Sorry peeps we are going to have to pull-out of this one due to an opportunity to travel abroad and sunshine.
Hope you all have a fun time.
Mr & Mrs M
A nice Welsh bump! :bounce:
Still space left if anyone else would like to get their names down for some fun and frolics!
Can we have your confirmations by Saturday 29th if you're coming for def please as we have to book the campsite this weekend.
There is still room for a few more if anyone's interested. It's always great fun I promise!
We will be there...but will be staying in B & B Saturday could you pm us with the area so we can find one or a hotel?
Thanks very kindly
am I still allowed to confirm?
As a long time couple on here and being paid-up members of the Stonehengy thingy flirt and shag society - we wanna know - are we eligible to cum??
eeerm...we have bought a tent today...sooooooo..if there is any space on the site for camping we won't bother with the B & B!!
Sara n Gra