After the success of the Glasgow Munch in March :happy: we have decided to hold another on the 26th November in Glasgow again. in a Private Venue ..
As before the venue will be sent out to you via a PM along with names of local hotels and directions approx two weeks before, same rule applies that if you are not on the list then you will not gain entry to the venue..
If anyone is interested please let me know via pm or in the thread

hopefully we will have an even bigger turnout than the last one :P
We will be having a Disco/Karaoke again :karaoke: and possibly a buffet .. :evil2:
As usual same rules will apply as to attending the munch must be a Regular user of the site chat room or forum.. and have been a member before the 26th September 2005..
If not ? you must have someone that is well known on Swinging heavento vouch for you..

Looking forward to another fantastic night !!

anyone need a list of hotels pm please :D
Lucy & Ken xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Names down so Far
3 - Users that wish to remain anonymous :P
Amalthea - confirmed
Almighty confirmed
Andy Cambs confirmed
Angelchat - confirmed
Bandmaster - confirmed
Bi-Guy-Notts confirmed
Blonde & Steveg confirmed
bobbyb - cpl confirmed
Chunky love
Dambuster confirmed
Dundee cpl - confirmed
Edin bbw- confirmed
Edin chris - cpl confrmed
Fabio - confirmed
Fembernie & Bassman - confirmed
garyfx99 - confirmed
hornylittleblonde confirmed
HuxleyNSusie confirmed
Ice Pie - confirmed
jandj - confirmed
Jim&Julie aka- JJcpl confirmed
Laird & Fee - confirmed
Leprechaun - conjiggle
KitKat Cpl confirmedfirmed
Lucy& Ken - confirmed
Lust wench & Bad habit
Marcusso - confirmed
MrHorny confirmed
mr/mrs disco - confirmed
pearleshine confirmed
Tattypx - postie confirmed
Pouting lips & Trebor confirmed
ptolemy - confirmed
Essexlady- confirmed
Richardm - confirmed
Sarah - confirmed
Scotsbicouple- confirmed
scotsladandlassie - confirmed
Scooter _ maxi confirmed
Simoncomesaround - confirmed
Sexyscotcarol & Scottishflinstone - confirmed
SlydeWhoosh - confirmed
Targaid confirmed
Yofiban - confirmed