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4th year !!....Swing Camp in North Wales..25/26/27th June...

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224 replies
2 watchers
Well have rung the site, and would you believe they allowing us back again !!!
So its all confirmed 25/26/27th june in North Wales. Most people come down on the Friday afeternoon/evening ..stay friday and saturday evening..and then leave some time on Sunday. Some come down earlier....some stay later..thats your choice. As every year I have ordered the sun, and it certainly turned out for us last year. At the peak, on saturday afternoon, we had 47 of us there. Now as most know, the majority of us that turn up are from the Mids Room in server 3. Yes thats right we manage to get past customs on Welsh border, and sneak in. However, all are welcome and we do indeed always have a few Welsh freinds that always pop across and see us. All are welcome.
So please get name down on the list....then in first week of May I will send you details of where the camp site is, along with phone number. It will then be your resposibility to pay and book in yourself.
The cost this year....the lady has informmed me is £10 per person..per night
You then need to negotiate hook up.....when you get there. The cost will vary depending on how many in the tent.
Details of location and how to book have now been sent ou to those on the list. They now have until May 24th to book and send payment. Anyone not paid by this date will be taken off the list..and someone on reserve will be sent details.
the camp site tells me I have exceed my tent space by two we all gona have to squesse up....close and there is no more room, for any more tents. So sorry for those on reserve..but no space. However if you can squeese in with others into tents already booked....then thats fine. You will need to confirm to me. who's tent you are carry on praying for the sun.....please.
DeanCannock.......paid and confirmed
Mr and Mrs BMW....paid and confirmed
Ben_welshminx..paid and confirmed
BennGunn.....paid and confirmed
Gurlonloan...paid and confirmed
Two4more...paid and confirmed
tanglefooted...paid and confirmed
Dork and Windy.........paid and confirmed
matt(sleepy head) and clare...paid and confirmed
justinathong2.......paid and confirmed
shagg....paid and confirmed
midsprincess....paid and confirmed
Corrie..paid and confirmed
funlovers-2009....paid and confirmed
suedey and shelly....paid and confirmed
cockslut...paid and confirmed
m8ty...paid and confirmed
jiggle...paid and confirmed
Mr and Mrs Leics...paid and confirmed
lustybust....paid and confirmed
abw...paid and confirmed
Chic..paid and confirmed
Pene....paid and confirmed
nylonsandheels....paid and confirmed
fumbling fingers....paid and confirmed
Little-Miss....paid and confirmed
warks male....paid and confirmed
T and B scott....paid and confirmed
Try2...paid and confirmed
shi and meeko ...paid and confirmed
just-a-couple...paid and confirmed
kaz and kev....paid and confirmed
Unc-mids...paid and confirmed
tinkerbell..paid and confirmed
missSaraSmiler...paid and confirmed
sexgodess...paid and confirmed
trickychicky..paid and confirmed
tinsoldiers 147...paid and confirmed
loveley lady and fondle...paid and confirmed
KAZ-Allen in a hotel......wimps
List Full
Reserve list started ::::
Sorry.....please see note above :::
midscouple 24
djcouple 7
toomy 10
kickwell 1961
Please put me and my special lover ( and pussy shaving expert )
on the list thanks :happy:
yep.... last year was bags of fun! might try and catch the sun this year!!!
so reserve a spot for me :-)
Has the site got shower, loo and mains hook up facilities and suitable for caravans?
Please put us down for this.
jaste, is excellant site, and this will be our 4th visit there. It has a nice shower block..un-metered. It has hook available....a few come down in caravans and motor-homes and that is great. You posh buggars !!!
I would like to go to my first camp but no bum fun requests again please. lol
deanie you done it again whoooppppiiieee
defo put my name down for this one
*skips off with a big grin *
pop us down again for this year...
Hi Dean,
Please add us to the list...your camp outings come highly recommended lol
Wouldn't want to miss out!
would love to know more,keep me informed ,are u aloud just 1 nite or 2 as we have a concert that weekend and would love to come tho ,and is it couples singles or just a mix....sounds amazing thx soo
Hey Dean
Sleepy head and Clare requesting name on the list, fingers crossed for those rays of sunshine (not the glowstick juice) again this time round.
Cheers matey
Hi Dean put us down m8 already booked the time off work so just need to book the posh quite end of the site again lol, the grass greener there lol. cheers.
Quote by matt-clare-brum
Hey Dean
Sleepy head and Clare requesting name on the list, fingers crossed for those rays of sunshine (not the glowstick juice) again this time round.
Cheers matey

whats wrong with glowstick juice apart from the fact it doesn't wash out...
hiya dean
can you add my name to the list please...cant wait x x x x x x x
annie x x x x x
Quote by two-4-more
Hey Dean
Sleepy head and Clare requesting name on the list, fingers crossed for those rays of sunshine (not the glowstick juice) again this time round.
Cheers matey

whats wrong with glowstick juice apart from the fact it doesn't wash out...
lol need you say more?!?!
Me please and this year I will not only pay I will definately come lol
Please can we have our usual spot
wouldnt miss this weekend for the word
Quote by midsprincess
Please can we have our usual spot
wouldnt miss this weekend for the word

The Word hasn't been on for years Ali ... so needn't miss camping watching Terry Christian !
Quote by Suede-head
Please can we have our usual spot
wouldnt miss this weekend for the word

The Word hasn't been on for years Ali ... so needn't miss camping watching Terry Christian !
Terry who....????
deany babes can u put me n twat down for the camp please hun!
really lookin forward to it!!!!
will promise to keep the noise down! lol
double d!!
Quote by matt-clare-brum
Please can we have our usual spot
wouldnt miss this weekend for the word

The Word hasn't been on for years Ali ... so needn't miss camping watching Terry Christian !
Terry who....????
You are too young Matt !
Quote by Suede-head
Please can we have our usual spot
wouldnt miss this weekend for the word

The Word hasn't been on for years Ali ... so needn't miss camping watching Terry Christian !
Terry who....????
You are too young Matt !
camp manc..... i had to ask me dad... so we had no chance matt lol ;)
Can you put us down for this year please Dean...Will try and get the time off work, if not, will deffo come down Sat afternoon. xxx
Hi Dean
Can u put me down please.
Quote by Suede-head
Please can we have our usual spot
wouldnt miss this weekend for the word

The Word hasn't been on for years Ali ... so needn't miss camping watching Terry Christian !
Terry who....????
You are too young Matt !
err does that make me old as i can remember it???
ooOOOooohhhh we're up for a bit of under canvas lovin!!
Can you put our names down please xx
Pop us down for our usual spot Dean ... well maybe not the same spot as last year, far too much noise !
Suede and Shelly x x x
Please can I come ...
m8y and matilda
Dean , yes deffo put us both down , thats `Mr & Mrs Leics , peep the rat dog and Jed the cute & addorable puppy.
Also we want to reserve the quiet corner like we had last year and can you send mrs Leics a packing list so she wont forget anything this year !
OOOOo cant wait