The trouble is that you are 'what if'ing' on the wrong scale.
What if the British mulberry had failed?
What if the shot Rommel was hit with had been 2 inches to one side?
What if ham and jam had never been sent?
What if Brecourt never happened?
Small scale events have a more significant effect than we ever consider. I'm sure that somewhere there was a Bombardier of the Royal Artillery that thought he could have aimed two foot to the left and killed Hitler twenty years previously and saved 50 million lives.
Have to agree, my scenario was one big IF, when France fell we had two real choices, make some form of pact with Germany or fight on, that if would have made a huge difference methinks, we know what did happen so the only IF is what would have happened IF we took the first choice. All that follows are questions that only history could have answered
Would the USA have entered the european war
Would Japan have invaded British controlled areas or would they have had to avoid us to keep Germany happy and the supplies coming
Would Japan have tried to make allies of us as they did with Germany
We will never know of course but conjecture is interesting
Well yes, there is that book by the author Adolf Hitler called Mein Kampf in which he affirms his beliefs in Darwinism, then there is the book Darwin to Hitler by Benjamin Wiker.
There is this statement from the "Centre for Science and Culture"
Darwinism inspired the Nazis. Which, in fact, it did. In Mein Kampf, Hitler used Darwinian language to make his case for racial war against the Jews.
Darwinism as I have explained was simply an observation by Darwin on the pattern often found in animals and insects to cull the herd of the weak, old and infirm. He talked about how this might effect Human Beings if we adopted the same policy. Hitler believed this to be the way forward for the Reich and the World, it was even used as a defence by some in the Nurenberg trials at the end of the war.
Hitlers support for Darwinism, the Darwinian way of life, whatever you want to call it is well documented in legal court documents, Reich Documents, Statements from the SS heirarchy and Hitler himself in Mein Kampf.
The only reason you find this part of his anialation plan difficult to believe was because for the most part it was not carried out on the scale of the other murders and I do understand that but intent is still a crime and it was clearly his intent to use this part of his "Darwin" stratedgy for the removal of those he considered a burden. As I said the only recordable instances that did occur was it's use in deciding which Jews were put to the front of the queue for elimination when the queue got large, initially it was first come first served but as the camps filled the guards used a filter system and the old, sick, infirm, disabled were at the head of that queue as has been well documented by holocaust survivors.
I am surprised that you find it difficult to believe someone you know was going mad, was exterminating men, women and children in their millions just for their religious beliefs, just for being gypsies, just for being homosexual etc would have any qualms at eliminating the old folk.
No I won't quote chapter and verse because I no longer have my copy of Mein Kampf and have no desire to buy another, you can choose not to agree with what I have said, you can choose to disbelieve what I say, you can even say it is not true, because that is your perogative as it is my pergotive to believe it.
I have put forward a greater argument for it being true than anyone has for it not being true, there are many references to the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitlers views of Darwinism availalbe via Google if you care to look including references to his book Mein Kampf.
The Nazi Party did not always shout about their plans for anyone, the jews, the mentally disabled, the infirm or the gypsies why do you think they would have shouted about plans to kill off the elderly, most of the plans were kept on a "need to know" basis just as our Government and many others treat their own plans for the future.
I made a statement I believe to be true through what I have read, I have no requirement to prove it just as those that say it is not true have no requirement to disprove it, if they want they can try, personally I don't think it important enough to waste my time on, it was a plan that never reached fruition therefore somewhat imaterial in the greater picture of what was done.
I agree, his thoughts on Darwinism were just a small part of his way of thinking, I have never said anything different, this whole discussion is about one small aspect of the whole topic, the topic being WWII personally I think this bit is a quite insignificant part of that discussion because WWII stopped him in his tracks when it came down to all his beliefs, ideals and dreams for the Reich, I would much rather be discussing the things that did happen than what he might have done had he been able to contiune with is path.
directly it translates to "My Fight" but the popular and accepted thinking is that it was his life, something he saw as a struggle, a fight and the reason he did what he did and believed what he believed. At the end of the day in this context it means all those things in just the same way as many words mean many different things when used in different contexts after all if it had just been his fight it might have been soley about his service in WWI in which he did fight and did struggle, it was published in 1925 with the second volume in 1926 whilst he was in prison, a struggle and perhaps a fight and also his life. It did tell the story of his life, struggles and fights to that day but he also talked about his dreams for the future. But again a thread about WWII is just becoming a discussion about one man albeit he did play a big roll in the whole thing it wasn't just about him.
So the aecond world war was about if Hitler ever planned to kill off old people and what the title of his book actually meant, ok I accept all that and believe all that is correct and I am wrong, so for me the WWII subject is all done and dusted and really quite boring so I am going to find another more interesting subject to debate, have fun with this one.