well....a once slightly Lefty Newspaper today had a freebee magazine insert...
theG******n Guide to Camping
so you can be sure I'll be bringing that along, I shant be short of toilet paper on this little extravaganza, oh no!
Pete, can you add DaiHappy to the list as my guest please?
You-know-who has finally joined the ranks of the debauched :twisted:
all this bumping, one cannot keep up!!
i have just come home from a merry night, im so confirming, sod anybody that had put me off earlier this week!
I still don't know if I can make it or not, and I'm not sure if Nat's coming either.
How soon will you need to know?
Oooooh, can we talk about Pete now coz he's not here? Who has the gossip? :twisted:
Hi Velvet
I've made fire pits/bbq today, frame raises them metre off ground so no prob with scorched are both .9m by .6 m so large enough for cooking or throwing logs in for fire