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21 st birthday in west yorkshire

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Hi were having a 21st bithday party for Phoenix in a swingers club in west yorkshire 69position we have struck an agreement with the owners of the club. Ther will be no need for membership to attend this party and no need to provide id for entry the entrance fee will be reduced to £15 and there will be a free buffet ( ok were paying for the buffet ext so it aint free to us lol ) it is a saturday night usually reserved for couples / single fem only but this will be wavered for saturday 28 th may only the single males wil be limited to 5and of these they must be ither known to us or known by friends ( but this dosent include single m that "pair up " for entry ) they will come from sh and not normal club members and no single male will be ripped of or pay extortiante entry fee it will be the same £15 for each single male plus no membersip ext ext ext although ther will be the usual cples only room the guests to this party wil be free to use all and any facilaties on offer there the is going to be a slight theme to the party suagar and spice and all things nice and of :censored: corse naughty ( ull see that by what pheonex comming in ) so pls feel free to put ur names down and come have fun
:-D can we come? we promise not to be good - ill ask u about it on msn next time im on xxxxx
It's that single male problem I think, chaps, you're suggesting that either we won't get in or we'd be charged shed loads, why don't you get some more definite info and then get back to us?
of corse u can come krazy wed be more than happy 69position and to the single male part of it we have to have a rough idea of interest in single males wishing to attend before the club will agree to it and ther will be no astronomical prices it wil be the same 15 entry as it alredy is that we have alredy secured for all in attendance to this party at the mo hes agreed to aporx 5 single males so if the single fem wants to pair up with single m for the evening just to gain acess ican see that being any problem :welcome:
oops was supposed to say i cant see that being a problem
Quote by marmalaid
It's that single male problem I think, chaps, you're suggesting that either we won't get in or we'd be charged shed loads, why don't you get some more definite info and then get back to us?

Just like Marmalaid says. You will probably find that the single guys outnumber the single fems considerably, making coupling up not very viable. Also the five that will be allowed in might include the clubs resident members. Certainly more info is required to allow before single males can show a commitment.
Happy birthday in any case lol :lol:
in all the partys and meets we have been to u usually get about 25 to 20 single males ask and receve invites out of them usually arround 5 or 6 turn up and the 5 alowed in that night will be from sh ither ones we know or are known to friends of ours
I'd love to come i think it would be a great introduction into the scene and as much as i look a total newbie i have been around for a while, but not sure when and where to vent myself. which is far from who i am in real life.
if not welcome thats not a problem
good luck x
Well looks like it is going ahead now on the Sat 28 th May The agreed price of admision into the club has been £15 per couple ( most who frequent culbs will know this is a reduction ) no need for id or mebership to the club if u are only attending for this party ther will be a max of 5 single males alowed in with invites to this party but should any single fem be ther they could acompany a single male to gain acess. so if ud like to receve an invite pls post in here or pm
Can u but me and Tbone down but can we let u know a little nearer the time if thats ok
we love to cum
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Babe1 and Tbone
u know wed love to put u down lol xxxxxxxx see u ther
If me n Terry are free would love to come and help you celebrate
your a lovely couple
Vicky n Terry
ty vicki / terry but only if terry packs his fatigues lol xxxx
I'd love to attend your birthday bash. I'm a single, orally bu guy; 50, 6' tall medium build etc experienced swinger but not pushy. Been a member of SH for ages but newcommer to the forums, have met one or two people fro here though. I would, of course be happy to pair up with any single fem for entry purposesthat way she gets in free and it effectively reduces the numbers of 'single' guys.
Let me know.
Hi there jasper
as we have a good few single male friends who would like to attend my party we are sticking to singles who are personal friends. though i would love you to join us at the party if you could possibly pair up? please dont be offended by this its still an offer of an invite to the party! im not saying you cant come im just saying we have a few friends and as its supposed to be a couples night there are only 5 singles who can gain entry on this night. it would be nice to see you and the mystery partner for the night whichever lovely lady accompanies you
thanks for your interest
fire & phoenix
As Long as the shift sorters don't screw it up - I'll be there
If i still got the invite :P
Would love to have come and help you celebrate Chris & Andrea but I have my daughter that weekend. Have a great time. xxx
:D thanks for the invite to your party over the phone we've only just managed to find the forum add. We'd like to come and help you celebrate it should be a really fun night. Can you let us know if ifs ok to invite some other cpls that we know. :D
awww sorry u couldent make it wishmaster ull be missed gr8 to see u again sexy leeds guess we missedeachother again sat gonna have to strap ur asses down lol
i'd love to come...but you dont know me sad
if any fem wants to pair up, then i'll come and give you 21 humps...oops i mean bumps :win
so, any fems wanna come with me, then go-on and pm me kiss
sad still not allot of interst we wonder is it beacuse its in a swingers club and this puts people off ???
is the party still on ?
yesssssssssssssss its still on hope to see u there xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi firehott
I do beleive I am already coming along to this shin dig of yours, with a good friend of yours Will. Thought id introduce myself before so you know who I am in advance. Looking forward to meeting you both.
biggrin yes i do beleve we know of u and definatly know ur partner look forward to seing u then on sat 28 further info the party is to be held at blue rooms swingers club its 23 smythe street wakefield( 50 yards from wakefield westgate ) entry is 15 per couple or free to single fem at the mo single male places are all spoken for but pls pm it may alter neerer the date hope to see a few of u there xxxx
We still coming next saturday. Only down the road from us.
:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :smile2: :smile2: :smile2: :smile2: