and still occupied by the mentally disabled though all the older people sent there have since died.
The sub-humans of the east could be used as slaves but the older sub-humans were of no use to him so after the Jews were done with these were on the list with the Gypsies and Homosexuals.
And for those who want the simpler copy and paste of extracts from that link
What were Hitler's main goals and objectives?
Aldof Hitler wanted to 'exterminate' everyone who didn't fit his perfect model of the arian super-race (tall, fair skin/hair, blue eyes and christian) and he started with the followers of the jewish religion because he blamed them for the death of Jesus Christ. After the Jews Hitler planned to 'exterminate' every one who was crippled, disabled, ugly, of a different race/nationality and generally anyone who didn't fit his model.
OK, so WW2, if Britain had not declared war on Germany over Poland or arranged a peacedeal after Dunkirk, could we have co-existed with Germany ? Assuming Hitler didn't want a lump of the Empire.
And if we had co-existed with Nazi Germany would Germany have helped us in any war with Japan? IE helped fellow Europeans (were the British classed as Aryan by Hitler?) against Asians?
AH believed we fell within his ideal of the Arian race, our Jews would have been killed off but had we agreed peace terms after Dunkirk I believe we would have co-existed as long as we towed the Reich line in the same way he accepted Italy.
I think that as he was assisting Japan with some supplies and a lot of technology we would have had to end our war with them as part of any agreement we made.
We weren't the prize that France and Russia was, few natural resources at that time, divided by the Channel, with no real desire to own europe and without the rest of the world no threat to Germany especially a Germany that controlled all that they would have.