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A Scam ?????

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Well if you want to demean what started out as a warning of a scam into personal insults then I feel sorry for you being unable to understand the point!
As far as I am concerned I want nothing more to do with this topic.
Quote by Halyard
Well if you want to demean what started out as a warning of a scam into personal insults then I feel sorry for you being unable to understand the point!
As far as I am concerned I want nothing more to do with this topic.

Professor of Law - and the relevence is?????
Nothing more to do with this topic or nothing more to do with this site? Just a little clarification for us non- professors as to why we make the effort and you just whinge at those trying to make this a better Site.
Nothing more to do with those who want to resort to p[ersonal insults! Re: VenusnMars
Positively my last comment.
Halyard once agin you flounce off a thread without reading the posts!!! mad
Where on earth has Venusnmars made a personal insult?
This is exactly like your flouncing off the Help the aged thread, you don't read the posts in full and if peeps don't agree with your views you throw a strop, for gawds sake this site is about having fun, grow up, and act like a Prof!!
Quote by kardiffuk
Halyard once agin you flounce off a thread without reading the posts!!! mad
Where on earth has Venusnmars made a personal insult?
This is exactly like your flouncing off the Help the aged thread, you don't read the posts in full and if peeps don't agree with your views you throw a strop, for gawds sake this site is about having fun, grow up, and act like a Prof!!

Now in all fairness my humour was a little acidic. I thought perhaps our Legal Professor was capable of taking on board, and predicting the repurcussions, whilst defending himself, as well as explaining to this mere non-legal professor what the relevence of his professional position was here.
Perhaps I was mistaken, forgive me for I am not a Legal Professor.
I`ll stave off this thread, for perhaps I am not `professional` enough. redface
PS. I`m a nice person really :shock:
Ahh bless :therethere: I'm not a prefessional or a professor either :cry: but I knew where you were coming from wink sometimes I think that there may be a few folks on here that take this way too seriously and personally.
Me? I couldn't give a flying hump and I'm here for the fun n laughs still each to their own. Have fun biggrin :thumbup:
Well I thought it was funny!
All the best
Professor Chuckabutty
lol wink
Has to be said, I think you need to read the description of that picture on the Flame Warriors site (it's called 'Blowhard') to fully appreciate the joke. lol
Quote by Halyard
OK so you want a complaint - I did a little looking and came up with at least 1 of the offending ads:-
Ad No. 166062
I really didn't have the time to do this, but we can't have you standing in your shoes and wondering now can we?

Treading on very dangerous toes here mate - be warned!
I might be treading on 'dangerous toes' but as a Professor of Law I am quite prepared for the consequences and to defend myself; thanks for thr warning but it was unnecessary.
I really don't care what your job is... post within the site guidelines and AUP or you are no longer a member here. So, be warned again. :x
This is an EXCELLENT example of a report we received today - this gave full details, complete with email address and name of the person concerned (which I have deleted out) and enabled the Mods to actually ban the user.
Now, please everyone, do the same. We do not want these people on the site and really need THIS kind of help to eliminate them. Be proactive please!!
:P :P
I recently registered with the site and yesterday started to contact people with I have to say a fabulous response, thank you. However, one of the ads I responded to involved a girl called xxxx from xxxxx. Her email address was given as xxxxxxxxxx .
Last night I received an email from with "It's xxxx from xxxx" written in the subject line and then the message was as follows:
Thanks for your email Badgirls Are More Fun
i want to meet smart, professional, mature, dominant men. i enjoy spanking, anal, and lots of oral both ways. i am very attractive and i am looking for one offs only. i have always wanted to try mmf fun as well..i am young, and sweet..if you want a young slut who is
willing to please.
So many timewasters so I am now on this site.
http://xxxxxx -xxxx .

The site is the usual "free" site, where you have to pay to send and receive messages etc.
At the same time I received a seperate email from the same address just advertising their contact site. I tried responding to the initial one from "xxxx" but mail returned as address does not exist.
I have had a quick look through the women seeking men photo ads this morning so I could use the report this ad link, but her ad seems to have gone. I am sure you ddi not intend your site to be used as a marketing tool hence the reason for my report.

PS in edit - this is part of Professor Halyard's ad:
I am an artist...... I am seeking like minded ladies to share the erotic moments and some no strings adult fun. I would prefer these to be during the daytime as I work most nights when it is quiet, ......

Some professor of law that is - somewhat removed from the truth somewhere along the line???
Quote by Jags
PS in edit - this is part of Professor Halyard's ad:

I am an artist...... I am seeking like minded ladies to share the erotic moments and some no strings adult fun. I would prefer these to be during the daytime as I work most nights when it is quiet, ......

Some professor of law that is - somewhat removed from the truth somewhere along the line???
But Jags..............what you have to think about is.................I myself am a trainee professor in "the art of throwing a party"................I usually only do night work
drinkies :thrilled: passionkiss
OK, so now I am accused of lying!
As I have a little time this morning I will set a few things straight! This thread was started to pass information on to those who might fall foul of this SCAM! It was not started with a view to soliciting personal insults, and, regarless of the content of subsequent posts, that is precisely what they were. If some people cannot understand plain English (my turn to level a personal insult) then I feel sorry for them.
With regard to my status of employment at this point in time I think that that is a matter for myself and no one else! However I will clear up the situation, because I am like that, a nice bloke! I worked as a Professor of Law (a title which I maintain) until 18 months ago when I gave up my position to take time out to follow an artistic career. So those who accuse me of being "somewhat removed from the truth somewhere along the line???" need to be careful themselves, and get their facts RIGHT before going into print!
One further point, I was accused of flouncing without reading the posts! Well maybe that person should have contributed to a thread which I started and took the time to read every single post. He only comes in late in the day with such comments, probably not having followed the thread from the start.
As to the threat of being kicked off the site, well as far as I am concerned feel free! I thought that this site was populaced by 'intelligent' people who were seeking a little fun in life, not by people who go out of their way to attack that which they don't understand. So as far as I am concerned this site can go find an iceberg and do what the Titanic did!
One thing is quite clear from this threat, if people like me piss of the moderators we get hit with the big stick, but if they piss us off we have absolutely no means of redress, all highly unfair mehtinks!
Quote by Halyard
If some people cannot understand plain English (my turn to level a personal insult) then I feel sorry for them.

Mine was funnier innocent
Awww c`mon bloke, recognise that you walked straight into that one (The Flame warrior remark), have a giggle at yourself, and chill.
Ok Halyard, I`ve given this some further thought, and as someone who is not in the habit of neither being seen as `stupid`, or `aggressive`, I am quite happy to clarify a few things. Are you? I am not actually a great fan of conflict.
The personal insult.
I might be treading on 'dangerous toes' but as a Professor of Law I am quite prepared for the consequences and to defend myself; thanks for thr warning but it was unnecessary.

This I read as your attempt to use your credentials to highlight your ability to be `prepared for the consequences and to defend yourself`
I thought perhaps you felt you were better armed to be able to do this given your experiances in the field? This did aggravate me a little as by the same token this statement suggests that those who do not share your credentials can not do so as effectively as you. This is not the case here, so why did you feel the need to enforce your statement with that? I read that as arrogance, but given your statement I am surprised you took the satire as personally as you have. I`m a great fan of the Flame Warriors site, and your statement seemed to fit the `Blowhard` description so well, it seemed a shame not to use it! Insulting? Perhaps (but I was prepared to see if you could take it, as I thought your statement was suggesting you felt you could.) Personal? No, I don`t know you well enough.
So, let us assume I was completely mistaken about where you were coming from. As I`ve said, I don`t know you, and I`m not so arrogant to stick to first impressions as a result. You have pointed out that I have failed to understand plain english. Let us assume I have, that my impression and subsequent reaction were completely wrong. Don`t feel sorry for me, educate me! Real stupidity lies in not trying to recitify a misunderstanding. I am not stupid, and I welcome your explanation as to what your credentials have to do with your position here. Is there a legal issue you were referring to that I misunderstood?
Please enlighten me.
had many of theres my self as well mad
Quote by Halyard
OK, so now I am accused of lying!
- no-one mentioned lying except you.
If some people cannot understand plain English (my turn to level a personal insult) then I feel sorry for them.
I can well understand plain English but struggle with abuse and pomposity.
With regard to my status of employment at this point in time I think that that is a matter for myself and no one else!
It was you how mentioned this first - play fair if you're going to play at all.
However I will clear up the situation, because I am like that, a nice bloke! I worked as a Professor of Law (a title which I maintain) until 18 months ago when I gave up my position to take time out to follow an artistic career.
So you're NOT a Professor of Law, you have resigned your chair/retired from your chair and it has been allocated to another and you carry forward the honorary title? Now I understand.
So those who accuse me of being "somewhat removed from the truth somewhere along the line???" need to be careful themselves, and get their facts RIGHT before going into print!
Oh, another threat? I hope not - consider the fact that you may have misled us all in the first place and we are only attempting to understand the situation.
One thing is quite clear from this threat, if people like me piss of the moderators we get hit with the big stick, but if they piss us off we have absolutely no means of redress, all highly unfair mehtinks!
Well, if you piss off LOTS of people and don't abide by the AUP (you will no doubt recall the stuff about abusive threats, unfriendliness etc etc - small print and all that stuff) then we do kick you off the site. However, we all enjoy a healthy debate where one person's opinion is heard amongst the many and not to the exclusion of any. Your posted provoked a strong reaction - live with it or move on.
Have been away for a while and this is the first chance I have had to respond to this. As far as I am concerned I have absolutely no time for intellectual minnows!
Good Bye and Good Luck!!!!!!!!!
well i took some time to start this but i just can be bothered to finish it off ............