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7th Wigan Munch - 1 Dec, - Its Today!!!!!

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Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
....... and Easy, does this mean I cant stalk you anymore??? wink

Quote by Cambridge Dictionary
stalk (FOLLOW) verb
1 to follow an animal or person as closely as possible without being seen or heard....

Standing right next to me and going.... "Ooooo EAAAASSSSSSSYYYYYYY!!!! Over here!!! Fancy a shag???" doesn't really meet that definition does it? :P :lol2: bolt
Quote by Sara_2006
i am confirming i will be there

ULP! :shock:
*easy starts sweating and fiddling with his collar in a nervous way*
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Please can I confirm NWC kiss
Confirming of my attendance to this soire! :twisted:
yep will be there, nervous as its our 1st but god its exciting. See you all there
hi. lexuscouple here just confirming we will be there on 1st dec. looking foreward to it. thanks/ xx
30 more sleeps :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
confirming we will be there and i'm bringing Boris the spider with me, he's huge wink
Hi, Just Confirming we will be there, and looking forward to it and hope its as good as last years.
Steve + Judy
Hi , dont know if we are to late but would love to come to the munch x
can I just confirm
I'll be there - yeeaaaaaaaah
Quote by martellnotts
can I just confirm
I'll be there - yeeaaaaaaaah

Woo hoo, it'll be fab to finally get to meet you. biggrin
hi we too late for a invite ? paul/kelly ?
Thanks for all the confirmations and all marked off on the list.
Cheshcouple, the list is VERY full and I do have a reserve list, but I will add you to it.
Just confirming that I am still cumming
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Our first night in Sydney, and a spider about the size of a dinner plate (about 2 cms) walked straight across the kitchen unit.

:shock: :scared: bolt
FB will definitely NEVER be visiting Australia!
Quote by Freckledbird

Our first night in Sydney, and a spider about the size of a dinner plate (about 2 cms) walked straight across the kitchen unit.

:shock: :scared: bolt
FB will definitely NEVER be visiting Australia!
Hehe - you should've seen the big black giant I found in my plant pots this morning! wink
Choon and Angelica confirming and how!
Quote by westerross

Our first night in Sydney, and a spider about the size of a dinner plate (about 2 cms) walked straight across the kitchen unit.

:shock: :scared: bolt
FB will definitely NEVER be visiting Australia!
Hehe - you should've seen the big black giant I found in my plant pots this morning! wink
Choon and Angelica confirming and how!
I do hope you disposed of it and didn't transfer it to another pot :scared:
Quote by Freckledbird

Our first night in Sydney, and a spider about the size of a dinner plate (about 2 cms) walked straight across the kitchen unit.

:shock: :scared: bolt
FB will definitely NEVER be visiting Australia!
Hehe - you should've seen the big black giant I found in my plant pots this morning! wink
Choon and Angelica confirming and how!
I do hope you disposed of it and didn't transfer it to another pot :scared:
Under foot hopefully :thumbup:
Quote by Freckledbird

Our first night in Sydney, and a spider about the size of a dinner plate (about 2 cms) walked straight across the kitchen unit.

:shock: :scared: bolt
FB will definitely NEVER be visiting Australia!
Hehe - you should've seen the big black giant I found in my plant pots this morning! wink
Choon and Angelica confirming and how!
I do hope you disposed of it and didn't transfer it to another pot :scared:
I dunno! I lost sight of it as I was re-potting an umbrella plant.
Looked like a burrowing spider to me! :twisted:
just to confirm we will be there. louliks
Thanks everyone, list now updated and I promise not to bring any spiders with me on the night lol
can i just make entirely sure that the lovely Sexy 67 and myself are confirmed for this. Really looking forward to seeing you and having a great do
boro xxx
hi there !!
where there is love .... i'll be there
fanx tara
Thanks BoroughtB abd Sexy67, be great to see you both again wink
Jdlover, I am starting to worry :wink: bout you :twisted:
Sorry, but we can't make this now. I've sent a PM explaining. Hope you all have a fab time biggrin
Hi my northern friends !
There's now a doubt about whether i can make next month's munch so instead of leaving it up in the air i've decided to bow out now so that one of the deserving reserves can have a place confirmed . Sorry about this nwc ! sure it will be a great night as usual , keep up the good work xx
If I can stay awake long enough, I am really looking forward to letting my hair down :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Quote by Dawnie
If I can stay awake long enough, I am really looking forward to letting my hair down :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

can I stare at you from afar and lust ?
damn, in edit.. thought this was the mancs munch.... bugger bugger bugger