Confirming of my attendance to this soire! :twisted:
yep will be there, nervous as its our 1st but god its exciting. See you all there
hi. lexuscouple here just confirming we will be there on 1st dec. looking foreward to it. thanks/ xx
30 more sleeps :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Confirming we will be there
Hi, Just Confirming we will be there, and looking forward to it and hope its as good as last years.
Steve + Judy
Hi , dont know if we are to late but would love to come to the munch x
can I just confirm
I'll be there - yeeaaaaaaaah
hi we too late for a invite ? paul/kelly ?
Thanks for all the confirmations and all marked off on the list.
Cheshcouple, the list is VERY full and I do have a reserve list, but I will add you to it.
Just confirming that I am still cumming
just to confirm we will be there. louliks
can i just make entirely sure that the lovely Sexy 67 and myself are confirmed for this. Really looking forward to seeing you and having a great do
boro xxx
hi there !!
where there is love .... i'll be there
fanx tara
Hi my northern friends !
There's now a doubt about whether i can make next month's munch so instead of leaving it up in the air i've decided to bow out now so that one of the deserving reserves can have a place confirmed . Sorry about this nwc ! sure it will be a great night as usual , keep up the good work xx
If I can stay awake long enough, I am really looking forward to letting my hair down :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: