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a manchester birthday night out 26th jan 08 confirm now ta

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Quote by Playfulkitten71
Could you put me down as a couple with my new victim please hun xxxxxxxxxxx

definately buying a hat now ffs ... 2 hats in one year.........double wedding....handbag man and brucie bonus rolleyes
your sooooooooo in trouble harold
Quote by alanrachel2000
Could you put me down as a couple with my new victim please hun xxxxxxxxxxx

definately buying a hat now ffs ... 2 hats in one year.........double wedding....handbag man and brucie bonus rolleyes
ffs lol gimme a break... luffs you xxx
anyone have a spare bed for next sat's (26th) do?
so i can rest my weary head lol or maybe not wink
Please help this good cause it might be worth ur while lol
Maybe_me xxxxxxxx
Hiya Sara can u put me down luv.
The funk wants to party !!!
Luv Phil :P
Quote by funkyphil
Hiya Sara can u put me down luv.
The funk wants to party !!!
Luv Phil :P

phil go see a vet if ya need puttin down lol rolleyes :twisted:
oh dear
am not going to even make the reserve list!!
have my auditon for Big Brother VII on the same day!
hope u all have a great night xx
Nicey biggrin
What a list!! I am intrested in joing in the fun! where are you meeting
Quote by Nicewheels
oh dear
am not going to even make the reserve list!!
have my auditon for Big Brother VII on the same day!
hope u all have a great night xx
Nicey biggrin

Ermmm Wheely mate.......BB7 has already been 2006...and Petey won it...wanker!!!! oops not you, Pete's fave word lol rolleyes
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Luv Batty xxxxx
Quote by Madingo9
What a list!! I am intrested in joing in the fun! where are you meeting

i am very sorry but the original list does state only 5 single guys and as you can see from the list they have already been confirmed. keep your eye out tho these socials happen every couple of months or so and you do need to be quick off the mark to get your name on the list
With the single guy reserve list being so big. Can someone pop round and check on red. If he has gone towards the light it seems a shame to lose a place lol
hi all
possibilty we will not be there.......rach in bed....not all well....but....if theres a improvement
in her..we will be there....if that makes any sense rolleyes
alan rach xxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by alanrachel2000
hi all
possibilty we will not be there.......rach in bed....not all well....but....if theres a improvement
in her..we will be there....if that makes any sense rolleyes
alan rach xxxxxxxxxxx

oi! you best be looking after her Alan. She is worked to the bone. She should be treated like a princess.
Quote by Barneyandbetty
With the single guy reserve list being so big. Can someone pop round and check on red. If he has gone towards the light it seems a shame to lose a place lol

in the immortal words of the oldest swinger in town........tough titties!!!
i will be there even if i am being wheeled in all stiff!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Sara
Sorry it's short notice but due to a family crisis we won't be able to make it tonight. Sorry
hi sara can u take us off the list as confirmed soz to let u down at last minute paul and kelly chescouple
hi sara i know its late and loads are gonna feel so let down lol r comp bin playin up but we cant come out and play tonight would of let u know sooner soory av a gud night all u dirty sexi feckers luv to u all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
What another fantastic night - Thanks Sara xxx Old faces, soft lips, firm bodies mmmmmmmm RWL lol
name the date and venue mrs us2 lol and its done
and happy happy you can not be meaning rwl when u say firm body :twisted:
Thanks Sara for organising another fab night out! Luffs ya babe passionkiss
I dont think i have ever had the pleasure of feeling so many nice asses all in one night gggrrrrrrrrrrr Mr Happy!!!!!!!!!!!
Still didnt get a snog from the pierced tongue...I live in hope...... :shock:
Breakfast was fab too lol
Quote by play-g-j
Thanks Sara for organising another fab night out! Luffs ya babe passionkiss
I dont think i have ever had the pleasure of feeling so many nice asses all in one night gggrrrrrrrrrrr Mr Happy!!!!!!!!!!!
Still didnt get a snog from the pierced tongue...I live in hope...... :shock:
Breakfast was fab too lol

Somebody else did though and not just a kiss :violin:
Quote by play-g-j
Thanks Sara for organising another fab night out! Luffs ya babe passionkiss
I dont think i have ever had the pleasure of feeling so many nice asses all in one night gggrrrrrrrrrrr Mr Happy!!!!!!!!!!!
Still didnt get a snog from the pierced tongue...I live in hope...... :shock:
Breakfast was fab too lol

so u got some breakfast this time hahahah
any sparkling perry??
Quote by happyhappy
What another fantastic night - Thanks Sara xxx Old faces, soft lips, firm bodies mmmmmmmm RWL lol

mmmmm@young face, soft lips and firm body .....mrs happy hump
great night as usual
shame about the feckers that tried to ruin it
enjoyed the tit to tit rumba flirty mmmmmmmmmm
Quote by Barneyandbetty
With the single guy reserve list being so big. Can someone pop round and check on red. If he has gone towards the light it seems a shame to lose a place lol

Sunday update: sorry batty to disappoint you, but i am still alive....i survived!!!!!!!!
...but my ears took a hammering!!!!! have you stopped talking yet? :giggle:
Thanks for great night Sara, fab as always when you're around, gorgeous girl:-) We met loads of lovely new people, few familiar faces too! Thanks very much to Mr K4t for doing the intros for us when we first arrived, much appreciated, and lovely nails Mrs K4t, loved your shiny little toy too;-) Big hello to everyone that we chatted to/snogged/groped etc. and hope to see you around;-)
Love from Mr & Mrs Antwest xx
just a quick update peeps keep your eyes open the next date will be set soon