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7th Wigan Munch - 1 Dec, - Its Today!!!!!

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hi nwc
hope u had a brill hol down under. noticed my name on the sngls list. so goin to confirm hun.
lol.. tele
im new to the forum and would love to gain your friendship and maybe one day be invited to one of your munches.
Welcome to the forums bulldog biggrin
Welcome back NWC glad you're home safe :D
Just confirming that myself & a rather nervous Vert2go will be attending the 7th Wigan Munch :bounce:
I'm confirming :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I'm confirming as well and I'm really looking forward to it
Me & Mr B confirming too NWC biggrin :D :D :D
hope we can all meet again
I'M SHY !!!!!!
so I'M COMING !!
if i don't pluck up the courage to go to a munch that is almost at the end of my road .... i will never go to one
but nobody look at me.... o.k. ? rotflmao
look forward to meeting everybody xx
jdlover confirmed
Now will you please stop sending me harassing PMs please. rolleyes :rude: :lol2:
Tele, Lilacgem & Vert2go, Cherrytree, Columbia, Bonedigger and Baldguy, thanks for the confirmations.
JDlover, I promise to look after you while not even looking at you, honest (but I do tell lies about the looking bit) :twisted: and Easy, does this mean I cant stalk you anymore??? wink
Bulldog, keep your eyes open on the forums as there are many socials and munches arranged all over the country and quite a few in the North West. Hope to see you at one of them very soon biggrin
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
wave Confirmation here biggrin
Dont know what you mean about big spiders.... They weren;t that big when I lived there dunno
:giggle: bolt

Our first night in Sydney, and a spider about the size of a dinner plate (about 2 cms) walked straight across the kitchen unit. After a 10 minute screaming tantrum (by me), Mr NWC finally stopped laughing enough to catch the said Monster with a glass. However we didnt know if it was poisonous or not, so we decided to leave it in the glass till the next day so we could check it out with someone.
Next morning, we got up and decided to check on Sammy (well, we had to name him) only to find he had escaped :shock:
He had managed to move the glass to the end of the unit and get out! Just shows how big he really was! It did turn out that it wasnt a poisonous one, but it was still big and ugly enough to frightened me!
The highlight (wildlife related) has to be when we were having a BBQ the following evening. I heard a funy noise under my seat (and expected Sammy to have returned) only to find a Possum, waiting for something to eat (it seems they have a passion for apple and bannana) Fantastic!!!!!
The spider I met on my travels had muscles like popeye, hairy legs and eyes as big as saucers!! Then I met mummy and daddy!!! :shock: :shock:
Glad your both back safe and sound kiss
Oh and I shall confirm while Im here! smile :)
Hope you had a good holiday
Confirming that we are still coming
i am confirming i will be there
Hi NWC just confirming we will be coming lol
Cheers Clint xx
NWC kiss
can you take me off the list please? i simply cant afford the train/hotel/gallon of vodka for this one due to other commitments.
have a great night biggrin
hi nwc glad you had a great holiday and are back safe and sound kiss
just like to confirm that we will be attended the munch............and so so lookin forward to it ....... biggrin
in edit i spelled checked rolleyes
is it here i confess.. erm confirm i will attend the local parish event .......i do hope theres community singing.. sorry swinging ...
Thanks for the confirmations Wanna, Clintnorthwood, Sara, candj and Anais, and big :cry: for Sexkitten.
Joewally, please dont worry as I will arrange some extra choir practice for you if you are a bit worried wink
See you all in December lol
if i havent already............ can i confirm
looking forward to seein u all again soon
ya sexy fookers wink
confirming We are coming.
redface Err have we comfirmed if we have sorry for repeating it and if we haven't well i am now lol
Dawnie and Ian - now confirmed. lol
Welcome back you two, god im glad i wasnt there i bloody hate spiders, wil tell you what that git lee did in adam n eves other friday when i see you. Confirming i will be at munch.
wave confirming we're cumin too biggrin
lilnfil xxx
Oh Yes....... I CONFIRM, I CONFIRM !!!
Just confirming we will be there biggrin
Just confirming we will be there biggrin
Confirming that we'll be there !!
Antwest99 x 2!
Just to confirm......we'll be there, can't wait to see you all xxx